Mr. Cardillo 2016 - 2017 Class Rules

Mr. Cardillo
Class Rules
2016 - 2017
8 Advanced Algebra
1. Come to class on time and prepared. You must be in your seat, binder open, and writing down
the AIM as the bell rings. This means you are on time and ready to work!
2. Begin the Do Now as quickly as possible. Directions will be either on the SmartBoard,
chalkboard, or white board. Do not wait for me to remind you to begin.
3. Bathroom Policy. Just know, if you are IN the bathroom, you are NOT in the classroom.
4. Raise Your Hand!!! Everybody in the classroom has something to offer and interrupting
questions/comments made by another student will not be taken lightly. Raise your hand and wait until I
call on you if you want to contribute to the class. DO NOT call out!
a. Do not talk with each other unless given permission. There should be no talking
amongst students when I am teaching. We will have many times where we are in groups or pairs
working collaboratively. Even then, students should be talking about the class work.
5. Do not eat in class unless you have been given special permission. The classroom should
be a place of learning, not eating. I understand that lunch periods may be missed for unusual
circumstances. Therefore, please talk to me before class starts and we will work something out. Closed
container drinks will be the only drinks allowed in the classroom.
6. Bring required materials every day unless you are otherwise directed. Always bring
your materials to class every day. A failure to have these materials when class starts will result in an
“unprepared” which will negatively affect your class grade.
7. Use polite speech and body language. Unkind teasing and impolite behavior is unacceptable.
8. Do not cheat. Students caught cheating will receive a zero and a phone call home. Both the student
who shares his work AND the person who copies it will suffer the same consequences. I expect you to
do your own work and to be sure no one copies it.
9. Do your homework. Homework will be assigned 4 – 5 days a week. If you are absent, you should
get the homework and classwork from another student. You are responsible for that days work. If you
know you will be absent, please come see me and I will give you the work in advance! Late homework
will not be accepted.
a. For each marking period, all students will start with a 100 as a homework grade. Every
homework will consists of five points. For example, if a student misses 6 homework
assignments, that student will have a homework grade of 70 for that marking period.
10. No Electronics. Silent and Away!!! Any student disrupting the class because of a cell phone or an
electronic device will have it confiscated and given to the AP. No pictures or videos will be permitted
inside the classroom.