8th Grade Drama Terms Worksheet

8th Grade
Drama Terms
1. drama
a story intended to be performed for an audience
2. scenes
divisions of acts that occur in different settings
3. acts
a major division within a play in which two or more scenes
are grouped together
4. cast of characters
a list of all the characters in the play, usually in the order of
5. stage direction
instructions for the director, the actors, and the stage crew
6. props
an abbreviation of the word “property”; any object that is used in a
7. scenery
a painted backdrop or other structures used to create the setting for
a play
8. narrator
a character who sets the scene for the play and comments on the
9. comedy
a dramatic work that is light and humorous in tone and usually
ends happily
10. farce
a type of exaggerated comedy that features an absurd plot and
ridiculous situations in order to keep an audience laughing
11. tragedy
a dramatic work that presents the downfall of a character due to
bad judgment and that leads to a disastrous conclusion, usually
12. historical drama
a dramatic work that takes place in the past and is based on real
events and historical figures although the action and dialogue are
created by the playwright
13. radio play
a dramatic work that is written to be broadcast over the radio and
that uses sound effects to help listeners imagine the setting and