Pumps and applications

There are two broad categories of turbo machinery, pumps and turbines. The word pump is a
general term for any fluid machine that adds energy to a fluid. Some authors call pumps energy
absorbing devices since energy is supplied to them, and they transfer most of that energy to the
fluid, usually via a rotating shaft (Fig. 14–1a). The increase in fluid energy is usually felt as an
increase in the pressure of the fluid. Turbines, on the other hand, are energy producing devices—
they extract energy from the fluid and transfer most of that energy to some form of mechanical energy
output, typically in the form of a rotating shaft (Fig. 14–1b). The fluid at the outlet of a turbine suffers
an energy loss, typically in the form of a loss of pressure.
The purpose of a pump is to add energy to a fluid, resulting in an increase in fluid pressure,
not necessarily an increase of fluid speed across the pump.
An analogous statement is made about the purpose of a turbine:
The purpose of a turbine is to extract energy from a fluid, resulting in a decrease of fluid
pressure, not necessarily a decrease of fluid speed across the turbine.
Fluid machines that move liquids are called pumps but there are several other names for machines
that move gases (Fig. 14–3).
A fan is a gas pump with relatively low pressure rise and high flow rate. Examples include ceiling
fans, house fans, and propellers. A blower is a gas pump with relatively moderate to high pressure
rise and moderate to high flow rate. Examples include centrifugal blowers and squirrel cage blowers
in automobile ventilation systems, furnaces, and leaf blowers. A compressor is a gas pump designed
to deliver a very high pressure rise, typically at low to moderate flow rates. Examples include air
compressors that run pneumatic tools and inflate tires at automobile service stations, and refrigerant
compressors used in heat pumps, refrigerators, and air conditioners.
Definition of PUMPS and Introduction:
To transport water through pipes energy has to be fed to the water. The energy is needed to
overcome the dynamic friction losses in the pipe. Also energy is needed to compensate differences in
level between the beginning and the end of a pipe (lift energy).
Basically a pump is a piece of equipment to feed energy to a water flow.
Two types of pumps can be distinguished:
 Pumps capable of lifting water from one free surface to another: open pumps or Archimedean
 Pumps capable of feeding energy to water in combination with a closed pipe: centrifugal or
impeller pumps
Pumps are used for instance to
pump water out of the ground,
to overcome level differences in treatment processes,
to transport drinking or sewerage water over large distances in combination with pipes
or to dispose of rain water from polders.
Numerous other applications of pumps can be given, but they won’t be dealt with in this
Classifications of Pumps
Question could be asked as follows: Classify Pumps into three categories and their sub divisions. Then draw the
Centrifugal type of pumps showing the main components of the pump.
Centrifugal Pump
This machine consists of an IMPELLER rotating within a case (diffuser). Liquid directed into the
center of the rotating impeller is picked up by the impeller’s vanes and accelerated to a higher
velocity by the rotation of the impeller and discharged by
centrifugal force into the case (diffuser).
A collection chamber in the casing converts much of the Kinetic Energy (energy due to velocity)
into Head or Pressure.
Pump characteristics (Performance)
The hydraulic properties of a pump can be described by some characteristics:
Q-H curve
Efficiency curve
Power curve
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) curve.
Q-H curve The Q-H curve is the relation between the volume flow and the pressure at a
constant speed of the pump crank. The H in the curve is the difference in energy level between
the suction and the pressure side of the pump.
Q-H curves will be given by the manufacturer of the pump and can normally be considered as a
simple quadratic curve.
An example of a pump curve is given in figure
System Performance Curve is a mapping of the head required to produce flow in a given
system. A system includes all the pipe, fittings and devices the fluid must flow through, and
represents the friction loss the fluid experiences
Efficiency curve the hydraulic efficiency of the pump with the motor is given with the efficiency
curve. The hydraulic efficiency is the relation between the absorbed hydraulic energy
(pressure and velocity) and the provided mechanical energy at the pump crank including the
power efficiency of the motor.
How we avoid Cavitation??
Where we take the datum through the centerline of the pump impeller inlet (eye). This difference is
called the Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH), so that
Ps Vs2 Pvapor
NPSH   
 2g 
NPSH curve The Net Positive Suction Head curve is the relation between the volume flow Q
and the needed margin between the energy level at the suction side of the pump and the vapour
pressure of the water to prevent too much cavitation in the pump. At the suction side of a pump
negative pressures, i.e. pressures below the atmospheric pressure, can occur, especially when the
actual weir of the pump
is above the level of the reservoir the water is drawn from. This negative pressure is
limited to the actual vapour pressure of the fluid at the current temperature. If this allowable negative
pressure is subsided, cavitations will take place in the pump. Although a small amount of cavitations
within a pump cannot be avoided, this should be limited. The NPSH requirements of a pump give
these limitations.
To avoid unacceptable cavitations the available NPSH should be larger or equal to the needed
NPSH. The available NPSH is defined as:
with h the pressure at the impeller entrance, v the velocity of the water at the impeller entrance. The
various pump curves are provided by the pump manufacturer.
Classification of pumps
Fluid machines may also be broadly classified as either positive-displacement machines or dynamic
machines, based on the manner in which energy transfer occurs. In positive-displacement machines,
fluid is directed into a closed volume. Energy transfer to the fluid is accomplished by movement of the
boundary of the closed volume, causing the volume to expand or contract, thereby sucking fluid in or
squeezing fluid out, respectively. Your heart is a good example of a positive-displacement pump (Fig.
It is designed with one-way valves that open to let blood in as heart chambers expand, and other oneway valves that open as blood is pushed out of those chambers when they contract. An example of a
positive-displacement turbine is the common water meter in your house (Fig. 14–5b), in which water
forces itself into a closed chamber of expanding volume connected to an output shaft that turns as
water enters the chamber. The boundary of the volume then collapses, turning the output shaft some
more, and letting the water continue on its way to your sink, shower, etc. The water meter records
each 360° rotation of the output shaft, and the meter is precisely calibrated to the known volume of
fluid in the chamber.
Pumps in Series and Parallel
When faced with the need to increase volume flow rate or pressure rise by a small amount, you might
consider adding an additional smaller pump in series or in parallel with the original pump. While
series or parallel arrangement is acceptable for some applications, arranging dissimilar pumps in
series or in parallel may lead to problems, especially if one pump is much larger than the other (Fig.
A better course of action is to increase the original pump’s speed and/or input power (larger electric
motor), replace the impeller with a larger one, or replace the entire pump with a larger one. The logic
for this decision can be seen from the pump performance curves, realizing that pressure rise and
volume flow rate are related Arranging dis-similar pumps in series may create problems because the
volume flow rate through each pump must be the same, but the overall pressure rise is equal
to the pressure rise of one pump plus that of the other. If the pumps have widely different
performance curves, the smaller pump may be forced to operate beyond its free delivery flow rate,
whereupon it acts like a head loss, reducing the total volume flow rate. Arranging dissimilar pumps in
parallel may create problems because the overall pressure rise must be the same, but the net volume
flow rate is the sum of that through each branch. If the pumps are not sized properly, the smaller
pump may not be able to handle the large head imposed on it, and the flow in its branch could
actually be reversed; this would inadvertently reduce the overall pressure rise. In either case, the
power supplied to the smaller pump would be wasted. Keeping these cautions in mind, there are
many applications where two or more similar (usually identical) pumps are operated in series or in
parallel. When operated in series, the combined net head is simply the sum of the net heads of each
pump (at a given volume flow rate),
When two or more identical (or similar) pumps are operated in parallel, their individual volume flow
rates (rather than net heads) are summed,
Positive-Displacement Pumps
People have designed numerous positive-displacement pumps throughout the centuries. In each
design, fluid is sucked into an expanding volume and then
pushed along as that volume contracts, but the mechanism that causes this change in volume differs
greatly among the various designs. Some designs are very simple, like the flexible-tube peristaltic
pump (Fig. 14–26a) that compresses a tube by small wheels, pushing the fluid along. (This
mechanism is somewhat similar to peristalsis in your esophagus or intestines, where muscles rather
than wheels compress the tube.) Others are more complex, using rotating cams with synchronized
lobes (Fig. 14–26b), interlocking gears (Fig. 14–26c), or screws (Fig. 14–26d). Positive displacement
pumps are ideal for high-pressure applications like pumping viscous liquids or thick slurries, and for
applications where precise amounts of liquid are to be dispensed or metered, as in medical
To illustrate the operation of a positive-displacement pump, we sketch four phases of half of a cycle
of a simple rotary pump with two lobes on each rotor (Fig. 14–27). The two rotors are synchronized
by an external gear box so as to rotate at the same angular speed, but in opposite directions. In the
diagram, the top rotor turns clockwise and the bottom rotor turns counterclockwise, sucking in fluid
from the left and discharging it to the right. A white dot is drawn on one lobe of each rotor to help you
visualize the rotation.
Pumping power
The power imparted into a fluid will increase the energy of the fluid per unit volume. Thus the power
relationship is
between the conversion of the mechanical energy of the pump mechanism and the fluid elements
within the pump. In general, this is governed by a series of simultaneous differential equations, known
as the Navier-Stokes equations. However a more simple equation relating only the different energies
in the fluid, known as Bernoulli's equation can be used. Hence the power, P, required by the pump:
where ΔP is the change in total pressure between the inlet and outlet (in Pa), and Q, the fluid flow
rate is given in m3/s. The total pressure may have gravitational, static pressure and kinetic energy
components; i.e. energy is distributed between change in the fluid's gravitational potential energy
(going up or down hill), change in velocity, or change in static pressure. η is the pump efficiency, and
may be given by the manufacturer's information, such as in the form of a pump curve, and is typically
derived from either fluid dynamics simulation (i.e. solutions to the Navier-stokes for the particular
pump geometry), or by testing. The efficiency of the pump will depend upon the pump's configuration
and operating conditions (such as rotational speed, fluid density and viscosity etc.).
For a typical "pumping" configuration, the work is imparted on the fluid, and is thus positive. For the
fluid imparting the work on the pump (i.e. a turbine), the work is negative power required to drive the
pump is determined by dividing the output power by the pump efficiency. Furthermore, this definition
encompasses pumps with no moving parts, such as a siphon.
Pump efficiency
Pump efficiency is defined as the ratio of the power imparted on the fluid by the pump in relation to
the power supplied to drive the pump. Its value is not fixed for a given pump, efficiency is a function of
the discharge and therefore also operating head. For centrifugal pumps, the efficiency tends to
increase with flow rate up to a point midway through the operating range (peak efficiency) and then
declines as flow rates rise further. Pump performance data such as this is usually supplied by the
manufacturer before pump selection. Pump efficiencies tend to decline over time due to wear (e.g.
increasing clearances as impellers reduce in size). One important part of system design involves
matching the pipeline headloss-flow characteristic with the appropriate pump or pumps which will
operate at or close to the point of maximum efficiency. There are free tools that help calculate head
needed and show pump curves including their Best Efficiency Points (BEP).[13] Pump efficiency is an
important aspect and pumps should be regularly tested. Thermodynamic pump testing is one method.
Pump selection is done by performance curve which is curve between pressure head and flow rate.
And also power supply is also taken care of. Pumps are normally available that run at 50 hz or 60 hz.