CTE Lesson Plan Author/Email: Tana Drennan/ tana.drennan@birdvilleschools.net Date Submitted: 10/5/11 Grade Level: Pathway: Cluster: Course: Health & Medicine Health Science Technology Medical Terminology (check all that apply) x 9 x10 x11 x12 Project Name: Skin Building with Food Objective(s): Upon completion of this lesson, the learner will be able to: integumentary system; and prefixes gained in the course; ted with the skin Primary Unit of Study (from Scope & Sequence): INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Secondary Unit of Study (if applicable): College & Career Readiness Standards: Learning how to perform sutures Software: None Materials Required: cornpuffs, m&ms, grapes, whip cream, red jello, cocoa, cornflakes, licorice, plastic cup Prerequisite Skills: Basic understanding of integumentary system. Time Required: 1 class period (about 45 min) Essential Questions: Why is the subcutaneous layer a desirable site for some injections? Key Vocabulary: 1. Adipose 2. arrector pili 3. Cortex 4. Dermis 5. Epidermis 6. Gland 7. Hair follicle 8. Keratin, 9. Matrix, 10. Medulla 11. Melanin 12. Melanocytes, 13. Papilla, 14. Papillae, 15. Root, 16. Sebaceous gland, 17. Sebum, 18. Shaft 19. Stratum corneum, 20. stratum germinativum,21. Subcutaneous, 22. sudoriferous gland Procedure/Instruction: 1. Fill the bottom of a clear, plastic cup with Corn Puffs Cereal or yellow jello. 2. Add red jello on top of the Corn Puffs (or yellow jello).The red jello represents the dermis. 3. Using the following ingredients, place them appropriately in the red jello according to their actual placement in the dermis. � M & M Peanuts represent the sebaceous glands. � Grapes represent the sudoriferous glands. 4. Spread a layer of whipped cream (thickness) on top to represent the stratum germinativum. Remember to check the thickness. 5. You may use cocoa to add melanin to your “skin” color. 6. Sprinkle a fine coating of crushed up Corn Flakes on top of the whipped cream to represent the stratum corneum. 7. Insert a licorice stick (hair) through the whipped cream into the dermis. Closure: Students will complete worksheet to turn in for grade. They may eat the food if they choose after teacher has graded everything. Evaluation/Assessment: students will be evaluated on observed participation, completed model and completion of worksheet. Differentiation Strategies: Partner stronger student’s w/weaker students. Allow students with learning disabilities more time or other approved/suggested modifications. Strongly advise all students to get tutorial help from teacher. Students who fail a test are allowed as many additional re-test attempts as needed in order to pass; (student is allowed the grade they make, even if it’s a 100). Students who pass a test are allowed 1 re-test attempt to try for a higher grade. Only the highest grade is kept. Additional Resources: Textbook provided by school, worksheet attached. Additional Files: “BUILD THE SKIN WITH FOOD”