Course Syllabus and Expectations

English 10H
Mrs. DeMella/2015-2016
(914) 422-2154
“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.” - Ralph Ellison
Course Description
The 10th grade Honors English curriculum will explore the over-arching theme of
CULTURE & IDENTITY while continuing to focus on close reading of texts, analytical
writing, speaking and listening, and language skills. We will cover four major units that
include various non-fiction and informational texts as well as fictional stories, novels, poetry,
film, art, and Shakespearean drama. In addition, we will be reading, interpreting, and
discussing engaging texts using the Great Books Shared Inquiry model.
As a class, we will read/study the following whole class texts this year:
 Summer Reading: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime (novel) and Funny in
Farsi (memoir)
 Tuesdays with Morrie (non-fiction)
 Night (memoir)
 Lord of the Flies (novel)
 Flowers for Algernon (novel)
 Shakespeare: Macbeth or Much Ado about Nothing
Each unit contains 1-2 major projects/assessments, reading and vocabulary quizzes, and a
wide-range of activities that develop precision in reading and writing as well as higher-order
critical thinking skills. There will be an emphasis on the following types of critical essays
found on the new Common Core English Regents Exam, which you will take at the end of
your junior year.
 literary/poetry analysis essay
 synthesis argument essay
Class Expectations
As an honors English student, you are expected to:
 Attend class every day and be on time as outlined in our school attendance policy.
 Be prepared with all appropriate classroom materials (see supply list below)
 Demonstrate a commitment and passion for the subject
 Be highly motivated and willing to accept more challenging assignments
 Take initiative
 Consistently produce high quality work
 Maintain academic honesty
Grading Breakdown
Formal Essays/ Tests/Projects/Assessments
Supply List
 A 2 or 3” three-ring binder with section dividers and standard size loose-leaf paper for
each section.
 Several blue and black pens, highlighters, post-it notes
 Optional: pocket folders
* Recommendations for how to organize your binder will be discussed in the first week and
are also posted on my web page.
*NOTE* The expectation is that all Formal Writing Assignments such as major essays
and/or projects will be typed in 12 point font, double-spaced, numbered, and stapled
before they are submitted. In addition, a Modern Language Association (MLA) style header
with student’s last name and page number listed on each page is advised. Students should
always make copies of their work for their records.
Student Responsibility
Part of being a high school student means becoming more responsible for your own education.
This means if you are absent, it is your responsibility to contact a classmate or your
teachers for any missed assignments and meet the deadline arranged with your teacher.
*Please see the question: ‘What do I do if I miss class due to an excused absence?’ on page 3 for further
Late work is penalized. In addition, after five days, a formal writing assignment will not be
accepted. Extensions may be granted in extenuating circumstances. However, extensions
must be requested prior to the paper’s due date. In addition, if you are having an academic or
personal difficulty and need to meet with your teachers, you should contact them to arrange
an appointment time.
You begin the year with our complete trust. Please do not take that trust away by cheating or
being dishonest in any way. We always encourage cooperative learning, and you’re always
free to get together with other students to brainstorm, discuss assignments, and study for
exams. However, no form of plagiarism or cheating is acceptable. We will review and abide
by the school’s plagiarism and academic honesty policies.
Our wish for you…
We are excited and proud to return for another year at White Plains High School. Please
remember, we are here to help you improve and grow as readers, writers, and thinkers. Our
expectations for you are high, but we will support you as you reach towards our high
expectations. We value you each as an important member of this class, and we look forward
to a productive and satisfying year. 
Additional Frequently Asked Questions in Mrs. DeMella’s English 2H Class
Please read them over. Then keep this sheet handy (in Course Guidelines) so that you can refer
to it should a question arise.
What do I do when I first enter the classroom?
First of all, you are expected to enter on time! Lateness will affect your class participation grade, and
excessive lateness will result in a detention. Enter quietly and report to your assigned seat. Take out your
required materials (including homework), and copy the homework. Read the chalkboard/whiteboard for
instructions. There may be a brief assignment or a quiz to complete.
Where should I sit?
You will be given a seating assignment in the first two weeks of school. Please respect
this assignment even if I am absent. Seat assignments may be changed mid-year.
Am I permitted to eat or drink in the classroom?
Please do not eat, drink (except water), or chew gum in class. Exception = first period.
What is the electronics policy?
Your phone and I-Pod must be OUT OF SIGHT. Phones must be turned OFF or on
vibrate. Headphones/ear buds may not be worn in class.
What should I do if I need to use the restroom?
You should use the restroom between classes. However, if you should have an emergency, raise your hand
and ask me for permission to take the pass. If permission is given, you must sign out (name and time) and
back in upon your return. If a pattern develops, you may lose bathroom privileges. If you do leave the
room, remember that you are responsible for whatever you may have missed.
How and when do I turn in my work?
Please see the handout on my homework policies. This is also posted on my webpage.
What do I do if I miss class due to an excused absence?
It is your responsibility to get the notes/assignments you missed; call a friend or email me at: You should also refer to my website and to the parent portal. When
you return to class, check the bins of extra handouts and talk to me. If you come to school late or
legitimately leave early, you must do one of the following:
 see me.
 email me and check to be sure I received your message.
If you are absent for a quiz/test, you must expect to make it up on the day of your return. It is your
responsibility to insure that missed tests/quizzes are made up in a timely manner. If you come in late or
leave early due to a doctor’s appointment, field trip, or other legitimate reason, please see me to turn in
any assignments or pick up any work for the missed class. Finally, if you know in advance that you
will be absent, see me ahead of time so that you can avoid falling behind! I can usually be found in one
of the following locations:
 B120, B122, The Library/Media Center, C125 Copy Room
What if I miss class due to a detention?
You must see me on the same day or send me an email. If you submit work on the following day, you
will lose points for lateness. If you miss a quiz or a test, you will receive a ZERO.
What about a missed class due to a school activity?
Again, you must see me on the same day or send me an email. Otherwise, it will be considered late. If
you miss a test or quiz, you must bring a note from the supervising teacher which states (s)he was aware
that you had a test/quiz but could not excuse you. Without this signed note, you will receive a ZERO.
After reading and discussing the Course Syllabus and Classroom Expectations with your
parent/guardian, please complete this portion and return to your teacher by the end of
this week.
Teacher’s Name______________________________________
, and I,
, have read
and understand the English 10H course syllabus and the course expectations for the 2015-2016 school year.
(Parent/guardian signature)
(Student signature)
*The following is my most current home contact information:
Daytime phone #: ____________________________________________
Parent Email: ________________________________________________
Additional contact information and comments: