Name: Who is Alaric? Why did he take Rome? What was the state of

Who is Alaric?
Why did he take Rome?
What was the state of Rome during the Visigoth’s invasion?
How did Rome implode from within?
Why did the Goths rebel against Rome?
From the fall of Rome to the 1st Crusade, things get dark: why is this called the Dark Ages?
What happened to the glorious monuments of Rome?
Petrach called this time, the Dark Ages: if this right?
Who is Clovis? Why is he so important?
Why was Christianity so important after the fall of Rome?
Why did it make sense for Clovis to convert?
What kind of ruler was Clovis?
What is the Merovingian dynasty?
What was the Ordeal?
Who are the Franks?
Clovis was a stabilizing force for a shaky period. How did he do this?
From Constantinople, soldiers are sent to attack the barbarians: why?
What was the cultural difference between Eastern and Western Empire?
How was Constantinople during Rome’s fall?
Who is Justinian?
Was he an honest man?
Was he popular? What happened to him?
Who is Theodora?
What did she do that was so important?
What did Justinian and Theodora want?
What is the Italian campaign?
What did Justinian build that was so important?
What was the hidden killer of the “New Roman Empire?”
Did Justinian survive the plague?
What were the effects of the bubonic plague?
Justinian’s power dwindled. How does superstition arise in the Dark Ages?
What was the state of the family at this time?
Where was the light in the Dark Ages?
St. Bede wrote a History of England. He was a Benedictine monk. What did the monks do that was so important?
Who was St. Benedict? What did he do?
Why did the monks try to poison St. Benedict?
What is the purpose of St. Benedict’s Rule?
Were all people who entered the monastery entering freely?
732 AD. Muslims and Christians are fighting: why?
The Moors (Muslim) attacked France. How did the Moors fight?
Who is Charles the Hammer?
How did he win against the Muslims?
Where did the Moors flee?
Why is Charles called the Hammer? Why is he so important?
Who is Charlemagne? What is his relationship to Charles Martel (the Hammer)?
Who is the New Roman Emperor?
Charlemagne wins all his battles. He restores learning. He restores economy. Was the Holy Roman Empire equal to the
glory of Ancient Rome?
What was Charlemagne’s greatness?
Charlemagne had to share his power with his brother. His brother died. Charlemagne expands his Empire. How did he
deal with Non-Christians?
What is the Bloody Verdict of Verdun?
Charlemagne had a brutal but successful policy. How was he so successful? What did he do as king?
How did he improve society?
Charlemagne learns to read and write. Why was this so amazing?
Charlemagne has many wives and concubines (mistresses). Was this unusual at the time for rulers?
Christmas Day 800. Charlemagne is crowned Emperor. What was his most daunting political challenge now?
Who are the Vikings?
Why were the monasteries good places to rob?
How were the Vikings so unstoppable?
Carolingians (people of Charlemagne) paid off the Vikings from attacking. What was the favorite target of the Vikings?
What was the Great Heathen Army?
Who is Ivan the Boneless? What did he want?
What is the Bloody Eagle?
Who is Alfred the Great? Why did he build fortresses?
Some Vikings assimilated into Christian culture. Others left. After the Vikings, what did the knights do?
Why did the Catholic Church gather the relics in front of the knights?
What was the Peace of God?
What was the Truce of God?
What were the bishops trying to do with these things?
How did the bishops redirect the energies of the knights?
1095 is the first Crusade. Many Crusades followed. What did the Crusaders get that was so valuable?
1000. Europe turns the corner. Things are looking up now. Describe it.
Describe the true nature of the “Dark Ages.” What was the goodness of the people of the Dark Ages?