UNIT I – VOCABULARY TERMS 4. GOVERNMENT • The Institutions and individuals through which the state maintains social order, provides public services, and enforces decisions. 4. GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT 1. AUTOCRACY • Rule by 1 in a country • EX: Monarchs (who rule by heredity or by divine right) and Dictators (who take power though the military) 2. CAPITALISM • An economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for a profit in competitive markets. 3. DEMOCRACY • Rule by the Many in a country • A country in which the people hold the power over the government either directly or indirectly 5. LEGITIMACY • The general acceptance that people have for their form of government and their political leaders. • Do the people accept their government as legit? 5. LEGITIMACY 6. NATURALIZATION • The process by which an alien becomes a new citizen in the United States 7. OLIGARCHY • Rule by a few or a small group of people in a country who take power through heredity, connections, strength, or religion • EX: China 8. POLITICAL CULTURE • A way of thinking about how politics and government should be handled • Think about the argument over health care 9. POLITICAL IDEOLOGY • A shared and consistent set of beliefs that people hold about the type of government in a country as well as about the policies the government ought to pursue 10. POLITICAL SOCIALIZATION • The process by which we pass along our beliefs about government and our attitudes about American Political Culture to the youth of society. 11. POLITICAL SPECTRUM • The wide range of beliefs / ideology that people hold about the proper role and form of government 12. POLITICS • The art of running a government. • Any attempt to control the decisions and policies made by a government 13. PUBLIC POLICY • THE FINAL DECISIONS (laws, rules, and regulations) made by a government. TYPES OF DEMOCRACY • 14. PURE / OR DIRECT / OR PARTICPATORY DEMOCRACY • A form of democratic rule in which ALL of the people hold the power and are directly active in the day-to-day operation of and running of the government • No country today but Initiative / Referendum / and Recall move us closer to a Pure Democracy TYPES OF DEMOCRACY • 15. REPUBLIC - INDIRECT OR REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY • A form of democratic government in which the citizens hold the power but exercise their power by voting in elections to choose representatives who then run the day-to-day operations of government 16. SOCIALISM • An economic system in which the means of production are either state owned or controlled • It is also a political theory advocating a socialistic economic system II. GOVERNMENT WHAT’S IT REALLY GOOD FOR??? II. GOVERNMENT • 1. What are the purposes of government? • So what is it really good for? Edwin Starr would say “Absolutely Nothing! Say it again!” II. PURPOSES OF GOVERNMENT • A. Maintain Social Order – • • • HOW? Passing of laws and rules Punishments and penalties Rewards II. PURPOSES OF GOVERNMENT • B. Provide public services • Can anyone give me examples: II. PURPOSES OF GOVERNMENT • C. Provide protection and national security • • • POLICE, FBI, ARMY/NAVY/MARINES/AIR FORCE FIRE DEPARTMENTS AMBULANCE II. PURPOSES OF GOVERNMENT • D. Make economic decisions – control economic environment II. PURPOSES OF GOVERNMENT • E. Settle Disputes III. CIVICS AND CITIZENSHIP • 1. CIVICS = Study of the rights and duties of citizens • 2. CIVIC DUTY = Belief that citizens should be knowledgeable and participate in political affairs • 3. CIVIC COMPETENCE = Belief that one can affect government policies • 4. POLITICAL EFFICACY = One capacity to understand and to take part in political affairs III. CIVICS / CITIZENSHIP • 5. What are the major responsibilities of good citizens? III. CIVICS / CITIZENSHIP • • • • • 5 – Mandatory Obligations: Pay taxes Obey laws Jury Duty Selective Service III. CIVICS / CITIZENSHIP • • • • • • • 5. Things citizens SHOULD DO: Register to Vote Vote Serve in the Military Be Informed Work and be productive Volunteer (community service and political organizations) III. CIVICS AND CITIZENSHIP • 6. How many ways can a person be active in their society and democratic government? III. CIVICS = ACTION • • • • • • • • 6. Voting = most common method Obey laws Join Political party or Interest Group Run for Political Office Volunteer in a political campaign Volunteer in a community program Donate time and/or money Keep Informed III. PENNSYLVANIA VOTING • What are the requirements that a person must meet in order to vote in PA? III. PENNSYLVANIA VOTING • • • • In order to vote in PA, a person must be: 1.) at least 18 years of age 2.) A citizen of the USA 3.) Resident of PA and of the district in PA in which they vote for 30 days prior to the election. • 4.) Must be registered to vote 30 days before the election III. PENNSYLVANIA VOTING • SEE THE HANDOUT IN YOUR NOTES PACKET FOR MORE DETAILS VI. CITIZENSHIP • 1. BASIC RULE – Every country has the right to make its own rules for citizenship. In the US system, that power falls to the US Congress. VI CITIZENSHIP • 3A(1) Jus Soli – Citizenship is conferred by the place of one’s birth. • If you are born on US soil, then you are automatically a US Citizen VI. CITIZENSHIP • 3A(2) Jus Sanguinis – By Blood connection • If one or more parents OR grandparents were US citizens at the time of your birth, then you are a US citizen regardless of where you are born VI. CITIZENSHIP • 3.) NATURALIZATION – The process by which citizenship is conferred (given) to a legal alien in the USA. • Congress sets the rules for naturalization. VI. CITIZENSHIP • 3B – NO • Citizenship cannot be revoked by the US government. • 3C - BUT citizens have the RIGHT OF EXPATRIATION = The right to voluntarily give up their citizenship in the USA. VI. CITIZENSHIP • DUAL CITIZENSHIP means having citizenship in more than 1 country at the same time. (See Jus Sanguinis). • The US does not embrace this but it is possible. • Countries that recognize Dual Citizenship include Germany, Canada, Mexico, the UK, Italy, France, and India VI. CITIZENSHIP • 5D – No - states cannot deny an illegal alien a free public education or access to welfare. • The US Supreme Court has made this ruling saying that they do not want to punish children for the improper decisions of their parents. IV. GOVERNMENT • 1. What is government? • The body within a political entity which has the authority to make and enforce laws, rules, and regulations. • It can also be used to refer to the people that hold authority in state. IV. GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION • 2. When looking at a government, you must figure out how the power is distributed. IV. GOV’T ORGANIZATION • 2A. A UNITARY SYSTEM • ALL GOVERNMENT POWER IS CENTRALIZED IN A NATIONAL OR CENTRAL GOVERNMENT • EX: UNITED KNIGDOM (PARLIAMENT) 2A. Unitary Government IV. GOV’T ORGANIZATION • 2B. A FEDERAL SYSTEM OR FEDERALISM • DIVISION OF POWER BETWEEN NATIONAL AND STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS • EX: USA 2B. FEDERAL SYSTEMS IV. GOV’T ORGANIZATION • 2C. CONFEDERACY – CONFEDERATION • A loose association of states with a common goal or purpose • Examples? IV. GOV’T ORGANIZATION • 2C. CONFEDERACY – CONFEDERATION • Examples? USA Under the Articles of Confederation and the Confederate States of America • SWITZERLAND – EUROPEAN UNION – UNITED NATIONS CONFEDERATION V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • 1. Basic Test: • WHO GOVERNS THE STATE? HOW MANY PEOPLE GOVERN? • 3 TYPES OF GOVERNMENTS V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • 2A. AUTOCRACY • • RULE BY THE ONE - Any system of government in which the power and authority to rule are in hands of 1 single individual -Oldest and most common form of government V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • • • • • • 2A. AUTOCRACY – Types: TOTALITARIAN DICTATORSHIP -IDEAS OF A SINGLE LEADER CONTROL -TOTAL CONTROL OF ALL ASPECTS OF POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC LIFE -USE OF FEAR, INTIMIDATION AND FORCE -GOV’T IS NOT RESPONSIBLE TO THE PEOPLE V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • • • • • • • • 2A. AUTOCRACY – Types: TOTALITARIAN DICTATORSHIP EXAMPLES: NAZI GERMANY STALINIST RUSSIA CASTRO’S CUBA HUSSEIN IN IRAQ Kim Jung Il in North Korea FAMOUS DICTATORS V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • • • 2A. AUTOCRACY – Types: MONARCHY - RULE BY A KING OR QUEEN WHO EXERCISES SUPREME POWER -ABSOULTE MONARCHS HAVE COMPLETE AND UNLIMITED POWER -DIVINE RIGHT: POWER TO RULE IS GIVEN BY GOD V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • 2A. AUTOCRACY – Types: MONARCHY – EXAMPLES: V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • • • 2A. AUTOCRACY – Types: THEOCRACY - Government controlled by religious leader EX: THE AYATOLLAH KHOMEINI IN IRAN V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • • • 2B. OLIGARCHY - RULE BY THE FEW - ANY SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT IN WHICH A SMALL GROUP HOLDS POWER -GOV’T BY THE PRIVILEGED -POWER DERIVES FROM WEALTH, MILITARY POWER, SOCIAL POSITION, RELIGION, OR A COMBO THEREOF V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • • 2B. OLIGARCHY – EXAMPLES: CHINA and IRAN TODAY V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • • • 2C. DEMOCRACY - RULE BY THE MANY – ANY SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT IN WHICH RULE IS BY THE PEOPLE POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY – power to rule comes from the people V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • 2C. DEMOCRACY – Types: – a. Direct Democracy (Pure or Participatory Democracy) – ALL CITIZENS GOVERN THEMSELVES BY VOTING ON ISSUES INDIVIDUALLY AS CITIZENS IN TOWN MEETINGS – The will of the people is transformed into public policy directly in mass meetings V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • 2C. DEMOCRACY – Types: – a. Direct Democracy (Pure or Participatory) – PROS: More Democratic and more responsible to the will of the people – CONS: Inefficient / Impractical / Impossible today with large populations – EX: Ancient Athens & New England Town Meetings V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • 2C. DEMOCRACY – Types: – – – B. Representative Democracy / Indirect Democracy / Republic PEOPLE HOLD SOVEREIGN POWER BUT ELECT REPRESENTATIVES IN FREE, COMPETITIVE ELECTIONS AND GIVE THEM RESPONSIBILITY AND POWER TO CONDUCT DAY TO DAY OPERATIONS OF GOVERNMENT -ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES ARE REPSONSIBLE TO THE PEOPLE V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • 2C. DEMOCRACY – Types: – B. Representative Democracy / Indirect Democracy / Republic – EX: USA – PROS: It is democratic and people still control government when they vote and it is more efficient – CONS: APATHY AND NON-VOTERS V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • • • 2C. DEMOCRACY TECHNOLOGY TODAY: Can we be more like a Pure Democracy with technology? Possible with computers some day V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • • 2C. DEMOCRACY – There are new developments that make us more like a Pure Democracy. INITIATIVE: Power of citizens of some states to draft new laws or amendments to the state Constitutions by use of a Petition with required number of signatures – If done, then the proposed amendment automatically goes on the ballot for voter approval in next election V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • • 2C. DEMOCRACY – There are new developments that make us more like a Pure Democracy. REFERENDUM: THE PEOPLE’S VETO – Power granted to citizens of some states to vote no to laws passed (usually tax and spending bills) by the state or local legislatures V. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT • • 2C. DEMOCRACY – There are new developments that make us more like a Pure Democracy. RECALL: Power of citizens of some states to vote to remove elected officials prior to the end of their term of office (EX: Grey Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger in CA)