curriculum night - Cherokee County Schools

Welcome to
About me…
• My name is Allison Palm.
• I’ve been married to my husband, Brian, for 5 years. He works in an ER.
• We don’t have any children yet, but we do have a dog named Brody.
• This is my second year at WES and my seventh year teaching.
• I’ve previously taught Pre-K and Kindergarten.
About me…
• I graduated from Etowah High School.
• I earned my Bachelors in Early Childhood Education from UGA with an
endorsement in Mathematics.
• I earned my Masters in Early Childhood from UGA with an endorsement in
Early Literacy.
• My college experiences have made me a big college football fan…GO
I am here to support you and your child this year. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you
may have. Communication between teachers and families is crucial!
Communication options:
• Notes in the agenda or take-home folder (if money is being sent, please put it in a LABELED baggy or envelope)
• Leave a message with the office: 770-926-6969
• Email me at (If it’s a change in transportation for that day, PLEASE call the
• Class website
Behavior – We have 4 simple rules: Be responsible, be respectful, be ready to learn, and be really safe. You may have
heard your kiddos talking about these 4 “Rs” and our “First Grade Experts”. We have spent a lot of time on them.
If a student is not following one of our rules, their clip will move down on our clip chart. Likewise, if they are being
excellent examples of the 4 rules, their clip can move up.
Serious behavior problems or continuous classroom disruption will be handled on an individual basis.
Homework – A homework calendar packet will be sent home monthly. This will have the homework papers for the
month stapled to it. I told the kids to keep this in the back pocket of their take-home folder so that it will always be
accessible. (I have told them that their homework pages are THEIR responsibility, not yours! ) When your child
completes a page in this packet, please remind them to tear it off and put it in the return to school side of the take-home
folder. This saves time when I check homework. Math homework will come
home daily and will be in the take-home folder.
PAWS– I’m sure you have heard all about our school rules (The PAWS rules). All WES students began the year with
PAWS Camp where they went over the rules in depth. The rules are:
• Promote the Wildcat Team
• Accept Responsibility
• Work Hard
• Show Respect
We have a brand new very exciting system this year with PAWS. It is based on a system used at The Ron Clark
Academy. We have all been put into “packs”, all named after
a different wildcat. Our class is in the Cheetah pack.
The Pack System – The kids will be earning points for their pack all year long. They can be rewarded points in any place
in the school. Each quarter, a “Pride of the PAWS” student will be selected from each homeroom. This will replace student
of the month. This student will receive a special brag tag at the quarterly Wildcat Council. There will also be brag tags for
“Pride of the Wildcats” and “Pride of Woodstock.
We will also be having pack competitions throughout the
year. Go Cheetah pack!
We follow the Georgia Standards of Excellence for Math and Reading/Language Arts. These are new this year. The
standards for Science, Social Studies, or Health are integrated into our curriculum. We follow the state frameworks for these subjects.
Students will also participate in “specials” like P.E., Music, Art, Computer Lab, iPad Lab, and our brand new Science Lab.
We follow a 7 day rotation of these specials. Monthly calendars for our rotation will be sent home at the beginning of the month and
will also be available on the class website.
We will visit the library as a class every other
Reading is a huge part of first grade. We start off the year practicing simple decoding and blending and
continue to work toward fluency all year long. Reading will be taught through multiple modes: whole group, small
group, guided reading, centers, independent work, etc.
We will have a weekly story that we will all read and discuss, but students will also receive stories to
read that are on their instructional reading level. We will take a reading test every Friday that will test highfrequency
words (sight words) as well as comprehension of our
weekly story.
By the end of the year, your first grader will be able to:
read grade-level text 60 words per minute with fluency and expression
comprehend what they are reading (answer questions like who? what? where? when? why?)
identify elements of a story like character, setting, plot, etc.
differentiate between fiction and nonfiction and between fantasy and realism
discuss cause and effect within stories
retell and respond to literature
We use a intensive phonics program called Saxon Phonics. Students will be learning how to “code”
different letter sounds in order to build fluency. Saxon phonics also includes many spelling rules that are helpful
for students.
I have included a “cheat sheet” for parents in your information tonight. There are a lot of symbols and
rules that you may be unfamiliar with. This page should help!
AR is a wonderful reading program that Woodstock participates in. Your child has either already taken or will a
computerized test to give them their AR level. They can check out books from the library on their AR level and take
comprehension tests on the computer to earn AR points.
Students will not take AR tests on their library books unless it is written in the AR log.
I encourage the children to read the book 3 times before taking the test (unless it is a chapter book). We have a
new “AR Store” this year where students will redeem prizes twice a month.
& Grammar
We will be learning about:
Sentence Structure
Parts of Speech
Using Graphic Organizers
The Writing Process – prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing
These three writing genres:
 Narrative
 Informational/Explanatory
 Opinion
• Spelling pretests are given on Fridays.
• If only one or two words are missed on the pretest, the student will be assigned to the challenge list.
• If they are on List B (challenge words), they will still have to spell any words they missed on the pretest.
• Challenge words are added as bonus points to the List A score.
• Spelling lists will be sent home on Mondays.
• Spelling tests are given on Fridays.
We are piloting a brand new math program this year. It is called Go Math. There are many technology
components in this program and at some point, you will receive log-ins to access the program/extra practice at
The kids will be also bringing home flashcards from class to practice at home. Please work on these
math facts with your child.
O= Outstanding (Produces High Quality Work Consistently)
95%- 100%
S= Satisfactory (Produces Work of satisfactory quality)
N= Needs Improvement (Work is inconsistent in quality and needs additional support)
70% - 79%
U= Unsatisfactory (Seldom produces work of satisfactory quality or demonstrates a lack of effort)
0% - 69%
Reading – participation, weekly reading tests, running records, sight word assessments, phonics assessments
Spelling – weekly tests
Writing/Grammar – participation, grammar tests, and selected writing samples
Math – combination of participation, quizzes, and tests
Science/Social Studies/Health – graded for
Other Info
Field Trips – We will be sending a form home later this week about field trips. We charge a flat rate at the beginning of the year to
cover your child’s first grade t-shirt as well as all field trips this year. We are planning two off-campus fields as well as several oncampus trips.
Volunteering – I have your volunteer forms and will be getting information about opportunities sent out beginning in September.
Scholastic Book orders – you will receive Scholastic book flyers once a month. These are high-quality books at can’t-be-beat prices.
Plus…every order earns free books for our classroom!
Conferences – I typically hold conferences for all students twice a year (fall and spring). If there is a specific problem or you would
like to meet with me at another time, please just let me know.
How can I
help my child?
Read at home! Read to your child or listen to your child read to you EVERY NIGHT.
Study spelling words and sight words.
Practice math flashcards.
Check your child’s agenda and take-home folder every night.
Make sure your child gets enough sleep.
Make sure your child eats a good breakfast.
Ensure your child has good attendance and is here on time!
I appreciate
you coming!
**Please sign the compact.**