soal pemicu uas 2015

Mata Kuliah
Dosen Pengampu
Sifat Ujian
Hari / Tanggal Ujian
: Perubahan Biokimia Selama Proses (Kelas H, K)
: Shinta Rosalia Dewi, S.Si, M.Sc
: Take Home
: Selasa / 23 Juni 2015
: 12.30-14.30
Petunjuk Soal :
1. Berikut terdapat 5 buah soal pemicu (Pemicu A, B, C, D, dan E), silahkan Anda
memilih satu pemicu.
2. Pemicu yang sudah dipilih, silahkan diidentifikasi permasalahan dan isu
pembelajarannya (isikan dalam borang pendefinisian masalah)
3. Jawaban dibuat dalam bentuk laporan (dikerjakan perorangan) dan
dikumpulkan pada tanggal dan waktu ujian (23 Juni 2015), diberikan kepada
pengawas ujian. Jika ada plagialism, nilai akan dibagi rata (no compromise).
Definisi Masalah :
Isu pembelajaran yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan
“Honesty is the first chapter of the book wisdom.”
MSG (monosodium glutamate) merupakan salah satu bahan tambahan pangan yang cukup
banyak digunakan dalam masakan. MSG biasanya lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat dalam bentuk
Merk dagangnya, seperti Royco, Masako, Ajinomoto, dan lain-lain. MSG digunakan sebagai
bumbu tambahan dalam masakan supaya masakan menjadi lebih gurih dan bercita rasa.
Cooks around the world have remained dedicated to MSG, even though they may not
know it by that name. As hydrolyzed soy protein or autolyzed yeast, it adds flavor to the
canned chicken broth and to the packs of onion soup mix used by American home cooks,
and to the cheese Goldfish crackers and the low-fat yogurts in many lunchboxes.
It is the taste of Marmite in the United Kingdom, of Golden Mountain sauce in Thailand,
of Goya Sazón on the Latin islands of the Caribbean, of Salsa Lizano in Costa Rica and of
Kewpie mayonnaise in Japan.
“It’s all the same thing: glutamate,” said Dr. Nirupa Chaudhari of the University of
Miami, who was part of the first research team to identify human glutamate receptors.
In September Dr. Chaudhari will take part in the University of Tokyo’s centenary
celebrations honoring Prof. Kikunae Ikeda’s 1908 discovery of glutamate flavor. The
Japanese company Ajinomoto turned that discovery into crystalline powder form, MSG,
and patented it in 1909.
“Just like salt and sugar, it exists in nature, it tastes good at normal levels, but large
amounts at high concentrations taste strange and aren’t that good for you,” Dr.
Chaudhari said.
Maggi sauce (there are various other Maggi products, not all of which contain MSG) is
extremely popular in regions as far-flung as India, Mexico, the Philippines and the Ivory
Coast. One of Thailand’s favorite late-night street foods, pad kee mao, or drunkard’s
noodles, relies on its sweet-salty-meaty taste; the Malaysian version is called Maggi
“Asia wouldn’t survive without MSG,” said Mike Crewe-Brown, a cooking teacher who
recently spent three months producing a food documentary in Southeast Asia.
Jelaskan bagaimana proses pembuatan (produksi) MSG, serta jelaskan perubahan biokimia yang
terjadi selama proses pembuatan MSG? Bahan apa sajakah yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan
baku pembuatan MSG, mengapa?
“Honesty is the first chapter of the book wisdom.”
Yogurt merupakan salah satu produk minuman yang baik bagi kesehatan tubuh. Yogurt
biasanya dibuat dari susu yang difermentasi, bisa digunakan susu jenis apapun. Sebagian
besar masyarakat menyebut yogurt dengan susu fermentasi, dan mempunyai bakteri
baik bagi lambung. Jenis yogurt beraneka macam, mulai dari drinking yoghurt, frozen
yoghurt, sampai ice cream yoghurt.
A newcomer to the frozen yogurt business is Heavenly Blush, which has just
opened its second outlet in Mall Kelapa Gading 3. With the slogan "Guiltlessly
satisfied", Heavenly Blush was established in late 2008.
Managing Director of Heavenly Blush Dien Kwik said that his business is focused
on its core: health food.
"We want to promote healthy food, healthy lifestyles. That's why we have sugar
free yogurt. Our yogurt also contains symbiotics, which are very good for
health," Dien, who also works for health food producer Nutrifood, said.
Susana, head of the Nutrifood Research Center, said that the symbiotic in
Heavenly Blush are combination of probiotics and prebiotics, which synergize the
immune system and benefit digestion.
Probiotics are living microorganisms that can benefit digestive health. Probiotics
can stimulate the activity of the colon.
Besides the sugar-free yogurt, Heavenly Blush also offers their original classic as
well as seasonal pomegranate and peach flavors. Twist flavors are also available.
Heavenly Blush also serves smoothies.
According to Susana, dairy products are not traditionally consumed here, as
most Asian people are lactose intolerant. But, she added, yogurt is the best dairy
product, because the bacteria in the yogurt is good for daily consumption.
Whichever frozen yogurt store you choose, they will surely satisfy your tastebuds as well as your conscience.
Jelaskan proses pembuatan yogurt dan proses perubahan biokimia yang terjadi pada proses
pembuatannya! Apa yang perbedaan prebiotik, probiotik dan sinbiotik, dan mengapa yogurt bisa
memperbaiki masalah dalam saluran pencernaan manusia?
“Honesty is the first chapter of the book wisdom.”
Coklat merupakan salah satu jajanan yang banyak disukai masyarakat, terutama anakanak dan perempuan. Coklat dapat disajikan dalam berbagai bentuk, misalnya dalam
bentuk coklat bar, minuman coklat, serta coklat bubuk untuk tambahan dalam membuat
kue atau jajanan lainnya. Selain rasanya yang enak, coklat juga memiliki manfaat bagi
kesehatan. Coklat dipercaya dapat menurunkan stress karena mengandung senyawa
flavanoid yang dapat memperbaiki mood seseorang.
Local cocoa and chocolate associations blame the absence of incentives for local
farmers to produce fermented cocoa beans as the primary reason behind the
failure to develop the country's downstream chocolate industry.
"The reason (for the underdeveloped local chocolate industry) is that most
beans harvested here are not fermented," chairman of the Indonesian Cocoa and
Chocolate Entrepreneurs Organization, Sonny Satari, told The Jakarta Post
"Farmers choose to sell their beans directly after harvest without fermenting
them first because the process requires more effort and time, while the
difference in price with unfermented beans is not that high," he said.
In the process of making chocolate, cacao beans must first undergo
fermentation before drying in order to create the special aroma of chocolate.
Jelaskan proses pengolahan coklat, mulai dari biji coklat sampai menjadi coklat bar yang siap
dimakan! Jelaskan perubahan biokimia yang terjadi pada proses pembuatan coklat tersebut!
Mengapa coklat dikatakan dapat menurunkan stress?
“Honesty is the first chapter of the book wisdom.”
Tempe merupakan makanan yang merupakan hasil fermentasi dari kedelai. Di Indonesia tempe
dianggap sebagai makanan rakyat jelata, tapi sebenarnya kandungan gizi dalam tempe cukup
tinggi dan sangat bermanfaat. Tempe tidak hanya dikenal di Indonesia, tetapi juga di luar negeri.
di Jepang, tempe justru sudah dipatenkan.
Most fast food contains too many calories, salt and artery-clogging cholesterol to eat
every day, or even once a week. It is disheartening to note that these fatty meals are
taking over our dining tables. Recently, while doing research for my final year essay, I
had to analyze the effect of potassium salts on the growth of Rhizopus oligosporus (the
fungus grown on soybeans that makes it into soybean cake) on tempeh.
Although tempeh has been a favorite food and staple source of protein in Indonesia for
several hundred years, it hasn’t been as popular in the world as it has been locally.
Normally tempeh is sliced and fried until the surface is crisp and golden brown or tempeh
can be used as an ingredient in soups, spreads, salads or sandwiches.
Tempeh is very nutritive and contains a lot of health-promoting phytochemicals such as
isoflavones and soy saponins. Tempeh fermentation produces natural antibiotic agents
but leaves the desirable soy isoflavones and most of the saponins intact.
Tempeh is a complete protein food that contains all of the essential amino acids. The soy
protein and isoflavones have many health benefits.
Isoflavones strengthen bones, helps to ease menopause symptoms, reduces the risk of
coronary heart disease and some cancers. Tempeh maintains all the fiber of the beans
and gains some digestive benefits from the enzymes created during the fermentation
process. Easily available and easily prepared perhaps this local dish could make it on to
the plates of the rapidly growing fast food industry of the world, as it is not only delicious
but also very nutritive.
Jelaskan bagaimana proses pembuatan tempe, dan jelaskan perubahan kimia yang terjadi selama
proses pembuatan tempe! Factor apa saja yang mempengaruhi fermentasi pada tempe?
Mengapa tempe berwarna putih?
“Honesty is the first chapter of the book wisdom.”
Kopi merupakan salah satu minuman yang cukup disukai dan banyak dijual, mulai dari warung
kopi sampai kafe berkelas. Kopi mempunyai berbagai cita rasa, tergantung dari jenisnya. Di
Indonesia dikenal kopi luwak, espresso, capucino, moccachino, kopi hitam, dan berbagai kopi
lokal seperti kopi lampung, kopi aceh, kopi bali, dan masih banyak lagi. Kopi dihasilkan dari biji
kopi yang diolah dengan serangkaian proses.
A group of college students produced coffee by imitating the natural
fermentation that makes kopi luwak or civet coffee.
“This is a solution for coffee farmers in Lampung who have experienced a
decrease in orders [for civet coffee],” Suroyo Roy, a student at Darmajaya
Informatics and Business Institute and one of the initiators of the project said
Roy claimed the artificial process of fermentation and enzyme reaction was the
same as happened through digestion. “The taste is the same as coffee beans
digested by civets.”
Earlier, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) organized a
boycott of the country’s popular commodity kopi luwak due to the abuse of
Jelaskan proses pembuatan kopi secara umum, dan jelaskan proses perubahan kimia selama
proses pembuatan kopi! Apakah perbedaan kopi biasa dengan white coffee dan kopi luwak, dari
segi produk dan prosesnya?
“Honesty is the first chapter of the book wisdom.”