Contemporary business is plagued by the reputation of fraud

Contemporary business is plagued by the reputation of fraud, embezzlement
scandals, and profit-crazed corporations. My education goals and, ultimately,
career goals are to change this reputation and restore good business values. In
starting, I intend on double majoring in finance and entrepreneurship at Baylor
University in Waco, Texas. In addition to my major I will be part of an
entrepreneurship dormitory, where like-minded students will partner with the third
ranked entrepreneurship program in the nation to enhance our education. At
Baylor I will begin my training in the field of entrepreneurship in hopes of starting
my own business. During my summers I aspire to have internships set up,
through Baylor, in the investment banking industry in hopes of having a job lined
up out of college. After gaining several years of experience in the workforce and
with my degree I intend on attending a top 10 MBA graduate school where I will
further my education. With a high caliber degree I will be able to open more
doors, and create a higher quality of networking to enhance my resume. After I
receive my degree I plan to continue in the investment-banking field until I have
gained enough expertise to start out on my own. As naïve as I may sound, I truly
hope to restore good business values to our society. I will great a business plan
very similar to those of Amazon, Chick- Fil-A, and Nordstorms; businesses with a
focus on the customer and providing a service in addition to their products, the
concept of customer service. I will value American jobs over increased margins; I
hope to provide a safe, healthy, and fun work environment where my employees
will be motivated to efficiency and productivity out of love for the company rather
than fearing for their job, and I hope to great a brand name coinciding with honor
and integrity. I believe that through my experience at Baylor University I will be
provided with the skills, morals, and the connections to begin my career into the
field of “good” business. At Baylor I hope to find like-minded, entrepreneurs who I
will be able to endeavor into business with in the future; social networking is one
of the largest keys to success in the business world, and I believe that my
experience at Baylor will provide me with this network to facilitate my career.
Baylor also has a career center where I hope to be set up with the internships, as
previously mentioned, with Baylor graduates with the same values and drive that
I do for the future success of my business at a fiscal and moral level. All in all,
Al’s Formal Wear should invest in my education to better our community, society,
and reputation of small business.