SENIOR DRAMA Aldridge State High School YEAR 11 – SEMESTER 1, TERM 2 Senior Drama Realism & Australian Drama Dimension 1: Forming (Individual) Practical: Directing (Published Playtext) Semester 1 – Task 3 - Forming Name______________________________ Drafts Due: Due Date: Context DIRECTING “There is no definitive originary meaning, since what the "original" performance meant will itself have been fragmented, and experienced in many different ways” Michael Shanks Theatre/Archaeology “Every good play has a basic “will she or won’t she…,” an essential question about the central character(s) that keeps the audience interested, a question around which all the action revolves. Think of Shakespeare’s Hamlet: Will the prince avenge his father’s murder? Ibsen’s A Doll’s House:Will Nora keep her secret from Torvald? As the Director, you must understand what primarily keeps the audience interested in the ongoing action.” Frank Hauser: Notes on Directing “To be a director you have to be in complete control of the set, complete control of the surroundings, and very aware of what's going on, what's being used and what's not being used... It's insanity. To be an actor you have to be, in a sense, out of control.” Johnny Depp SENIOR DRAMA Aldridge State High School YEAR 11 – SEMESTER 1, TERM 2 Task: You are required to select an extract from an Australian Realist playtext and direct peer actors. You need to read the play in its entirety to fully understand and envision the play on the stage. You will then need to select an extract (scene) that will enable you to show your skills in the management and manipulation of the elements of drama, whilst highlighting the conventions of Realism. This task will consist of a written Director’s Folio, and a live four – six minute directing presentation. On the day of your assessment you will practically demonstrate your directorial vision. The teacher will select your actors to help demonstrate this vision. Any special staging, props or costumes required to show your directional intentions, will need to be provided by you. You can choose from: Fly in Fly out Blackrock After January Task A- Director’s Folio- Written Component 1. A 200-300 word rationale 2. Your chosen section of script, fully annotated including blocking, intention, action, subtext, beats (Original in-class drawn on versions, AND a neatly presented portfolio style version required) 3. A neatly presented Stage Diagram (a birds eye view of the stage space, with clear indications of significant stage objects) inclusive with any props or costumes required. Task B – Directorial Workshop – Performance as a director (4-6 minutes) 1. You will direct the actors in your selected scene, providing them with explicit directions about how to perform, and your intended blocking. Your actors will have 10 – 15 minutes to read the script on their own before they receive your direction, where they will work the scene in a staged reading workshop scenario. 2. Provide a copy of your annotated script for the actors on the day. Student assessment requirements: Audio visual recording of the directorial input. You will provide a reflection after your assessment. An explanation detailing the background to the conceptualisation (artistic directorial vision) and creation of dramatic action and meaning. A script with annotations indicating choices about management and shaping of the dramatic languages. Additional notes required to support your choices. Dramatic Languages Elements of Drama Mood Situation Tension Movement Space Symbol Place Time Character Skills of Performance Directing Conventions of Forms and Styles Realism The Fourth wall Realistic set and costumes Breaking down the play Emotional and sensory recall Super objective “The magic if Conditions: Two weeks preparation time 4 – 6 minutes directing time Actors will be chosen at random on the day of assessment, 10-15 minutes to read through excerpt Students must supply a highlighted, printed copy of the script for their scene to their actors One draft permitted Criteria: The student work has the following characteristics: management of elements of drama to create dramatic action. use of a range of conventions of forms and styles, and skills of drama to shape dramatic action. synthesis of the dramatic languages, purposes and contexts to create dramatic action and meaning. OVERALL GRADE SENIOR DRAMA Aldridge State High School YEAR 11 – SEMESTER 1, TERM 2 Task 4 - Directing workshop and supporting folio – FORMING / Individual Criteria A The student work has the following characteristics: B C D The student work has the following characteristics: The student work has the following characteristics: The student work has the following characteristics: skilful management of elements of drama to create dramatic action. management of elements of drama to create dramatic action. partial management of aspects of elements of drama to make dramatic action. skilful use of a range of conventions of forms and styles, and skills of drama to shape dramatic action. use of a range of conventions of forms and styles, and skills of drama to shape dramatic action. partial use of conventions of forms and styles, and skills of drama to make dramatic action. E The student work has the following characteristics: See task sheet FINAL GRADE: perceptive and skilful management of elements of drama to create dramatic action. perceptive and skilful use of a range of conventions of forms and styles, and skills of drama to shape dramatic action. insightful and skilful synthesis of the dramatic languages, purposes and contexts to create dramatic action and meaning. skilful synthesis of the dramatic languages, purposes and contexts to create dramatic action and meaning. synthesis of the dramatic languages, purposes and contexts to create dramatic action and meaning. Teachers Comment: Teacher's Signature: Date: partial use of purposes and contexts to make dramatic action and superficial meaning. partial use of aspects of elements of drama to make dramatic action. partial use of aspects of conventions of forms and styles, and skills of drama to make dramatic action. partial use of aspects of purposes and contexts to make dramatic action. SENIOR DRAMA Aldridge State High School YEAR 11 – SEMESTER 1, TERM 2