What is required for Submission of a “Complete Application File?”

Application Form
NF-POGO Centre of Excellence at the
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (2015 – 2016)
Thank you for your interest in applying for the NF-POGO CofE at AWI.
Before you start to fill out this Application Form, please read the three pages located at the end of
this document (pages 9, 10, and 11), which provide guidelines and additional information. The three
pages include:
1. Tips & Hints for Submission of Your Application
2. What is Required for Submission of a Complete Application File
3. Visa Guidelines
We ask that you fill in all questions on the form in the space provided. Some information will be
entered more than one time, once in a short format, and again later with more space for a longer
response. This is done because your application will be reviewed by many people with a variety of
different interests. Some reviewers are looking at the “big picture” (i.e., short responses) while other
reviewers want and need more details to evaluate the application (i.e., these reviewers will read both
the short responses and the long responses).
Good Luck – and please do not hesitate to contact us (Programme Coordinator at CofE@awi.de) if
you have questions.
Name as it appears on your passport:
Preferred Name (e.g., your nickname):
Date of Birth (day/mo/yr):
Current Status (e.g., Grad Student, Research Tech, unemployed, recent graduate):
Name of organization, university, etc. related to your current status:
:City and Country of organization related to your current status:
Gender (M/F):
Hire or start date at current status:
Description of what you do in your current status ( < 50 words):
Will you return to this position after the CofE? (Yes/No); If no, why not?
BSc - University Name:
BSc – City and Country of University:
BSc – Graduation Year:
BSc – Subject area, e.g., biology, chemistry:
BSc – description of key points , e.g., research topics (<50 words):
MSc - University Name:
MSc – City and Country of University:
MSc – Graduation Year:
MSc – Subject area, e.g., Mar. Bio.:
MSc – description of any points of interests, e.g., research topics ( <50 words):
PhD - University Name:
PhD – City and Country of University:
PhD – Graduation Year:
PhD – Subject area, e.g., Phys Oce.:
PhD – description of any points of interests, e.g., research topics (<50 words):
Career wise, what do you want to be doing in 5 years (<50 words)?
Career wise, what do you want to be doing in 10 years (<50 words)?
POGO Relevant Work Completed to Date:
POGO Relevant Work anticipated when you return home:
Marriage status (e.g., married, single):
Minor children (number and age, if any):
Passport Details
Name exactly as it appears on the passport:
Country of passport origin:
Nationality, if different from passport origin:
Citizenship, if different from passport origin:
Date of passport issue:
Date of passport expiration:
Passport number:
Nationals from some countries require Germany entry visas (see information at end of application)
Are you from a country that requires a visa (yes or no):
If yes, have you applied for and received a visa previously (yes or no):
If not, do you anticipate problems in receiving a visa for any reason (yes or no):
(If you answered ‘yes’, please explain on page 6)
Additional Qualifications & Experience
Other professional experiences, if any. Do NOT relist information reported on page 1. Likely inclusions
would be earlier jobs, workshops or training programmes attended, etc. List only a maximum of five most
important/relevant experiences; other qualifications/experience should be placed in your CV.
Summary of your current work (~200 words)
Long-term career and/or educational goals (~200 words)
If selected as a NF-POGO Scholar, how will this impact your current situation? For instance, if you are
employed, will your supervisor allow you to take time off for the Programme? Will you be rehired into your
position after the Programme? If you are a student, will you have finished your degree before the
programme starts or will participation in the Programme impact completion of your research and/or thesis
defence? If you are away during the middle of your degree, will your supervisor allow you to complete the
degree requirements upon your return?
It is necessary for all scholars to attend the entire duration of the course. How sure are you that you will be
able to arrive on the start date and remain for the 10 month duration of the course? Please consider all
aspects, both professional and personal.
If accepted as a CofE Scholar, you will be spending several months on two small but very different islands in
the North Sea. You will have excellent teachers; facilities are world class. Describe the experience you have
had of living in challenging climates. Explain how you think you will benefit from living on the islands of
Helgoland and Sylt.
The CofE Programme involves multiple modules in a variety of different oceanographic disciplines (e.g.,
chemical, biological, physical, atmospheric). We understand that students are likely to have expertise in
one or two disciplines, but not necessarily all disciplines. Please explain your willingness to work in
multiple disciplines.
Explain how you would integrate your specific research interests into a broader, integrated context.
Explain what you expect to learn from disciplines outside your specific area of research specialization – and
how this fits into your long-term education and/or career goals.
Please outline condition(s), if any, that may prevent you from attending the CofE Programme should you be
awarded a position. Also describe what you are doing to address the condition(s). For instance:
 Do you anticipate trouble obtaining a visa? If yes, explain the trouble AND what you are doing to
resolve the issue.
 Does your passport expire soon and/or before the end date of the CofE Programme.
 Are there family issues that need to be considered?
 Do you have concerns about religious or cultural issues (please include dietary issues)?
 Are there medical conditions that need to be considered?
 Have you applied for any other training or jobs that might conflict with the CofE?
 Non-religious dietary issues/questions?
If accepted, do you have obligations or duties that would prevent you from devoting 100% of your time to
the CofE Programme while in Germany? Possible issues might include, but are not limited to: 1) writing
your thesis; 2) written reports or other assigned duties required by your home institution; 3) writing
manuscripts based on your earlier work.
Please explain fully your reasons for wishing to participate in the CofE program and to receive postgraduate training in oceanography. Include your motivations for applying. Describe how this experience will
be used to further your own career in science and how the training will be used to promote ocean science
and literacy in your home country when you return. Please note that an entire page has been devoted to
this response.
I have read the “Tips and Hints for Submission of Your Application” at the end of
this document and have attempted to follow the instructions.
Yes: :
No: :
I read the “What is Required for Submission of a Complete Application File” at the
end of this document – and agree to follow the guidelines.
Yes: :
No: :
Typing my full name represents my digital signature
that the above information is accurate:
DEADLINE for Applications:
Applications should be submitted by 15 March 2015.
Applicants will be notified if they have been selected in late April 2015, it at all possible.
Please fill out the information above, save the file, and send it and the additional documentation (see below)
via email to:
What is required for Submission of a “Complete Application File?”
A completed (filled in) Application Form
Copies of transcripts of your BSc Degree
Copies of the Diploma or your BSc Degree
IF APPLICABLE – copies of MSc and/or PhD transcripts AND Diploma(s)
Three letters of reference.
Note – other documents may be included in your application package (see below) but are not required.
Tips and Hints for Submission of Your Application:
Application Form
Each box on the Application form is limited to a set number of characters. Text that extends beyond
the limit will not be visible to reviewers. Hence, it is in each applicant´s best interest to include only
the most important information and to keep this succinct.
“Transcripts” go by different names in different countries; many applicants contact us each year with
questions. To avoid confusion, here is a brief definition.
o Transcripts are documents provided to you by your college or university. They include the
names of the courses you have taken, the number of credit hours received, and the grade
you earned.
 Transcripts written using the Latin alphabet are acceptable regardless of language (e.g., English,
Spanish, French, etc.). Electronic copies are fine. Originals are not required.
 Transcripts in non-Latin alphabets (e.g., Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, etc.) should be
submitted. Electronic copies are fine. Originals are not required. However, for these transcripts,
please provide a non-official translation in English (i.e., do not pay for this translation at this time,
though if you are short-listed an official translation may be required). Clearly mark the English
version as “An un-official translation done by ___________________ “ (please insert your name in
the blank)
Copies of other certificates, awards, etc. that are relevant to the NF-POGO CofE-AWI
 While it is permissible to submit copies of these documents, they are not a necessary component
of a “Complete Application” (see above).
 Examples of documents frequently submitted (but not required) include:
 Certificate of participation in a training programme
 Award for “best presentation” or similar at a scientific meeting
 A well prepared CV should be able to convey the same information and will likely impress
reviewers more than viewing copies of the certificates, awards, etc.
 As described above under “transcripts”, certificates, awards, etc. that use the Latin alphabet do
not require translation. Documents in non-Latin alphabets require translation.
Three letters of reference.
We prefer to receive reference letters directly from the source (i.e., please ask your references to
email their letters to us at cofe@awi.de)
Please provide either;
 Option One – if the applicant is currently enrolled in school or is employed
i. Two letters of reference from people who are able to judge your academic and
research background and/or potential in marine sciences.
ii. A letter from your employer or major professor. This letter should outline:
 The applicant’s current position at the institute
 The relevance of the training in the NF-POGO Centre of Excellence to the applicant’s
home institute
 The applicant’s overall qualifications for entering the Centre of Excellence and the
anticipated outcome of my participation
 The approval of the parent institution for the applicant’s participation in the training
Option Two – if the applicant is currently not enrolled in school or is not employed
i. Three Letters of Reference from people who are able to judge your academic and
research background and/or potential in marine sciences.
Submission Process
Please submit all documents as a single PDF file if possible. Please label the file as:
Please include the following in the order listed:
1. Application form
2. CV
3. Transcripts of BSc coursework (i.e., a list of course names, credit hours, grades, etc.)
4. Copy of BSc diploma certificate
5. Transcripts and diploma certificates of MSc and/or PhD, if applicable
6. Copies of other certificates, awards, etc. that are relevant to the NF-POGO CofE-AWI
 As described above, these are not required but may be included.
7. Reference Letters
 As described above, we prefer to receive letters directly from your references. However, if
you already have reference letters, please include them at the end of your single PDF file.
If it is not possible to submit all documents as a single PDF file, please provide a descriptive name for
each file submitted.
For example:
 Yourfamilyname_BScdiploma.jpg
 Yourfamilyname_CV.doc
 Yourfamilyname_referenceletter.pdf
In addition, we request that if you submit files in a format other than PDF, that the files are of
appropriate resolution for printing on regular A4 (8 X 10 inch) paper. The appropriate resolution is
approximately 1536 x 1024 pixels or 1024 x 768. Higher resolution files may slow your internet
connection and cost you money for data. Low resolution files may be difficult to read when printed.
Please scan documents in the appropriate mode, either landscape or portrait, depending on the
format used in the original.
 Applications should be submitted by 15 March 2015.
 Applicants will be notified if they have been selected by late April 2015.
 Please submit all material via email to:
Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their passport is valid for at least 6 months beyond their stay.
Generally speaking, all foreigners require VISAs for stays for more than three months in Germany (SCHENGEN
VISAs are not accepted for the CofE). Exemptions apply to UE and EEA citizens. VISA application forms for a
long-term stay (in general referred to as national or student VISA) can be obtained from the relevant embassy.
A table of countries which whose citizens require or do not require visa to enter Germany can be found at:
Additionally, information on VISA requirements can be found at http://www.doyouneedvisa.com/
If accepted into the NF-POGO Centre of Excellence at AWI, students should be aware of the following
1. All POGO Scholars needing a VISA must go to their nearest German Embassy or consulate and apply
through them. (If the student is away from his/her own country at the time of applying, he/she can go
to the nearest German Embassy or Consulate in that country.)
2. Once the application arrives, the German Department of Immigration will have the application
thoroughly researched to make sure that the applicant is admissible. The search could take anywhere
from a couple of days to several weeks. Germany will not grant a VISA unless this search has been
completed successfully.
3. Some students may need to apply for a VISA to travel through European or US countries to arrive in
Germany. This is generally known as a transit VISA. We will work with Scholars, after they are
accepted, to obtain this transit VISA (i.e., do not worry about the transit VISA at this time).