Participation in Government- Final Exam Review Sheet. Federal

Participation in Government- Final Exam Review Sheet.
Federal Government
Direct or participatory democracy-what is it and pros and cons
Representative democracy- what is it and pros and cons.
Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
Idea of self-government in the Preamble, Other Parts to the Constitution
Three Branches- Separation of Powers
Checks and Balances
How a bill becomes a law
Senators vs. House Reps.
Bill of Rights
Different parts of the first amendment
Federalism- Federal laws vs. State Laws.
Constitution as a living document. What is an amendment?
Duties of citizens- things you must do.
Responsibilities of citizens- things you should do.
Methods of Naturalization
Naturalization process.
Rights of Citizens
NYS Governor
NYS Federal Senators
Senator from this district
House Rep from this district
Broome County Executive
NYS Assemblyman
State and County Government
NYS Highest Court
Houses of NYS legislature
How does NYS raise money?
Services provided by NYS.
County jobs
Services provided by counties
Political Spectrum
Purpose and roles of political parties
Radical, liberal, moderate, conservative
Stance on issues
Role of Media
How a school district is organized
******Be prepared to write an essay. This essay will be part opinion, part fact. You are to find an
issue (it can be local, statewide, or national) that you think is most important to Americans. For
this essay you must be able to define the problem and explain why it is a problem and then come
up with a plan or solution for solving this problem. The solution must be legal and involve
legislative changes.