KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY 1 SEMESTER BSC.(ENVIRONMENT SCIENCE) EXAMINATION,S-2014 BASICS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES Time:-3Hours Max. Marks: - 75 SECTION-A Attempt any five Questions. (5*5) 1. Justify whether the function cos ax is an Eigen function of (a) d/dx (b) d2/dx2. What is the corresponding Eigen value if any? 2. What is the importance of IR spectroscopy in finger print region? 3. Explain the Electronic spectrum of a diatomic molecule? 4. Describe the photo physical process? 5. What are the limitations of Beer’s law? 6. Calculate the value of an Einstein of energy in electron volts for radiation of frequency 3*1013s-1. 7. Write short note on Fluorescence? SECTION-B Attempt any two Questions. (10*2) 8. How Quantum mechanics works? Explain? 9. What is the ground state energy for an electron which is confined to a potential well having a width of 0.2 nm? 10. Describe the applications of Microwave Spectroscopy? SECTION-C Attempt any two Questions. 11. Describe the Operators of algebra? 12. Explain the Schrodinger wave equation for particle in a one dimensional box? 13. What are the types of Molecular Spectra? (15*2)