INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Sakarya Üniversitesi Teknoloji Fakültesi Elektrik Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü T4 Blok • • • • • • • • Introducing the department Introducing the EEE Engineering ethic Unit systems Direct and alternative current Resistor, capacitor, and coil Voltage and current supplies Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s Laws Electrical and Electronics Engineering • • • • Circuit concept, Serial, Parallel and Mixed circuits Semiconductor technology General Occupational Health and Safety Occupational Health and Safety in Electrical 1 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT The term DC is used to refer to power systems that use only one polarity of voltage or current, and to refer to the constant, zero-frequency, or slowly varying local mean value of a voltage or current. That is the direction and quantity according to the time is constant in DC. The generation and transmission of DC, which are difficult don’t preferred much. Batteries, cells, DC generators and DC power supplies can be given as example. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT The current which its direction and quantity changes according to the time is called Alternative Current (AC). The basic structure of AC is a sinusoidal waveform. Electrical energy is produced as AC and DC. Today, more than 90% of electrical energy, consumed is produced as an alternative current. There are many reasons for that. First of all, to be able to economically carry the electrical energy too far there is a need for higher voltages. Otherwise, because of too much energy loss, the transmitted energy can not be sufficient for users. Also, DC generators can not be designed for high voltages. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 3 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT DC generators, just produce up to 1500 V have been designed due to the difficulties of commutation (switching). On the contrary, such alternators can produce higher voltages such as 230, 6300, 10500 and 20000 V, it is also possible to increase these voltages up to 60 kV, 100 kV, and more by using a static machine, called transformator. Carrying the electrical energy is done by higher AC voltages. At the end of the transmission line, higher AC voltages are reduced to user voltage by transformators. It is possible to converting higher AC voltage to higher DC voltage with some rectifiers first, and then carrying the energy, and finally converting it to lower AC voltage with some inverters at the end of the line but these procedures can not be preferred. Powerful and high-speed generators can not be made because of the difficulties in commutation. Alternators can be made as powerful and high-speed. Thus, the energy cost per kilowatt hour and operating costs are lower. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT Alternators can be made for 200000 kVA, 400000 kVA in power. At a constant speed in the industry, AC motor (induction motor) works more efficient than DC motor. Induction motor is more robust, and cheaper than DC motor, and its maintenance is also easy. The only advantage of the DC motor is that the speed can be set properly. The use of direct current is preferred, or where there is an obligation. DC can be used in electrical vehicles, metal plating, metal treatment, all electronic systems, and communications systems. In such these applications, DC can usually be obtained by converting from AC. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 5 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT Production of AC Electrical and Electronics Engineering 6 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT Wire moving in a magnetic field Electrical and Electronics Engineering 7 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT Alternance Cycle and Period Electrical and Electronics Engineering 8 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT The values of alternative current and voltage Maximum Value It is the biggest one of instantaneous values. Notice that, at the angle of 90 and 270 degrees, current reaches the maximum value. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 9 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT The values of alternative current and voltage Average Value The average value is the average of instantaneous values in a cycle. Because of the number of positive instantaneous value in one cycle of alternating current is equal to the number of negative instantaneous value, the mean value in the alternating current is zero. For this reason, calculation of the average value is done by in one alternance only. If the maximum value is known, then the average value can be calculated as below: Iort= 0.636.Im Electrical and Electronics Engineering 10 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT Effective Value (Root mean square) In physics it is a characteristic of a continuously varying quantity, such as a cyclically alternating electric current, obtained by taking the mean of the squares of the instantaneous values during a cycle. It is equal to the value of the direct current that would produce the same power dissipation in a resistive load. The RMS value of a continuous function or signal can be approximated by taking the RMS of a series of equally spaced samples. Additionally, the RMS value of various waveforms can also be determined without calculus. In the case of set of n values , the RMS The corresponding formula for a continuous function (or waveform) f(t) defined over the interval is, Electrical and Electronics Engineering 11 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT Electrical and Electronics Engineering 12 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT Period The period is the duration of time of one cycle in a repeating event, so the period is the reciprocal of the frequency. The period, usually denoted by T. The SI unit for period is the second. T = 1/f Frequency Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time. For cyclical processes, such as rotation, oscillation, or waves, frequency is defined as a number of cycles per unit time. It is usually denoted by a Latin letter f. The SI unit of frequency is the hertz (Hz); one hertz means that an event repeats once per second. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 13 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT Electrical and Electronics Engineering 14 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT Electrical and Electronics Engineering 15 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT Electrical and Electronics Engineering 16 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT Electrical and Electronics Engineering 17 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT Electrical and Electronics Engineering 18 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT MULTIMETRE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 19 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT Electrical and Electronics Engineering 20 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIRECT AND ALTERNATIVE CURRENT Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21