Chapter 5 - Revere Local Schools

Chapter 5
The Enlightenment and
the American Revolution
5-1 Objectives-What you need to focus on
• How did ideas in science change from
Medieval times to after the mid 1500s?
• How is our world different today b/c of
the Scientific Revolution?
• How did changes in science lead to
changes in other areas of life such as the
relationship between people and
Old Ways of Thinking
• Medieval View- views of science and the world
around us were based on ancient teachings
and the church. Anything that could not be
explained was deemed magic or mystical.
• Example-Geocentric Theory- old view that the
earth was the center of the universe.
Scientific Revolution
Scientific Revolution-by the 1500’s great
advances in science were made due to new
inventions and approaches in science.
• People started placing value on truths that
could be proven rather than magic,
mysticism, and ancient writings.
Natural Law-rules discoverable by reason,
govern scientific forces such as gravity and
Developments out of the Scientific
• Heliocentric Theory- idea that the sun was the
center of the universe.
• Nicolaus Copernicus-believed earth was round,
and that the earth revolved around the sun.
(Heliocentric Theory) This went against the
previously accepted Geocentric Theory- which
means that the earth was the center of the
• Johannes Kepler –proved Copernicus’ theory
using math. He proved planets move in ellipses
or oval paths.
Galileo 1564-1642
• Built his own
telescope, and
published works that
the sun was center of
the universe. Galileo
published his findings
and was forced by
the Church to say his
writings were false or
face torture. He lived
under house arrest
until he died.
Is there still tension between
religion and Modern Science?
How so?
Developments of the Scientific Revolution
• Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes-helped to
develop the scientific method which showed
scientific thought is not assumed but proven.
• Both men believed in rejecting old
assumptions and proving things based on
math and scientific reasoning
Why might the Church dislike the ideas of Bacon
and Descartes?
• Isaac Newton –mathematical genius who
discovered gravity. The same force rules the
motion of the planets and all matter in earth
and space.
Scientific Revolution Spreads to other fields
• Scientific instruments- microscope, barometer
and thermometer (Gabriel Farenheit)
• Medical- dissection of human corpses (Andreas
Vesalius), vaccinations-ex. smallpox, red blood
cells, bacteria
• Chemistry-matter, Boyle’s law-how volume,
temperature and pressure of gas affect each
other, carbonation, etc.
• The scientific revolution brought reason and
proof into the field of science and threw out
age old religion and theories
• Many important scientists contributed to the
Scientific Revolution. Can you name some?
• What other fields besides astronomy were
impacted by the Scientific Revolution
• How would our world be different without the
Scientific Revolution?
• Basing value on proof (using natural laws) will
cause people to question government
authority over their lives, education and how
goods and services are distributed
Government should exist to
represent and protect the
Is this a radical idea???????
Scientific Revolution leads to Enlightenment
• Advances in science led philosophers to
question old theories and authority. This
branched into philosophers starting to
question the way social classes were
structured and the governments that had
power over them
• Natural Law was used to study human
behavior and solve problems of society.
*Notes from the book start here*
5-1 Objectives-what you need to know
• How changes in science led people to
question government and society
• What were governments like around the
world before the Enlightenment ?
• Know Enlightenment philosophers and the
ideas they proposed.
• Focus Question: What effects did
Enlightenment philosophers have on
government, education and economics (the
way goods and services are distributed)
The Enlightenment Period
• Time period- Late 1600’s into the 1700’s.
• Location-European cities
• Definition- A time period of new thoughts
and ideas that applied human logic and
reason to the world. Philosophers stressed
that individuals had the power to solve
• Many important philosophers during this
time period influenced political thought in
the 18th century. This time is also know as
the Age of Reason
The Enlightenment Period cont…
• Philosophers challenged the norm by
rejecting the Divine Right of Kingsmeaning kings had the right to rule
because they were chosen by God.
• Philosophers thought government should
be responsive to the people
Philosophers common beliefs about society
• Philosophers during this time had
predominately 2 separate beliefs
1. That overall society and people were
good. There was no need for an
oppressive government to keep control
in society
2. That overall society is evil and strict
government was necessary in order to
maintain a civil society
Most philosophers believed in the first view
People enter into a social
contract between themselves
and government. People give
up some of their natural rights
to a sovereign ruler or
government to help maintain
order among people. This helps
prevent war. People fear chaos
and death. He wrote the
Thomas Hobbes'
book the
Leviathan was
written in 1651.
How does the
title page to the
right demonstrate
his beliefs?
All people have natural rights.
He felt natural rights were the
freedom to life, liberty, and
property. Government has an
obligation to protect people’s
natural rights and not take
advantage of their position in
power. If government does not
do this people have a right to
John Locke
Do you agree with Hobbes or
Believed in the common good of
the community. This common
good was liberty and freedom.
Rousseau’s social contract
consisted of government receiving
power as long as they protected
people’s natural rights. Rousseau’s
social contract greatly differed from
Thomas Hobbes’.
•Believed in the freedom of
religions and speech. He
spoke out against the
French government and
Catholic Church. He was
Believed in the
separation of powers in
government. These
powers should be split up
into legislative,
executive, and judicial
branches. The branches
would have the power to
check each other to stop
one branch from gaining
to much power.
Baron de
• Believed that laws existed to
preserve social order, not to
avenge crimes. He focused
his writings on reforming
the criminal justice system.
He wanted to end torturing
witnesses, irregular
proceedings in trials, and
punishments that were
cruel. In his view capital
punishment should be
Cesare Beccaria
Iron Maiden
• Most persuasive female
philosopher who
believed that believed
in equal education for
• Wanted women to take
part in male dominated
fields like medicine and
• Many women wrote
about Enlightenment
philosophies in relation
to women’s treatment
in society
Summary-The Enlightenment Period Produced lasting
effects on each of the following areas:
Social/Culture- gave citizens more freedom of thought politically
and religiously. Ex. Citizens could set up own government,
explore new religious thought, people stared rejecting the
church’s ideas. Overall a belief in progress and a more secular
Economic- gave citizens a chance to pursue happiness. by
defeating the class system. (ex. French Revolution)
Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations proposed laissez-faire and
opposed (mercantilism) government regulated trade.
Political-new systems of government were set up making rights
of the individual the main priority. Democracy and Representative
Divine Right of Kings
Natural Rights
All of the Enlightenment Philosophers
believed in natural rights.
Which of the following statements does not
represent Enlightenment thought?
a. People have natural rights.
b. There should be a system of checks and
balances in government.
c. All people have the right to worship,
think, and speak as they choose
d. The power of the Monarch is Absolute
e. Rebellion is justified if the ruler no
longer has the consent of the people.
Chapter 5-2 Objectives
• Relate historical events to the arts
and how people express themselves
throughout time.
• As Enlightenment changes spread
across Europe summarize the cultural
and political changes that took place?
• Summarize the difference between
Baroque and Rococo art styles
How did the Enlightenment spread when it
was illegal to speak out against the
government or Catholic Church?
Cities-Paris, London etc.
Books-Diderot’s Encyclopedia
Word of mouth
Salons- meeting places where
philosophers exchanged ideas.
• Newspapers
• Political songs
• Pamphlets
The Enlightenment Catches On
• The Enlightenment ideas became so
popular that art, music and literature
reflected how culture changed.
• Many writers were
censored so
disguised ideas in
works of fiction.
• Example-Gulliver’s
Travels in 1726 by
Johnathan Swift
• Novels-lengthy
pieces of writing
with a plot,
characters and
suspenseful stories.
• 1600’s and 1700’s was dominated by
Baroque style-grand ornate design
• After the Enlightenment artists started
using a more simple and elegant style.
Rococo- moved away from religion and
was lighter and more elegant.
• Rococo was reflected in music, clothing
and architecture. See page 190
Baroque vs. Rococo
•Think Palace of
Versailles, Rembrandt
(painter), sculpted
•Think lighthearted and
charming, less powerful
and serious
•Portrait Landscapes
• The Enlightenment produced a lighter
more elegant style of music known as
• Composers-Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven
• More middle class people by mid 1700’s
could pay to concerts to be preformed
At left:
At right:
Enlightenment and Monarchy
• Some Monarchs during the 1700’s were
willing to listen to the philosophers
• Enlightened Despot (absolute ruler)- a
king/queen that embraced enlightenment
ideas and made reforms in their countries
• Why would Monarchs agree to make
reforms based on Enlightenment ideals?
Enlightened Despots
• Frederick the Greatking of Prussia and
granted religious
freedom reduced
censorship and
bettered education
• He was the “first
servant to the state”
Enlightened Despots
• Joseph II-son of Maria
Theresa and eventual
king of Austria
• He made many
reforms such as free
press, freedom of
religion ended
serfdom and cash for
Enlightened Despots
• Catherine the Greatruled Russia during the
late 1700’s
• She exchanged letters
and ideas with Voltaire
and others
• Made reforms to allow
religious freedom,
reform criminal justice
• She later ended reforms
after rebellions occurred
• The Enlightenment started in Europe and
spread world wide starting in the 1700’s.
• Art music and literature were impacted by
the Enlightenment-more middle class will
start to influence and enjoy the arts
• Monarchs began to listen to
Enlightenment ideas but did not make
drastic changes
• Most people’s peasant lives will not
change until later in the 1800’s when
radical ideas turn into revolution
Objective-Section 3
• Recognize the Enlightenment ideas
we have learned and understand how
it influenced the American Revolution
and US government.
Background Info on the start of
• Influence of Britain’s global power on
revolution (see the handout I gave you for
section 5-3
Section 3
Birth of the American Republic
List ideas from the Enlightenment that
Thomas Jefferson and our founding
Fathers incorporated into the U.S.
Declaration of Independence and
Constitution. Include the Enlightenment
thinker with the idea in your answers.
Enlightenment Ideas
• Personal Liberty-
• Freedom of Speech/Religion• No Social Classes = opportunity• Responsive Government• Rebellion• Natural Rights-Life, liberty Property -
Enlightenment Ideas
• Women’s rights-
• Rights for minorities (ban slavery)• Social Contract-
• Separation of Powers• Criminal Rights-
Practice Question
How did the Declaration of Independence
embody Enlightenment ideals?
A. It stated that all titles of nobility should be
B. It protected the rights of the accused and
prohibited cruel punishment.
C. It set up a system of checks and balances for
the U.S. government.
D. It said that people have rights of life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness.
Project Time!!!
• Pick one of the following quotes
• Illustrate the meaning of the quote you chose
• Place a short explanation of your illustration on
the back
• Illustrations should be bold and colorful
• Computer images may be used
• Rousseau” Man is born free, and everywhere he is in
• Voltaire”I do not agree with what you say but will defend
to the death your right to say it.”
• Thomas Hobbes”Without governments, there would be “war…of
every man against every man.”
• Baron de Montesquieu”Power should be a check to power”