A Multicultural Perspective on Immigration Jill Kerper Mora, Ed.D. San Diego State University Rank order these concerns about current levels of immigration from 1 to 5: We need border security to prevent terrorism and other crimes. Immigrants are taking jobs away from American citizens & low-paid immigrant workers are pulling down wages overall for American workers New immigrants are not assimilating into American culture as did previous generations of immigrants Immigrants are clinging to the language and culture of their country of origin and not shifting their loyalty to the United States. Immigrants are a burden to society due to their use of social services in disproportion to their contribution in taxes. Our Greatest Fears Concerns about cultural assimilation of new immigrants into the American mainstream outweigh economic concerns and fears about national security in the minds of most Americans. Many of these concerns are based on myths and misunderstandings about current patterns of assimilation. These cause us to pursue laws and policies that aggravate the situations and conditions we fear rather than improve our lives in a diverse society. The Classic Melting Pot Model The Melting Pot Model assumes that ethnic differences will disappear as immigrants assimilate and become indistinguishable from “mainstream” Americans, at least in terms of speaking English and adopting American values, customs and traditions. It is based on an idealized definition of what it means to be an American. Cracks in the Melting Pot Percentages and numbers of documented vs. undocumented immigrants among the population Patterns of border crossings and legal/illegal entry into the USA Geographic dispersal of immigrant populations and formation of ethnic enclaves Economic impact of immigrant populations Patterns of economic, cultural and linguistic integration and social mobility Immigration Then & Now How is immigration today different from immigration at the beginning of the 20th century? Who were the immigrants then & now? Were they young or old, families or single men/women? Where did they come from? Where did they arrive and settle in the United States? Did they maintain ties with their countries of origin? Did immigrants go back and forth between their native countries and the USA? Historical Patterns of Assimilation Assimilation with upward mobility across generations or “downward” assimilation into social & economic underclass Identification with American dominant society’s cultural values, customs & traditions Transitional bilingualism English monolingualism after second or third generation Realities of Current Immigration Percentages and numbers of documented and undocumented immigrants among the population Geographic dispersal of immigrant populations and ethnic enclaves Economic impact of immigrant populations Patterns of cultural and linguistic integration Patterns of border crossings and legal/illegal entry into the USA Immigration Status as a Factor in Assimilation The population of the USA is comprised of 20% immigrants. 75% are legal residents. Three types of undocumented or “illegal” immigrants: Entry without inspection; visa overstayers; or violators of terms of a legal visa, such as a tourist who takes a job. Visa overstayers are 40% of illegal immigrants (OHS, 2007). There are an estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants in the USA (Pew Hispanic Center, 2006). Lack of legal status is a significant obstacle to social, economic and cultural integration. Economic Impact of Immigration: The “Ambivalent Reception” Globalization, trade, competition for workers, changing patterns of comsumption Incorporation of immigrant laborers into U.S. economy Overall costs & benefits of immigration and undocumented workers Uneven distribution of costs between federal & state governments Age demographics: Social security & retirements vs. demand for young workers Impact on Workers & Wages (Borgas, Harvard Univ., 2007) An increased labor supply between 1980-2000 due to immigration reduced wages for U.S. born men by approximately 4% and among non-high school graduates by 7.4% or $30 per week average wage. Undocumented workers create demand that leads to new jobs and economic activity. Some industries such as agriculture are heavily dependent on temporary migrant labor. The economic impact of illegal immigration is far smaller than other trends in the economy, such as automation in manufacturing and the growth of global trade. Benefit or Burden? Between 55%-65% of illegal immigrants have income tax and social security withheld from their paychecks. These deductions amounted to $7.3 billion in 2005. Very little of this money is reclaimed in refunds and/or benefits. This amount kept the social security fund from running at a deficit (more money going out than coming in) for that fiscal year. Economists generally believe that when averaged over the whole economy, the effect of illegal immigrations is a small net positive, estimated at a 1% increase in the average American’s wealth. The New Diaspora 7 major US cities are home to the majority of immigrants. More than a third of undocumented immigrants live in 3 cities: New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. Until the mid 1990’s, most new immigrants joined immigrant communities with strong networks for assisting newcomers in adapting to the new culture. A number of factors caused the dispersal of immigrants throughout the USA to states that previously had not experienced large-scale immigration. Factors Driving Geographic Dispersal Saturation of large immigrant communities New sources of employment for immigrants Patterns of seasonal or temporary migration Restrictions on border crossings preventing visits and returns of Mexican workers Increased risks of illegal crossings Transnationalism & networking between sending and receiving communities Impact of Emigration on Mexico: The Push-Pull Paradigm Geopolitical realities: We will forever be neighbors. De-population factors & impact on present & future work force Mexico’s economic growth & development prospects Mexico’s social structure & family desintegration Impact on sending and receiving communities Linguistic Assimilation 90% of U.S born Mexican immigrants speak English well. In border regions, 70% of households are Spanish/English bilingual, 30% are English monolingual. Further from the border, 60% of Mexican American children speak only English. 75% of third generation immigrant families in non-border states speak only English. Then Why the Rise in Anti-immigrant Sentiments? Fear of social and cultural change. Fear of differences and divisions. Fear of loss of control over social institutions and processes. Increased visibility of the issue because of political & legislative actions to reform immigration laws. Lack of understanding of international interrelationships and globalization with the increased need for cooperation across national boundaries in dealing with increased migration and expatriate communities. Obstacles to Cultural Integration Lack of economic opportunities from low levels of education, job skills, language skills, job-seeking skills and networks Limitations on civic participation and ability to benefit from the fruits of one’s labor Exploitation in the workplace Ethnic enclaves and social isolation Racism, prejudice & linguistic discrimination The Immigration Policy Debate: Rhetorical Symbols Discuss with a classmate the ideas & emotions associated with these symbols or phrases: Protest marchers waving the Mexican flag Press one for English Jobs that Americans won’t do Rewarding lawbreakers Cutting off the jobs magnet Bilingual education Ideologies of Cultural Integration Nativism: “Us” versus “Them” Restrictionism: The Chosen Assimilation: The Melting Pot Acculturation: The Mosaic Nativism Rights of membership and citizenship in the nation-state based on birth within its territorial boundries. (Fourteen Ammendment to the U.S. Constitution) Proposals by some factions to limit rights of citizenship by birth to children of legal residents and citizens, which would require a constitutional ammendment Solution to immigration problem is criminalization of undocumented status and deportation Restrictionism Objective is to control who becomes a legal resident or citizen. Full admission to civic society of a restricted number of immigrants who qualify, except for the right to vote. Under some federal and state laws, limits placed on social benefits for legal immigrants. Does not address the traditional and current pushpull factors in migration across the US-Mexico and the vested interests of business and industry in both legal and illegal immigration. Forced Assimilation: The Brutal Bargain” Demands are placed on immigrants to abandon the language & cultural practices of their country of origin Fails to recognize possibilities & benefits of transnational, multicultural identities Results in “reaction formation” among immigrants to reassert their national and cultural identity Results in polarization of society on issues of language, culture and belonging to a nation-state Acculturation Based on the belief that multiculturalism and binational & bicultural identities are positive assets to the nation-state and to individuals Recognizes transnational lives of today’s immigrant communities and individuals Accepts and promotes bilingualism as a valuable individual, group & societal resource Builds on social & cultural resources immigrants bring to the USA, including strong identification with older generations’ cultural values and traditions Cultural Integration Across Generations: The Social Capital Model Acceptance by society of cultural and linguistic diversity Full civil & legal status with the accompanying rights & responsibilities Human capital & strong immigrant community support networks Educational, professional & entrepreneurial opportunities, which sustain achievement drive Positive interactions with native English speakers and proficient bilinguals Our Policy Options:Which Ones Address the Core Concerns? Criminalization of illegal immigration status Large-scale deportations A border fence Increased border security Increased numbers and types of legal visas including temporary work visas Legalization and paths to citizenship Toward a Multicultural Society Critical examination of “brutal bargain” policies that produce negative reactions, isolation and discrimination against immigrants Support for immigrant communities and acculturation networks to build social capital Avoidance of unintended consequences of misguided or ineffective laws and policies. Enacting laws and policies that enhance assimilation and full integration of immigrants as contributing members of society. Implications for Education Bilingual education as a positive model of acculturation Critical examination of equity issues involved standards & accountability movement Promoting educational aspirations and opportunities among and for Latino students Fostering positive bicultural & multicultural identities among immigrant students Outreach to immigrant parents and communities to build connections between home and school Further Reading Alba, R. & Nee, V. (2003). Remaking the American mainstream: Assimilation & contemporary immigration. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press Chomsky, A. (2007). “They take our jobs!” and 20 other myths about immigration. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. Jacoby, T. (Ed.) (2004). Reinventing the Melting Pot: The New Immigrants and what it means to be American. New York, NY: Perseus Book Group. Portes, A., & Rumbaut, R.G. (2001). Legacies: The story of the immigrant second generation. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.