Request for Proposal RFP Number: 2011-01 Committee on Institutional Cooperation Purchasing Consortium The University of Chicago, University of Illinois, Indiana University, University of Iowa, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, University of Nebraska Northwestern University, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, University of Wisconsin, Issued by the following institutions on behalf of the CICPC: Northwestern University Contact for ALL questions: Betsy Costello, Procurement Administrator Northwestern University 847.467.0590 Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Estimated Timeline: December 29, 2011 Date of Issue of the RFP January 11, 2012 – 12:00 PM CST Proposer Memo of Interest Due January 25, 2012 – 12:00 PM CST Proposer Written Questions Due February 15, 2012 Responses to Written Questions Provided to all Proposers. March 7, 2012 – 3:00 PM CST Proposals Due May 11, 2012 Award Recommendation Date CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section #1: General Information (page 4) 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Relevant Background on the CICPC 1.3 Expected Adoption of the Contract 1.4 Contracting Vehicle 1.5 Other Opportunities to Extend 1.6 Organization of this Solicitation Document 1.7 Solicitation Definitions 1.8 Incurring Costs Section #2: RFP Process Instructions (page 7) 2.1 Applicable Dates 2.2 Submitting Written Questions 2.3 Memo of Interest 2.4 Preparing the Proposal 2.5 Conflict of Interest 2.6 Multiple Proposals (Reserve) 2.7 Oral Presentations and Proof of Concept 2.8 Proprietary Information 2.9 Submitting the Proposal Section #3: Performance and Contract Requirements (page 10) 3.1 Precedence and Declaration of Use 3.2 Scope 3.3 Term of Contract 3.4 Firm Prices 3.5 Payment Terms 3.6 Purchase Orders/Invoice 3.7 Acceptance and Testing 3.8 Shipping Terms (Reserve) 3.9 Work on Other Party’s Premises 3.10 Travel Per Diems 3.11 Contract Termination and Notices 3.12 Report of Sales / Annual Report 3.13 Eligible Purchasers 3.14 Review Meetings 3.15 Subcontractors 3.16 Seperability 3.17 CICPC General Terms and Conditions: Section #4: Requirements of All Proposals (page 16) Section #5: Evaluation and Award of Contract(s) (page 17) 5.1 Proposal Scoring 5.2 Scoring Criteria and Method 5.3 Best and Final Offers 5.4 Contract Award Attachment A: Attachment B: Attachment C: Attachment D: RFP Checklist and Submittal Page – Section #6 (page 18) CICPC Terms and Conditions CICPC Member Institutions CICPC Member Affiliates CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 2 Attachment E: Attachment F: Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information Sample Letter of Intent The following are submitted as separate attachments: Attachment G: Proposer Response Form - Client References Attachment H(1): Proposer Response Form to RFP Questions-Background Checks Attachment H (2) Proposer Response Form to RFP Questions-I-9 and E-VERIFY Attachment I: Data and Privacy Security Specifications Attachment J: Proposer Response Form - Data Security Attachment K: Proposer Response Form - Work Process Steps Attachment L(1): Proposer Response Form – Pricing Sheet-Background Checks Attachment L(2): Proposer Response Form – Pricing Sheet-I-9 and E-VERIFY Attachment M: Proposer Memo of Interest CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 3 Section #1: General Information 1.1 Purpose The Committee on Institutional Cooperation Purchasing Consortium (CICPC) is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Background Checks, I-9 Employment Verifications and EVerify services. For the purpose of this RFP, Background Checks are defined as employment screening services from federal, state, local and international government agencies and institutions. I-9 Employment Verifications are defined as services that verify a prospective employee is eligible to work in compliance with Federal requirements and includes the option of an integrated employment verification through the Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify system. The intent of this solicitation is to award a Master CIC contract(s) with provider(s) of these services that are deemed to best meet the needs of CICPC member institutions. The CICPC reserves the right to make such determination, and to make single or multiple awards. At the time of issuing this RFP, all member institutions require and use background check services. There is collective interest in utilizing a CICPC contract for these services. It is understood that Background Checks and I-9/E-Verify processing are two different systems. They are distinct systems with a different set of users and procedures. It is not required that a Proposer offer both Background Check and I-9/E-Verify services. Proposer may complete either H(1) Response Form-Background Checks, H(2) Response Form-I-9 and E-Verify or both. The CICPC is interested in methods that allow for reducing expenses, enhancing technology, streamlining processes, lowering total cost, and offering optimum value. Service, quality, and pricing are of paramount importance and will be monitored throughout the life of the agreement. 1.2 Relevant Background on the CICPC The Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), established in 1958, is a consortium of thirteen major teaching and research Institutions. Its programs and activities encompass nearly all aspects of Institution activity. In 1999, the Committee on Institutional Cooperation Purchasing Consortium (CICPC) was established to consolidate the efforts of CIC Member Institutions in pursuit of purchasing opportunities. Agreements are pursued for common supplies, equipment and services with the intent of delivering mutual pricing, value added services and overall benefit to the Member Institutions. The CICPC Member Institutions are: The University of Chicago, University of Illinois, Indiana University, University of Iowa, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Northwestern University, The Ohio State University, The Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, University of Nebraska and University of Wisconsin. Some CICPC Member Institutions have other campuses under a single governing board, such as Pennsylvania State University. In such cases all of the campuses connected to the Member Institution are also considered Member Institutions for the purpose of this RFP and any resulting contract. The complete list of member Institutions is appended to this RFP as Attachment C. Background checks, I-9 Employment Verifications and E-Verify Services for member institutions will need to be provided for a variety of positions, including, but not limited to employees that are responsible for handling sensitive information, securing institutional equipment, operating institution owned CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 4 equipment, handling hazardous materials, dispersing payments and handling cash. 1.3 Expected Adoption of the Contract Below is a summary of the types and approximate number of background checks that were performed for CICPC member institutions utilizing the current CICPC agreement in calendar year 2010. The CICPC, however, is not obligated under this Agreement to purchase this or any other amount from the Vendor. Service CY2010 Criminal Searches Drug Testing Education Report Employee Credit Employment Global Sanctions & Enforcement GSA/OIG Excluded & Prohibited Parties Healthcare Sanctions Motor Vehicle Reports Other Professional Reference Checks Sex Offender Registry SSN Grand Total 90,707 30 2,624 100 733 277 89 1,005 1,853 19 699 21,840 35,543 155,519 In response to a CICPC Interest Assessment, ten member institutions have indicated that they are interested in using a new CIC agreement for these services. Key criteria are 1) excellent, comprehensive service, including responsive customer service; and 2) highly competitive pricing. 1.4 Contracting Vehicle Any agreement developed as a result of this solicitation process is between the CICPC and the preferred Contractor(s). The form of Agreement will be a Master Agreement (MSA) establishing all general terms and pricing that will be made available to participating Member Institutions. Member Institutions will be enjoined to the contract terms by executing a “Letter of Intent” as provided by example in this solicitation. The Letter of Intent is the mechanism to confirm adoption of the MSA by the Member Institutions, and to address any additional conditions that might be specific to the needs of that Institution. The additional terms are intended to address such needs as unique to the Member Institution such as language that may be required by their State’s laws, or unique operating clarity. In no case may reduced pricing be offered without making such an offer available to all Member Institutions. 1.5 Other Opportunities to Extend any Resulting Agreement Any contract pursuant to this solicitation will be awarded solely on the basis of the needs of the CICPC Member Institutions. The awarded Contractor may, however, consider options to extend the contract to Affiliated Institutions of the CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 5 Member Institutions. You will be asked as part of your submittal to indicate your interest in extending the offer; however, there is no obligation. The groups you may extend to, assuming mutual agreement is achieved, include the following: Affiliates defined and listed in the attachments to this solicitation may be offered an opportunity by the Contractor to participate in the use of any MSA between the CICPC and the Contractor. The vehicle for extending this contract is via an executed Letter of Intent, the same as for a Member Institution 1.6 Organization of this Solicitation Document This document is divided into six main sections. The sections also refer to “Attachments” when such organization assists in making this document more fluid. The Six main sections are: Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 1.7 General Information (generally states the intent of the solicitation) Instructions to Proposers (contains Information on the proposal process) Performance and Contract Requirements (contains performance clauses that will become part of any awarded contract). Requirements of All Proposals (contains all information Proposers must submit as part of their proposal). Evaluation Checklist and Signature Page Solicitation Definitions The following definitions are used throughout the Special Conditions of Proposal: Contractor, Supplier, or Vendor as used in this document means successful vendor awarded a contract from this process. CIC means Committee on Institutional Cooperation, Headquartered in the Midwest. The Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) is a consortium of the Big Ten universities plus the University of Chicago. For half a century, these 13 world-class research institutions have advanced their academic missions, generated unique opportunities for students and faculty, and served the common good by sharing expertise, leveraging campus resources, and collaborating on innovative programs. Governed and funded by the Provosts of the member universities, CIC mandates are coordinated by a staff from its Champaign, Illinois headquarters. CICPC means Committee on Institutional Cooperation Purchasing Consortium Letter of Intent means the contracting documentation between the Member and the Contractor confirming adoption of the master Agreement. Proposer means a firm submitting a Proposal in response to this Request for Proposal. RFP means Request for Proposal. 1.8 Incurring Costs The CICPC is not liable for any cost incurred by Proposers in replying to this RFP. CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 6 Section #2: RFP Process Instructions 2.1 2.2 Applicable Dates – Estimated Timeline Date Event December 29, 2011 Date of Issue of the RFP January 11, 2012 – 12:00 PM CST Proposer Memo of Interest Due January 25, 2012 – 12:00 PM CST Proposer Written questions Due February 15, 2012 Responses to Written Questions Provided to all Proposers. March 7, 2012 – 3:00 PM CST Proposals Due May 11, 2012 Award Recommendation Date Submitting Written Questions All communications and/or questions in regard to this RFP should be submitted in writing (email is preferred) by the date identified in section 2.1 above. Submit “Questions” to: Betsy Costello, Procurement Administrator Northwestern University If a Proposer fails to submit written requests for clarification as directed, and within the time required, for errors or ambiguities known to them, then the Proposer shall submit a response at the Proposer’s risk and if awarded a contract, shall not be entitled to additional compensation or time by reason of the error or its later correction. In the event that it becomes necessary to provide additional clarifying data or information, or to revise any part of this RFP, supplements or revisions will be provided to all recipients of this initial RFP. Questions asked, and responses to all questions submitted will be provided to all Proposers. 2.3 Memo of Interest: In order to ensure that all interested Proposers receive timely information regarding this solicitation, please submit via e-mail, a completed Proposer Memo of Interest, attached hereto—Attachment M. Memos of Interest must be submitted by January 11, 2012 and will be used for all additional correspondence related to this solicitation. Failing to submit a “Memo of Interest” will disqualify your company from further participation in this process. Email “Memos of Interest” to: Betsy Costello, Procurement Administrator Northwestern University CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 7 2.4 Preparing the Proposal To be considered, Proposers must respond to each of the requirements listed in Section #4 and complete referenced attachments, including Pricing Sheets and Vendor Response Forms. 2.5 Conflict of Interest By submitting a proposal, Proposer certifies that no relationship exists between the Proposer and any of the represented Universities that interferes with fair competition or is a conflict of interest, and no relationship exists between such Proposer and another person or firm that constitutes a conflict of interest that is adverse to the CIC. 2.6 Multiple Proposals (RESERVE) 2.7 Oral Presentations and Proof of Concepts: CICPC at its sole discretion may require oral presentations and/or Proof of Concept(s) pilot(s) to supplement the proposals. Failure of a Proposer to conduct a presentation on a mutually agreed scheduled date may result in rejection of the proposal. Oral presentations cannot be used as an opportunity to alter the proposals. All Proposers should be prepared to accommodate this request with a minimal amount of notice by the CICPC. In addition, Proposer may be required to participate in a Proof-of-Concept pilot before an award is finalized. Presentations may be held at any of the CIC campuses or another central location. 2.8 Proprietary Information Any information contained in the Proposer’s response that is proprietary must be clearly designated. Marking of the entire response as proprietary will neither be accepted nor honored. The CICPC cannot guarantee that all such material noted will remain confidential, particularly if it becomes a significant consideration in contract award. Information will only be kept confidential to the extent allowed by the CIC Member’s Public Disclosure Laws. Proposers should follow instructions as provided on the Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information (Attachment E). 2.9 Submitting Proposals Proposers shall submit completed and signed proposals. Electronic proposals must include the signature page with a scanned signature. Proposers shall submit one (1) hard copy and an electronic copy of the Proposal in accordance with the following instructions, which will ensure that the integrity of the bid process is protected: 1. HARD COPIES OF SEALED BIDS (PROPOSALS) MUST BE RECEIVED NOT LATER THAN 12:00 P.M. (noon) ON THE DUE DATE SPECIFIED ON THE COVER PAGE OF THIS RFP. PROPOSERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR TIMELY RECEIPT OF THEIR PROPOSALS TO PURCHASING RESOURCE SERVICES, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. PROPOSALS WHICH ARE RECEIVED AFTER THE SPECIFIED DUE DATE AND TIME MAY NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD. 2. An electronic copy of the proposal also must be received by the defined due date and time. All documents must be created using tools that are compatible with Microsoft Office XP. Attachments included with the ITB must be returned/submitted in the format in which they were originally provided (i.e. excel). Pdf versions are not acceptable. Any items contained in the Proposal that cannot be saved in the aforementioned format should be clearly identified by the vendor as items that are excluded from the electronic submission. Prior to the proposal deadline, Proposer is responsible for confirming that their e-mailed CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 8 proposal response has been successfully received. Proof of transmission does not constitute proof of receipt. 3. Hard copies may be submitted utilizing one of the methods below: a. Bids may be delivered to the reception desk of Purchasing Resource Services at Northwestern University. b. Bids may be sent to Purchasing Resource Services by Contract carrier or US Postal Service to the following address: Northwestern University Attn: Betsy Costello Purchasing Resource Services 2020 Ridge Avenue, 2nd Floor Evanston, IL 60208-4303 4. Electronic copy may be included with proposal on a disc or flash drive, or may be sent via e-mail to 5. Reference the ITB Number on the outside of the package used to submit hard copies of proposals and also in the subject line of proposals submitted electronically. CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 9 Section #3: Performance and Contract Requirements 3.1 Precedence and Declaration of Use: Agreements will consist of a chain of communications involved in the CICPC’s competitive search for providers of Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services to its members. These communications will provide the basis for resulting contracts in the following order of precedence: 1) Master Agreement between CICPC and vendor to be executed upon completion of the RFP process; 2) Except as may be modified by the Master Agreement, all Terms and Conditions as defined in Section #3 of this RFP, including attachments referenced thereto. 3) Individual Member Institutions’ Letter of Intent”; a sample is provided in Attachment F of this RFP. 4) CONTRACTOR’S proposal and responses to requirements in Section 4 and its referenced attachments. Participating Member Institutions will indicate their participation in this Agreement through a mutually agreed upon Letter of Intent, which will incorporate any unique terms or services applicable to that Member. A sample Letter of Intent is provided as Attachment F and will be referred to throughout as the “Letter of Intent”. 3.2 Scope This Agreement shall apply to participating CICPC Member Institutions, their divisions, subsidiaries and affiliates and CONTRACTOR as defined in Attachments C and D. Once such Member Institutions or Affiliates execute a Letter of Intent, they will be eligible to participate under this Agreement. Any new Affiliates that are added during the course of this Agreement, must be mutually approved by the parties in writing in order to be eligible to utilize this Agreement. This Agreement does not constitute a purchase order. Purchases under this Agreement shall be made with Purchase Orders issued by individual member institutions. In performing under this Agreement, CONTRACTOR will comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws. Once the preferred Contractor(s) has been established and the MSA finalized, CICPC member institutions will be advised of the new contract and the CICPC will post the preferred Contractor(s) MSA on the CICPC internal web site. (Note: The CICPC web site is password protected and only available to the CICPC member institutions.) CICPC member institutions that choose to participate in the preferred vendor CICPC Contract,will contact the Contractor with a Letter of Intent. Some members may have existing agreements in place and may consider this program upon expiration of existing agreements. 3.3 Term of Contract The Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall expire three years hence unless otherwise renewed or terminated as provided. The initial Contract term shall be for three years from the contract effective date with the option of three one year renewal periods. The CICPC reserves the right to extend beyond the Contract term if deemed to be in the best interest of the CIC. Termination Without Cause: The CICPC reserves the right to terminate this Agreement in its entirety upon ninety (90) days written notice, without penalty; however, each member institution shall be obligated to the duration of the licensing arrangement currently in place. CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 10 3.4 Firm Prices The participating institutions anticipate the likelihood of a long term relationship resulting from the adoption of a comprehensive background check strategy. As budgets have declined for administrative purposes over the past decade, the participating institutions cannot fund increased administrative costs. The prices proposed by the awarded contractor must remain fixed (or lowered) for the duration of the contract, including any extensions of the contract. Pricing shall be consistent among all member institutions under a CICPC Agreement resulting from this RFP. 3.5 Payment Terms All invoices should be sent directly to the participating institution, as documented in the institution’s Letter of Intent. Vendors are expected to invoice respective institutions in a timely manner; however invoices should not be sent until after services have been performed. The specific payment schedule and processes will be mutually agreed upon by the member institution and the Contractor. Payment schedules will generally be to invoice when services have been performed or monthly. Vendor shall provide invoices to accommodate the member institution’s billing criteria, e.g. per background check request, per each service request. Vendor shall accept payment in the form of P-cards (credit card), direct payment by check or ACH from central accounts payable or de-centralized accounts payable. The CICPC is interested in payment terms that reflect cost savings based on an accelerated payment process. Proposers shall discuss quick payment terms that they can offer (i.e. ___% discount off invoice if paid within ___ days after delivery or receipt of invoice, whichever is later.) 3.6 Purchase Order/Invoice Purchase Orders will be issued by individual Member institutions or affiliates and subject to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement. Terms and Conditions presented on invoices, purchase orders and/or quotations are superseded in favor of the terms of the Agreement. The Terms and Conditions of the Master Agreement shall govern unless supplemented or amended by an individual member institution Letter of Intent. Invoices are to be submitted by CONTRACTOR to the Member’s location indicated on Purchase Order. Invoices will reference the Member’s Purchase Order number and will contain such other information as Member may reasonably request. The invoice payment terms for purchase orders placed hereunder shall be net thirty (30) calendar days of the invoice date with a __ percent (X%) prompt payment discount if remitted to CONTRACTOR within _____(#) calendar days of the date of invoice. Such prompt payment discount will be calculated at time of payment, and deducted from amount remitted. CONTRACTOR reserves the right to charge Members interest at a rate not to exceed the highest applicable lawful interest rate on properly submitted invoiced amounts not paid within thirty (30) calendar days of invoice date, with interest to accrue monthly until full payment is received. CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to recover improperly taken discounts for prompt payment, when actual payments fall outside of the CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 11 prescribed eligible time. Any claim for recovery must be asserted within 120 days of discovery that an improper discount has been taken. . 3.7 Testing Prior to implementation of services, Vendor shall perform site inspections at member institution locations to determine functional compatibilities between the vendor and the member institution systems. Proposers may be requested by the CICPC RFP committee to provide a test environment of services offered for a trial period prior to Contract award. 3.8 Shipping Terms (RESERVE) 3.9 Work on Other Party’s Premises Security. The resulting contract may require deliveries or the performance of on-site services in campus facilities. Proposers shall discuss in their proposals all measures utilized by their company to ensure the security and safety of member institution buildings. CONTRACTOR may be asked to perform consulting, training or support services. The following requirements will govern Consulting Service and Training engagement. 3.9.1 The services engagement for either consulting services or training will require that a detailed Statement of Work be agreed upon by both parties before any work is done. Each Campus will assign a Project Manager who will have the ability to accept or inspect the work. 3.9.2 All material that is produced as a result of any consulting engagements is the property of contracting member institution. 3.9.3 CONTRACTOR agrees to use reasonable care in the hiring of service representatives. Substitution of employees will be the right of CONTRACTOR provided that CONTRACTOR ensures that in providing services CONTRACTOR remains in compliance with the terms of the Agreement. Employees whose performance is unsatisfactory to CICPC shall be first counseled by CONTRACTOR, and CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary corrective action. If after such counseling CICPC continues to reasonably experience dissatisfaction as referenced in writing by the "Contact Notices" CICPC representatives under this Agreement, CICPC may request removal of CONTRACTOR’S employee with written notice of three (3) days. Upon receipt of such request, CONTRACTOR shall immediately remove the employee and replace the employee with a person of suitable expertise subject to the requirements set forth above. 3.10 Travel Per Diems All of the Contractor’s travel and per diem expenses shall be the Contractor’s sole responsibility. Payment to the Contractor by the member institution shall not include any additional amount for this purpose. 3.11 Contract Termination and Notices During the term of the Contract, the CICPC may terminate the Contract at any time, without cause, by providing 90 days’ written notice to the Contractor. If the Contract is so terminated, each member institution is liable only for payments for CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 12 products provided or services performed, to the extent that any actual direct costs have been incurred by the contracted proposer pursuant to fulfilling the contract. Each University will be obligated to pay such expenses to date of the termination. Should either party fail to perform under the terms of this Contract; the aggrieved party may notify the other party in writing via certified mail of such failure and demand that the same be remedied within 30 calendar days. Should the defaulting party fail to remedy the same within said period, the other party shall then have the right to terminate this Contract immediately. Performance failure can be defined as but not limited to failure to meet any of the requirements as presented in Proposers responses, or failure to provide any of the conditions of the Special Conditions of the Proposal. If at any time a petition in bankruptcy shall be filed against the Contractor and such petition is not dismissed within 90 calendar days, or if a receiver or trustee of Contractor's property is appointed and such appointment is not vacated within 90 calendar days, the CICPC has the right, in addition to any other rights of whatsoever nature that it may have at law or inequity, to terminate this contract by giving 90 calendar days’ notice in writing of such termination. If at any time the Contractor performance threatens the health and/or safety of personnel at any member institution, that institution has the right to cancel and terminate the Contract without notice. All notices of performance failure shall be submitted in writing to the parties listed below: Jeffrey A. Oberg, CPA Assistant Director for Business Operations Committee on Institutional Cooperation 1819 South Neil Street, Suite D Champaign, IL 61820-7271 217.333.0192 and Betsy Costello Procurement Administrator Purchasing Resource Services Northwestern University 2020 Ridge Avenue, 2nd Floor Evanston, IL 60208-4303 847.467.0590 3.12 CICPC Report of Sales/Annual Report CONTRACTOR will provide to CICPC quarterly reports in excel format submitted electronically (pdf is not acceptable) of the total dollar expenditures by each participating Member for products and services purchased under the Agreement, based on invoices or in a manner mutually agreed upon. CONTRACTOR shall provide additional data requested by the CICPC that should be readily retrievable from its sales database. Above referenced reports are to be filed with CICPC Purchasing Coordinator within 30 days after the end of each quarter of the calendar years. Quarters shall end effective March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31 of each year unless otherwise agreed. CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 13 Upon request, CONTRACTOR will provide an annual electronic report of all products and services purchased by CICPC membership institutions pursuant to the Agreement. Above referenced reports are to be filed with the CICPC Purchasing Coordinator within 30 days of the end of each calendar year unless otherwise agreed. The report format shall be as mutually agreed. CONTRACTOR shall provide data requested by the CICPC that should be readily retrievable form its sales database. On an annual, or more frequent basis if requested, CONTRACTOR shall also provide an expenditure report to each participating member institution. Proposer shall submit samples of Annual reports with their proposal Client Reports for participating Individual Member Institutions Vendor shall provide easy-to-use, straightforward management reporting capability. Key reports such as account activity, time-to-complete and cost should be easy to retrieve. Reports must be available in or easily configurable to Excel format. Proposer shall submit samples of Client Reports with their proposal. Reports shall be accessible to CICPC and respective member institutions for later reference. Proposer shall verify archival policies and practices and clarify who owns archived reports. 3.13 Eligible Purchasers Membership names and locations are listed in Attachment C. The list is not to be considered all-inclusive. CICPC members may have additional locations that require service. 3.14 Review Meetings Review meetings may be held periodically with CICPC representatives to evaluate Contractor performance. 3.15 Subcontractors 3.15.1 Any Contract resulting from this proposal shall not be, in whole or in part, subcontracted, assigned, or otherwise transferred to any other Contractor without prior written approval by the CICPC or any member institution. 3.15.2 The Contractor shall be directly responsible for any subcontractor's performance and work quality when used by the Contractor to carry out the scope of the job. 3.15.3 Subcontractors must abide by all terms and conditions under this Contract. Contractor is responsible for adherence by the subcontractor to all provisions of the Agreement. 3.15.4 3.16 If subcontractors are to be used, the Contractor must , provide to the CICPC a list of subcontractors, including firm name and address, contact person and a complete description of work to be subcontracted. . Seperabilty In the event any provision of this Agreement or portion hereof, is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such provision or the portion thereof shall be deemed to be separate from all other provisions and all such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 14 3.17 CICPC General Terms and Conditions: See Attachment B. A proposal submitted in response to this RFP shall constitute a binding offer. Acknowledgement of this condition shall be indicated by signature of the Proposer or an officer of the Proposer legally authorized to execute contractual obligations. A submission in response to this RFP acknowledges acceptance by Proposer of all Terms and Conditions set forth herein. All comments with regard to Terms and Conditions MUST be included in the proposal. The submitted proposal shall be binding for a period of ninety (90) days following the bid opening date. Any proposal in which the Proposer shortens the acceptance period may be rejected. CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 15 Section #4: Requirements of All Proposals NOTE: Reponses must be in the EXCEL format provided (PDF is NOT acceptable.) Note that if any answer requires a lengthy response, diagrams or exceeds the maximum number of characters(1,024) that can be displayed, abbreviate your response on the form and indicate exactly where the full answer can be found in the proposal document, i.e. “Appendix #”, “Tab*”, “page #”. NOTE: Failure to respond to all items in this section may be deemed as sufficient reason to reject any proposal. 4.1 Proposer must complete and sign Proposer Submittal Page, Attachment A and must complete and sign Proposer Memo of Interest, Attachment M and submit both with their proposals. 4.2 Per Section 2.8, if applicable, Proposer must complete and sign the Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information form, Attachment E, and submit with their proposal. 4.3 Proposer must complete the Client Reference List provided in Attachment G. 4.4 Proposer must complete the Proposer Response Form provided in Attachment H(1) for Background Checks and Attachment H(2) for I-9 and E-VERIFY. 4.5 Proposer shall review Attachment I.- Data Privacy and Security. Proposer is required to submit responses to all questions in Attachment J, Data Security Response Form. 4.6 Proposer must complete the Work Process Steps in Attachment K. 4.7 Proposer shall provide pricing for the items included in this RFP using the format provided on Attachment L(1) – PRICING SHEET for BACKGROUND CHECKS and Attachment L(2) – PRICING SHEET for I-9 and E-VERIFY. 4.8 Supplier Diversity: It is the policy of the CICPC to contribute to the establishment, preservation and strengthening of small business enterprises (SBE), minority-owned business enterprises (MBE) and woman-owned business enterprises (WBE). Proposers shall indicate in their proposal (Provide this information in Attachment H, the Company Information section.) if they have status as a minority-owned, women-owned or disadvantaged business enterprise. The CICPC also encourages contractors to provide for the participation of S/M/Ws through partnerships, joint ventures, subcontracts or other contractual opportunities. CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 16 Section #5: Evaluation and Award of Contract(s) 5.1 Proposal Scoring Proposals meeting mandatory requirements will be reviewed by an evaluation committee and scored against the stated criteria. The committee may, at its sole discretion, review references, finances, request oral presentations, and hold a proof of concept, which we anticipate would be on-site visits at a location central to the CICPC Member Campuses, and use the results in scoring the proposals. The evaluation committee's scoring will be tabulated and proposals ranked based on the scores calculated. 5.2 Scoring Criteria and Method For each response required of the Proposer in Section #4: In the initial phase of the evaluation, proposals will be reviewed for completeness and compliance with all requirements including submittal, instructions, provisions, terms and conditions of this RFP. Proposals that fail to comply with the essential requirements of the RFP may be rejected and eliminated from further consideration. In evaluating and awarding the contract, the CICPC may take into consideration: The response to technical expertise; responsiveness of proposer; previous performance; financial stability of the Proposer; and the amount of similar contract experience being performed by the Contractor. 5.3 Best and Final Offers At the sole discretion of the CICPC, the highest scoring Proposers may be requested to submit a Best and Final Offer in order to further clarify the deliverables, contract language, or costs presented in their proposals. If Best and Final Offers are requested, they will be evaluated against the stated criteria, scored and ranked. There is no obligation on the part of the CICPC to request Best and Final Offers from any or all of the Proposers responding to the RFP. 5.4 Contract Award Contract(s) will be awarded to the highest scoring proposer(s) providing contract negotiations are successful. CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 17 ATTACHMENT A: Proposer Submittal Page NOTE: PROPOSER MUST SUBMIT A COMPLETED COPY OF THIS RFP CHECKLIST AND SUBMITTAL PAGE WITH THEIR PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS. Section #6: RFP Checklist and Submittal Page 6.1 Proposer has responded to all items in Section # 4,” Requirements of All Proposals”. ___________(Initial) 6.2 In preparing this RFP, this Proposer has not been assisted by any current or former employee of any CICPC Member whose duties relate to this RFP and who was assisting in other than his or her official capacity. Neither does such a person or any member of his or her immediate family have any financial interest in the outcome of this RFP. ____________(Initial) The Proposer certifies by submission of the proposal that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency. ___________ (Initial) In signing this proposal, we have read and fully understand and agree to all terms, conditions and specifications and acknowledge that the order of precedence stated in Section 3.1 of this solicitation shall be controlling. We certify that we have not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any contract or participated in any collusion or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competition; that no attempt has been made to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a proposal; that this proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other proposer, competitor or potential competitor; that this proposal has not been knowingly disclosed prior to the opening of proposals to any other proposer or competitor; that the above stated statement is accurate under penalty of perjury. ____________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________________ Name and Title of Signing Officer (print) Date CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 18 Attachment B: Terms and Conditions CICPC Committee on Institutional Cooperation Purchasing Consortium Master Agreement Number XXXX Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 1 B1 Independent Contractor SUPPLIER agrees that it is an Independent Contractor. SUPPLIER understands that no relationship other than that of contracting parties is established by this Agreement, and further understands that this does not establish any employer-employee arrangement. SUPPLIER agrees as an Independent Contractor to treat its assistants as its own employees and comply with tax requirements for SUPPLIER and its assistants. B2 Compliance with Laws SUPPLIER warrants and certifies that in the performance of this Agreement it has complied with or will comply with all applicable statutes, rules, regulations and orders of the United States, and any state or political subdivision thereof, including laws and regulations pertaining to labor, wages, hours and other conditions of employment. All services, including but not limited to delivery, provided to the Members must comply fully with written safety requirements of each applicable Member’s state, rules of the Industrial Commission on Safety, and all applicable OSHA Standards. B3 Non-discriminatory Hiring Practices by SUPPLIER SUPPLIER shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, and Vietnam era veteran, physical or mental disability. SUPPLIER shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that the employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, physical or mental disability except where it related to a bonafide occupational qualification. B4 Compliance with Specifications SUPPLIER warrants that all services provided under this Agreement shall conform to specifications or other descriptions provided. B5 Patent Trademark and Copyright Infringement In the event that SUPPLIER, the Member or the CICPC learns of any issue relating to a potential Patent Trademark or Copyright infringement in any of the services provided, it will immediately advise the other party by the most expeditious means of communication. B6 Insolvency In the event of any proceedings in bankruptcy or insolvency by or against SUPPLIER, or in the event of the appointment (with or without SUPPLIER’s consent) of an assignee for the benefit of creditors, or of a receiver, the CICPC and/or participating Member may cancel this Agreement. B7 Assignments Neither CICPC nor SUPPLIER shall assign this Agreement or any of its applicable rights or obligations hereunder, without the other party’s prior written consent. Any purported assignment made without the other party’s prior written consent shall be void and of no effect. B8 Use of Name, Logos, etc. in Advertising SUPPLIER agrees not to make reference to the CICPC, Member in any advertising material of any kind without the expressed written permission of the party involved. With respect to the Members, in such cases, prior written consent shall be provided by the authorized representative of the Member purchasing department. B8 Indemnification and Limitation of Liability SUPPLIER agrees to indemnify the CICPC, the particular Member affected and hold each of them harmless from and against all liability, losses, damages, claims, liens, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) to the extent directly arising out of or connected with the work or services performed by SUPPLIER, its agents, subcontractors, employees, officer and directors, within the scope of this Agreement, excepting such liability as may result from the acts of negligence of the CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 1 applicable Member or CICPC or their officers, agents, servants and employees. SUPPLIER, at the written request of the CICPC or applicable Member, as the case may be, shall undertake to defend any and all suits and to investigate and defend any and all claims whether justified or not, to the extent indemnification is due pursuant to this Section, and if such claim or suit be against CICPC or the applicable Member, or their respective officers, trustees, agents, servants, and employees. Agreement. If Members provide a valid tax exempt certificate to SUPPLIER, SUPPLIER will not charge taxes, except as otherwise required by law. B9 Insurance B14 Product Returns (RESERVE) If service or other work is specified to be conducted on CICPC or a Member’s premises, SUPPLIER and/or its subcontractor(s), if any, shall maintain in force during the period of such work the following coverage’s: (a) worker’s compensation, as required by the laws of the State of the Member; (b) commercial general liability for bodily injury and/or property damage including products liability and completed operations in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit, per occurrence; (c) automobile liability for bodily injury and/or property damage in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit, per occurrence. B11 Certification of Products (RESERVE) B12 No Substitutions (RESERVE) B13 Packaging and Labeling (RESERVE) B15 Hazardous Conditions (RESERVE) B16 New and Replacement Services New services that become available during the course of the program may be added, at the request of the CICPC or a participating Member, with all terms, conditions and pricing arrangements as negotiated and agreed to at the time of introduction. Services that are direct replacements shall be provided at the same discounted rate as the prior service that was replaced. B17 Order Fulfillment (RESERVE) If an individual Member institutions desires coverage in addition to the above limit, such Member will negotiate directly with SUPPLIER regarding such additional insurance coverage; provided that the parties acknowledge that additional insurance is not included in the prices set forth in this Agreement. SUPPLIER and/or its subcontractor(s) shall furnish to the CICPC or its Member impacted by this subsection satisfactory proof of such insurance coverage prior to commencement of the work. CICPC and the impacted Member, as the case may be, are to be added as additional insured with respect to their contractual rights hereunder. B10 Tax Exempt Status Members may be exempt from excise, state, local and use taxes for services rendered and equipment or parts supplied for this B18 CICPC Acceptance of Offer Intentionally left blank. B19 Member Order Placement The Member institution placing the order with SUPPLIER shall alone be liable or responsible for payment for services provided. B20 Development of Minority-owned, Women-owned, Handicap-owned, & Disadvantaged Businesses The CICPC is committed to encouraging the development of minority-owned, womenowned, handicap-owned, and otherwise disadvantaged businesses. SUPPLIER agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to explore subcontracting opportunities with minority-owned, women- CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 2 owned, handicap-owned and otherwise disadvantaged businesses where appropriate. If Members request a report, SUPPLIER will provide such report indicating the number of subcontracting opportunities where disadvantaged businesses were utilized by SUPPLIER. The report will be in a format mutually acceptable to SUPPLIER and the individual Member. B21 Report of Sales SUPPLIER will provide to CICPC a quarterly electronic report of the total dollar expenditures by each participating Member for services provided under the Agreement in a manner mutually agreed upon. SUPPLIER shall provide data requested by the CICPC so long as such information is readily retrievable form its sales database. Above referenced reports are to be filed with CICPC Purchasing Coordinator within 30 days of the end of quarters. Quarters shall end effective March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31 of each year unless otherwise agreed. B22 Annual Report When requested, SUPPLIER will provide an annual electronic report of all services provided to CICPC membership institutions pursuant to the Agreement. Above referenced reports are to be filed with the CICPC Purchasing Coordinator within 30 days of SUPPLIER’s fiscal year unless otherwise agreed. The report format shall be as mutually agreed. SUPPLIER shall provide data requested by the CICPC so long as such information is readily retrievable form its sales database. B23 Client Relations In addition to providing services outlined herein, the preferred supply vendor or its distributor shall provide the following business services: (i) A contract administrator, reasonably acceptable to the CICPC, able to act with full authority. (ii) An account representative(s) and several account service assistants with experience and knowledge of Background Check, I-9 Employment and E-Verify services The contract administrator shall meet with the CICPC purchasing coordinator or designee annually to discuss performance. The account representative(s) shall meet with Member Institutions as requested by the individual Member Institutions. Initial customer service and order problem resolution will be accomplished at each Member Institution location. B24 Administrative Fee SUPPLIER shall remit quarterly to the CICPC as an administrative fee a sum equal to 1% of the total Net Purchases” of all CICPC Member purchases and CICPC Affiliates purchases (if adopted by Affiliates) quarterly (excluding taxes, credits, cancelled orders, etc., if any), made pursuant to this Agreement. The methodology that will be used to ensure that purchase activity by a Member Institution or an Affiliate are tracked shall be defined within the Letter of Intent. For purposes of this Agreement, the term “Net Purchases” means, for each respective Member, the total dollar invoice amount of services, on an individual Member basis purchased from SUPPLIER pursuant to this Agreement, less (i) the total value of any services credited by SUPPLIER, (ii) any credits or fees payable to Member or CICPC by SUPPLIER. Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein, the CAF (CIC Administrative Fee) will only be paid on the sale of products (i) under this Agreement, (ii) by Members and Affiliates who have a Letter of Intent approved and executed by SUPPLIER, (iv) that are priced in accordance with this Agreement. A Member may purchase SUPPLIER’s services under one or more contracts (e.g. individual supply contracts, state contracts, trade association contracts); provided, however in no event will SUPPLIER be required to pay any CAF for sales made under any contract other than this Agreement. This CAF shall be made payable to the CICPC and delivered to the CICPC Purchasing Coordinator or designee within CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 3 30 days of the end of the quarter. Quarters shall end effective March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31 of each year unless otherwise agreed. In no event shall any CAF be earned after the effective date of termination of this Agreement between SUPPLIER and CICPC, regardless of whether SUPPLIER continues to sell services to Members. In the event that any individual agreement between SUPPLIER and Member resulting from the execution of a Group Designation Form hereunder is terminated for any reason, the CAF with respect to such Member shall cease being earned as of the effective date of termination of the Group Designation Form. B25 Strict Compliance The parties may at any time insist upon strict compliance with these terms and conditions, notwithstanding any previous custom, practice or course of dealing to the contrary. suppliers that impact performance hereunder; (vii) raw material shortage which significantly impacts the availability of such material; In the event of a Force Majeure Event, the affected party shall give notice to the other party of the nature of the Force Majeure Event as soon as reasonably practicable after discovery of such Force Majeure Event. The affected party will be excused from performance during the existence of the Force Majeure Event; provided that the affected party will continue to perform its other obligations under this Agreement to the extent not impacted by the Force Majeure Event. Delays in delivery due to Force Majeure Events shall automatically extend the delivery date for a period equal to the duration of such Force Majeure Event. Any acceptance or warranty period affected by a Force Majeure Event shall likewise be extended for a period equal to the duration of such Force Majeure Event. No waiver or modification of any of the provisions hereof shall be binding unless mutually agreed upon by CICPC and SUPPLIER, in writing with signatures of authorized representatives of all parties authorizing said modification. Notwithstanding the extension of time, if the delay attributable to a Force Majeure Event remains in effect for a period in excess of ninety (90) days, either party may give written notice to the other party of termination of this Agreement. If the Force Majeure Event only relates to a single product or class/line of products, such termination will only apply to that product or class/line of products. B27 Separability B29 Confidentiality In the event any provision of this Agreement or portion hereof, is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such provision or the portion thereof shall be deemed to be separate from all other provisions and all such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. The parties understand and agree that information concerning any of the information set forth herein (including all applicable exhibits) is confidential to each of them and shall, except as may otherwise be required by law, only be disclosed to third parties, in writing or orally, upon the specific prior written agreement of the parties, provided, however, that if any of such terms have become public information without the fault of the other party these terms shall no longer be treated as confidential by either party. B26 Modification of Terms B28 Force Majeure Neither party shall be liable for failure or delay in the performance of any obligation hereunder caused by (iii) acts of God (e.g. earthquake, flood, hurricane, typhoon and other natural disasters); (iv) any civil disorder, war, insurrection, riot or interference by civil or military authorities; (vi) damage or destruction of a party’s facilities or those of its subcontractors or SUPPLIER and CICPC agree that any information, whether written, oral, or in the form of diagrams, powerpoints or photographs, furnished by either party to the other under this Agreement shall be deemed CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 4 to be proprietary to the party furnishing such information and will be maintained in confidence by the party receiving such information. In addition, the data and information which has been or may hereafter be furnished to SUPPLIER by CICPC in connection with SUPPLIER's services, therefore, is the property of CICPC, and has been furnished solely to enable SUPPLIER to render service to CICPC. B30 Governing Law This Agreement and any purchase orders placed by Members hereunder as well as the relationship between the parties under it shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of the State of Illinois or the state of the ordering member institution. B31 General Provisions and Certifications for Government Contracts Attachment E (Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information) to this Agreement contains clauses that are applicable to the Member Institutions when their purchases have been funded through applicable government contracts, and such requirements are required to be flowed down to SUPPLIER as a supply source being paid with such government funds. To the extent such clauses are applicable to the business conducted by SUPPLIER, SUPPLIER agrees to abide by these same terms and conditions, but only to the extent that the Member specifically sets forth the applicable clauses (or incorporates them be reference) in the purchase order such that SUPPLIER has the opportunity to notify Member if it cannot comply with a particular incorporated clause. B32 Complete Agreement This Agreement (including all relevant Attachments) constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relative to the services listed hereto, and supersedes and replaces all prior or contemporaneous agreements, written or oral, between the parties regarding such services. B33 Survival of Rights of Parties The termination of this Agreement shall not release either party from any liability, obligation, or agreement which pursuant to any provision of this Agreement is to survive or be performed after such expiration or termination. B34 Subject Headings The subject headings on this Agreement have been placed thereon for the convenience of the parties and shall not be considered in any question of interpretation or construction of this Agreement. B35 Waivers and Amendments The failure of either party to enforce at any time or for any period of time any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision or of the right of such party thereafter to enforce such provision. In addition, no terms or provisions of this Agreement may be changed, waived, discharged, or terminated orally but only by an instrument in writing signed by the party against whom the enforcement of such change, waiver, discharge, or termination is sought. As noted previously, no preprinted forms used by CICPC, SUPPLIER or any Member shall serve as an amendment of this Agreement. B36 Invoice Audit Upon CICPC request, and within a mutually agreed upon timeframe, SUPPLIER will provide sales data to demonstrate that prices paid for services received by Participating Member Institutions are in accordance with this Agreement and any additional terms/pricing that is specific to a Member Institution. If a sampling of transactions from Participating Member Institution(s) demonstrates that the invoices are consistent with this Agreement, the sampling method will be sufficient. If issues are identified, the transactions for review may be increased, and the Participating Member Institution shall have the right to recover any overpaid amounts as a credit memo. The CICPC agrees that any pricing dispute for overcharge must be made within CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 5 twelve (12) months of the invoice date. The form of this reporting shall be mutually agreed upon prior to the first request for pricing review. B37 Dispute Resolution If a disagreement arises between SUPPLIER and an individual Member Institution or Affiliate related to the application of this Agreement (including the Member Institution’s Letter of Intent), the aggrieved party shall have the right to submit a demand for corrective action through the following escalating process. A. The aggrieved party shall prepare a written statement of the desired corrective action to be taken, 1) Citing the pertinent contractual basis for requesting the correction; 2) Providing complete documentation of the alleged failure to comply with the contract, and 3) Providing any additional information that may be required to help perfect their request. B. Such Statement shall be delivered to the Member Institution’s Purchasing Director, or to SUPPLIER’s Vice President, Academic Segment, as appropriate. The SUPPLIER Vice President, Academic Segment and the Purchasing Director will coordinate a meeting of their respective management teams to share the stated concerns and requested corrective actions. Those in position of authority to commit resources to resolve the dispute are to be present. These parties will work in good faith to resolve their dispute. C. Should dispute resolution not be achieved, either party may request that the current officers of the CICPC and the CICPC Contract Administrator review the request for corrective action. If any of the current officers are from the Member Institution engaged in the dispute, the most recent, prior officer will sit in place. The Officers and the representative management staff of each disputing party will meet to mutually discuss the disputed issues. The parties will act in good faith to resolve their issues. Should resolution not be achieved, the sole remedy with regard to this Agreement shall be termination of the use of this Agreement by the Member Institution and SUPPLIER. D. The parties acknowledge that remedies may be sought by either SUPPLIER or the Member Institution, independent of this Agreement. E. The parties also acknowledge that in the event a dispute is determined to be a breach of this Agreement, that action may be taken by either SUPPLIER, or by the CICPC to seek remedies in conformance with this Agreement. CICPC RFP – Background Check, I-9 Employment Verification and E-Verify Services Page 6 Attachment C: CICPC Member Institutions Membership name and locations are listed below. The list is not to be considered all-inclusive. CICPC members may have minimal additional locations that require service. Not all locations may elect to participate. Campuses with an asterisk (*) next to their names designate larger campuses. University of Chicago Chicago, IL* University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign* Chicago* Springfield Indiana University Bloomington* Indianapolis* Richmond Kokomo Gary New Albany South Bend Fort Wayne University of Iowa Iowa City* University of Michigan Ann Arbor* Dearborn Flint Michigan State University East Lansing* Northwestern University (IL) Evanston* Chicago University of Wisconsin Madison* Extension Rock County Whitewater Parkside Waukesha Milwaukee Platteville Madison Richland Baraboo Washington County Fond du Lac Sheboygan Manitowoc Oshkosh Fox Valley La Crosse Stevens Point Green Bay Marshfield/Wood County Marinette County Marathon County Eau Claire Stout River Falls Barron County Superior University of Minnesota Minneapolis - St. Paul* Duluth Morris Crookston Ohio State University Columbus* Marion Lima Mansfield Newark Purdue University West Lafayette* Hammond Westville Fort Wayne University of Nebraska Lincoln* Omaha Kearney University of Nebraska Medical School Pennsylvania State University University Park* Abington Fogelsville (Allentown) Altoona Monaca Reading Media DuBois Erie Uniontown Malvern Middletown (Harrisburg) Hazleton McKeesport Hershey Mont Alto New Kensington Schuylkill Haven Shenango Lehman Dunmore York Attachment D: Affiliates of Member Institutions Chicago State University (Chicago, IL) Eastern Illinois University (Charleston, IL) Governors State University (University Park, IL) Illinois State University (Normal, IL) Northeastern Illinois University (Chicago, IL) Northern Illinois University (DeKalb, IL) Southern Illinois University - Carbondale (Carbondale, IL) Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (Edwardsville, IL) Southern Illinois University - School of Medicine (Springfield, IL) Western Illinois University – (Macomb, IL) Ball State University Indiana State University Ivy Tech Comm College of Indiana – Bloomington Ivy Tech Comm College of Indiana – Columbus Ivy Tech Comm College of Indiana – East Central Muncie Ivy Tech Comm College of Indiana – Evansville Ivy Tech Comm College of Indiana – Ft. Wayne Ivy Tech Comm College of Indiana – Indianapolis Ivy Tech Comm College of Indiana – Kokomo Ivy Tech Comm College of Indiana – Lafayette Ivy Tech Comm College of Indiana – Madison Ivy Tech Comm College of Indiana – Northcentral South Bend Ivy Tech Comm College of Indiana – Northwest Gary Ivy Tech Comm College of Indiana – Richmond/Connersville Ivy Tech Comm College of Indiana – Sellersburg Ivy Tech Comm College of Indiana – System ATTACHMENT E: DESIGNATION OF CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION The attached material submitted in response to a Request for Proposal # includes proprietary and confidential information which qualifies as a trade secret, or is otherwise material that can be kept confidential under the CICPC Member’s Open Records Law. As such, we ask that certain pages, as indicated below, of this bid/proposal response be treated as confidential material and not be released without our written approval. Prices always become public information when bids/proposals are opened, and therefore cannot be kept confidential. Other information cannot be kept confidential unless it is a trade secret. "Trade secret" means information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique or process to which all of the following apply: 1. The information derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use. 2. The information is the subject of efforts to maintain its secrecy that are reasonable under the circumstances. We request that the following pages not be released: Section Page # Topic ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ IN THE EVENT THE DESIGNATION OF CONFIDENTIALITY OF THIS INFORMATION IS CHALLENGED, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO PROVIDE LEGAL COUNSEL OR OTHER NECESSARY ASSISTANCE TO DEFEND THE DESIGNATION OF CONFIDENTIALITY AND AGREES TO HOLD THE CICPC HARMLESS FOR ANY COSTS OR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE STATE'S AGREEING TO WITHHOLD THE MATERIALS. Failure to include this form in the bid/proposal response may mean that all information provided as part of the bid/proposal response will be open to examination and copying. The CICPC considers other markings of confidential in the bid/proposal document to be insufficient. The undersigned agrees to hold the CICPC harmless for any damages arising out of the release of any materials unless they are specifically identified above. Company Name ___________________________________________ Authorized Representative ___________________________________________ Signature Authorized Representative ___________________________________________ Type or Print Date ___________________________________________ Attachment F: SAMPLE LETTER OF INTENT CICPC Committee on Institutional Cooperation Purchasing Consortium Letter of Intent Master Agreement Number [insert new #] By executing this Letter of Intent , the [insert name of member institution] (hereinafter “Member”) listed below hereby agrees to abide by all of the requirements, duties and obligations set forth in the Agreement between XXXXXX (“Supplier”) and CICPC, Master Agreement Number XXXXXXX, effective as of _________ (the “Agreement”). Member is qualified by virtue of being listed on Attachment XXXX of the Agreement as either a Member Institution, or Affiliate Institution. Supplier and Member agree that all transactions conducted between the parties will be pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. The Purpose of this Letter of Intent is to identify the applicability of the Agreement, and to further define any unique logistical arrangements, or additional terms and conditions agreed upon by both parties. 1. By signing below, Member agrees that in issuing purchase orders under the Agreement, all transactions under the Agreement will be governed by the terms of the Agreement and not by any terms of any purchase order or invoice between Member and Supplier. 2. Member’s primary contact will be as follows: a. Name: b. Title: c. Address: d. Telephone: e. Email: 3. Member and Supplier agree to the following terms and conditions that are additionally required by law for Member to legally contract for the goods and services provided in the Agreement: Affirmative Action: Contracts estimated to be over twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) require the submission of a written affirmative action plan by DOT. An exemption occurs from this requirement if DOT has a workforce of less than twenty-five (25) employees. Within fifteen (15) working days after the contract is awarded, DOT must submit the plan to the Member for approval. Instructions on preparing the plan and technical assistance regarding this clause are available from the Member. [Insert name of member institution]System: This letter of Intent also applies to the following campuses adopting use of the Agreement: [List other campuses] 4. 5. Member and Supplier agree to the following unique operating arrangements necessary to service the Member account(s): a. Ordering and Invoicing Procedures b. XXXXX c. XXXXX This Letter of Intent sets forth the entire agreement between the parties as to the subject matter set forth herein. Intending to be legally bound, the parties have executed this Agreement to be effective as of the date set forth above. Accepted: Member Name: [insert name of member institution] ________________________________ Date: ___/___/___ Accepted: Supplier By: ________________________________ Date: ___/___/___