Scavenger Hunt @ SFSU

The project was designed to explore the new teaching and
learning environment such as: class management , a new
and fun way of learning and students who are eager to
start their college life at SFSU.
The use of the internet in education for research and
learning can be turn into collaboration between teams and
everyone in the class.
This class is gear toward freshman and/or incoming
What is Scavenger Hunt?
A scavenger hunt is a game in which individuals
or teams seek to find a number of specific items,
or perform tasks, as given in a list. The goal is
either to complete the list first, or to complete
the list in the most creative manner.
How can Scavenger Hunt
teach us?
Scavenger hunt is a cool way to learn by HUNTING
your topic in:
researching, observing, capturing and evaluating your
Each teams will be given an assignment of what to
hunt for. You will have 90 minutes to explore,
research and post your findings on wikis site. Other
team will evaluate the other teams findings.
Weekly Assignments
S is for our Sutro modern Library and Resources
C is for the different Colleges at SFSU
A is for Art at SFSU
V is for Venues at SFSU
E is for Evaluating our thoughts
N is for New students, New experiences and New ideas
G is for Gold and Purple SFSU colors
E is for the Ending Halls
R is for Rewarding our knowledge
What you will get out from
this course:
Learn about SFSU campus
Team Building
Internet Research
The use of a digital camera or optional to use video
The use of wiki
The use of digital image via the internet ( or