Welcome to english 3!

Personal Choice Reading
 Get out your Personal Choice Reading (PCR) book and
start in. We’ll have 10-15 minutes to read today.
 Don’t have your book? Explore the class library and find
one. Check out your book on the library clipboard.
 Give your book a chance, but if you can tell right away
that you haven’t picked a good fit, put it away and find
another one.
 Be thinking about the “marking up a text” symbols and
how you’ll make a connection to your reading in your
Did anyone finish a book
since last class?
Talk about books…
Take a few minutes and share last night’s
journal entry with a partner.
What connection did you make to the text
(what symbol did you use)?
Be specific… not just “this part was cool.”
Get out your article and the
survey results from Tuesday
(It’s the “Snookie” article and the
notes from our in-class survey)
Socratic Seminar Prep:
 A good discussion must grow from good
questions—if we aren’t wondering anything, what
is there to explore?
 By the end of the period, you’ll be able to recognize
different levels of questions and begin to write your
own good questions.
 We’ll do this using something called “Costa’s House
of Questions”
These are
questions that
can be
answered from
looking at the
Let’s look at an example…
A 6-word short story:
A level 1 question:
For sale:
Baby shoes,
never worn.
What was for sale?
- Attributed to Ernest
Why were the baby shoes
never worn?
Baby Shoes
A level 2 question:
It’s your turn…
 Pivot to groups of four
 As a group, come up with…
 One level 1 question about either the article or the
survey results
 One level 2 or 3 question about either the article or the
survey results
 You will be sharing your group’s questions and
we’ll vote as a class whether you’ve gotten it right!
A Quick 1-to-5
 Hold up a 1 if you have no idea what the difference
is between level 1 and level 2 & 3 questions
 Hold up 5 if you could teach the next class period
how to write level 1 and level 2 & 3 questions
 We’ll use this new knowledge tomorrow to
construct great discussion-starting questions for our
Socratic Seminar.
 Don’t forget to read and journal tonight!
If your journal is still not complete, bring it up front
and I’ll help you with it. It needs…
1. A six-page packet inside front cover
2. A single page grid on first page
3. A three-page packet inside back cover
4. Your first and last name with period # on the front
5. The class “marking up a text” symbols written on
2nd page