
Using the Classroom
Performance System (CPS)
November 11, 2005
Introduction to CPS
• What is the Classroom
Performance System?
– Instructor asks questions in class
– Students answer with their remotes
– CPS software automatically collects
and grades students’ responses
• Terminology:
– “clicker” = “remote” = “response pad”
• What delayed the recent launch of
the space shuttle Discovery?
A.Danger gauge, when tapped, went
from “none” to “extreme”
B.Waiting for liquid-oxygen prices to
drop below $300 a barrel
C.Driver’s side window still wouldn’t
roll up
D.Glitch in a fuel sensor
Source: The Onion
Instructor Overview
• Order response pads at bookstore
• Install and setup the CPS software
– Create a CPS database
– Create CPS classes
– Synchronize your class rosters with CPSOnline
• Include CPS as a required portion of your class
in the syllabus
• Optionally, prepare PowerPoint slides with
• Use CPS in class
• Optionally, export grades to Excel
Student Overview
• Buy a CPS RF remote from the
– New remotes @ bookstore cost $15.80
• Register the remote with classes in
– $15 / semester
• Bring the remote to class
• Answer questions
Order CPS Remotes
• Add CPS remotes to your textbook
order with the bookstore
• Place your order as soon as
• Bookstore knows how to order them.
For your reference, the ISBN # is:
Install CPS
• Download CPS software
– Go to www.einstruction.com
– Click Downloads
– Select CPS Update for Windows
• It says it’s an “update”, but it’s actually the full
– Click the CPS x.xx Install link
• If you already have a previous version
installed, uninstall it first
• Download and run the installer, following
on-screen instructions
Create a new CPS
• Start CPS
• Select “Create New
Database”, click OK
• If you don’t take
your tablet to class,
you must save the
database file either
to your H: drive or
a USB flash drive
Create CPS Classes
• Create a separate CPS “class” for each physical grouping
of your students
– For example, if you teach five sections of Biology 103 but all
five sections meet in one place at one time, then create only
one CPS class that includes all five of those sections
– For another example, if you teach three sections of Psychology
100 and those three sections meet at different times during
the week, then create a separate CPS class for each section
• Your class will be registered with CPSOnline, the website
students use to register their remotes with classes.
• Each time you open CPS, an updated student roster will be
downloaded automatically from CPSOnline.
• Follow the instructions on the next slide to create a CPS
Create a Class
In the Classes tab, click
New under Classes
Follow the on-screen
Call eInstruction at
940-565-0004 to obtain a
setup code. Tell them
you’re with Radford
Name, enter department
name, course number,
and section number
Be sure to select a class
end date that is several
days after the date your
grades are due to the
registrar. Your class will
be deleted from
CPSOnline after the class
end date.
Write down the Class
Send Instructions to
• Before a student can use a remote in class,
he/she must register it with CPSOnline
• Email these instructions to your students
• Be sure to include your class key with
your instructions:
– Purchase a CPS RF remote from the bookstore.
– Register the remote’s serial number with the
class key at einstruction.com. Click the
Students link.
– Registration is $15 / semester (unlimited
number of courses per semester). Pay by credit
card or check at eInstruction’s website.
– You will be assigned a number for the class.
Write down the number and bring it with
your remote to each class.
3 Ways to Use CPS
• Ask a verbal question at anytime during class
– Easy
• Prepare questions in advance with PowerPoint
– Easy, but requires preparation
• Create a lesson in CPS and engage it during
– Difficult, but allows you to use more advanced features
of CPS
• You can take attendance and export grades to
Excel in any of the above modes
• Regardless of how you use CPS, the setup
procedure that must be preformed at the start
of each class is the same
Ask Questions During
Class - Overview
• At the start of each class:
– Turn on and connect to the classroom’s projector
– Launch CPS
– Detect the receiver
• Each receiver uses a different channel to avoid interference with
receivers in other classrooms. You should use the in-room
receiver, rather than one you may own yourself. Your own
receiver may be on a channel that interferes with a nearby
– Setup the question session
– Join the students’ remotes
• When you’re ready to ask a question:
– Click Verbal Questions in CPS
– Indicate the number of points the set of questions will be
worth in your grading system
– Select the question type from the engage toolbar
– End the question and select the correct answer
Detect the Receiver
• At the start of each class,
launch CPS
• Open your database file if
it isn’t opened automatically
• Plug the receiver into the
computer you are using
• In the Settings menu, click
Delivery Options
• Make sure Show Pads That
Have Responded is
1. Launch CPS and
plug in the receiver
2. Select Delivery Options
from the Settings menu
3. Make sure Show Pads
That Have Responded is
• In the Receiver tab, click
Detect CPS Receiver
• Wait for the receiver to be
• Click OK and OK again to 4. In the Receiver tab, click Detect CPS Receiver
close the Delivery Options
Setup the Question
• In CPS, click Verbal Questions
• Enter a title for this session of
– You’ll reference this title later if you
want to include this session in your
• Select the appropriate category and
• Enter the number of points this
session should be worth if you later put
it in your gradebook
• If you want to give students credit for
their attendance:
– Check “Create Attendance from this
– Check “Include Attendance in
– Enter the number of points to award
students for attendance
• Click OK
You must join the remotes
at the start of each class
Join the Remotes (1)
• After you setup the session, the Join Window
will appear
• Note the channel number on the computer
• Wait for all students to join by watching the onscreen counter
– # Joined : # Enrolled
number may
differ from
Join Window
Join the Remotes (2)
• Give these instructions to
your students:
• Hold the POWER button
until the lights turn on.
• Press JOIN
2. Lights
• Enter the 2-digit channel
4. Chan #
• Press SEND
• The red light will flash,
the green light will come
on, and eventually the
green light will slowly
1. (Hold)
Take Attendance
• Click Close in the Join window to
display the Engage Toolbar:
• Students will not get credit for
attendance until you ask a question
• If you are only using CPS for taking
attendance, ask an easy question
Engage a Question
• Once you close the join window, the engage toolbar will
be displayed:
• At this time, you can start a PowerPoint presentation, open
a Word document, etc. The engage toolbar should stay on
the screen.
• If the engage toolbar disappears, you can bring it back by
cycling through open windows with alt+tab
– Hold the alt key
– Continue holding alt while pressing tab several times. Each
time you press tab, an icon will be highlighted on the screen
– The engage toolbar icon looks like a question mark
– When the engage toolbar icon is highlighted, release the alt
key and the toolbar should appear on the screen
• To ask a question with CPS, click
question type
and select the
Collect Student
• The Feedback Grid shows how
many people have responded:
• Ask people to send
their response:
– “On the remote,
enter your
answer and
• To change your
answer after
you’ve sent it,
enter it again
and press send
How Students Know They’ve
Responded Successfully
• Instruct your students to confirm their response has been
• “The number you were assigned when you registered your
remote is on this grid on the screen. When your number
on the grid turns blue, you have successfully sent your
response. The grid cycles through all remotes so you may
have to wait for your number to appear.”
Students 1 & 3
have sent their
None of the other
students have
sent a response
The number of
students who
have responded
is 2
If Numbers Aren’t
Turning Blue…
• If the students’ numbers aren’t
turning blue when they respond,
click the
button (to the right of
the “Grid” button)
• It should toggle into
Indicate the Correct
• Click End when everyone has
• Select the Correct Answer
• Click another
question type
button to ask
another question
Add Questions to a
PowerPoint Presentation
• To prepare questions
in advance, add
them to PowerPoint
• Open or create a new
• Insert a new slide:
• Type the question
• CPS supports
multiple choice,
true/false, and
numerical questions
• Open the
presentation after
you join the remotes
to display it while
students respond
• CPS stores student performance for every
question session
• Student grades can be exported to Excel
• If you grade your students with CPS, give
yourself and your students several practice
• To export grades to Excel:
– Go to the gradebook tab of CPS
– Choose a class, date range, and assessment
– Add sessions to the gradebook by clicking the
Choose button
– Click the Export button
Export Grades to
Excel - Procedure
Click the Gradebook tab in CPS
Select the class you wish to export in the upper-right
corner of the CPS window
Set the date range next to “View From” at the bottom of
the CPS window to include the sessions you wish to export
Click the Assessments button on the left side of the CPS
Click the Choose button at the top of the CPS window
Select a session to export and click OK
Select the type of grades you wish to export (homework,
quiz, exam, etc) or select All to export all grades within the
date range.
– A square appears around the grade type when you select it.
Click again, and it is deselected.
Click Export to open an Excel spreadsheet containing the
This process will export all grades in the gradebook. You
can delete grade columns in Excel
Export Grades to Excel –
What the Output Means
• A grade column for each session of questions is
• The grade columns contain the total number of
points earned for a particular set of questions
• The Avg column contains the total points earned
divided by the total points possible for each
student as a percentage
• You can copy and paste the Avg column into your
existing Excel gradebook as a grade out of 100
• Or, you can copy and paste grade columns into
your existing Excel gradebook