Program of 4 years - Maitreya Buddhist University


PhD in Quantum Science


First Year

1. Science, Order and Creativity

Revolutions, theories and creativity in Science

Fragmentation and change in science

Novelty and preservation of the scientific theories

Creativity and metaphors

The Hamilton-Jacobi theory

Heisenberg and Schrödinger approaches to quantum theory

Thinking as a game

The price of the paradigms

Alternative view of science such as creative

The free game and Popper's notion of falsifiability

Science as creative Perception and Communication

Sensitive perception and mental perception

Paradigms and specialization as causes of communicative rupture

Metaphor as suturing

The language of science

Dialogue and rupture between Bohr and Einstein

Objections to the causal interpretation of quantum theory

Role of interpretation in Physics

What is the order?

New orders in the society

Formal representation of the order

Constitutive order and descriptive order

Chaos, randomness and fortuitous order

Richness of the spectrum of the order

Quantum Theory and hidden orders

Order from chaos, chaos from order

Meaning of entropy

The structure

Ratio or Reason

Generative order and implicate order

Fractal order

The Fourier analysis

The Goethe Urpflanze

Order in the Arts

Implicate order, superimplicate order and its relation to knowledge

Generative order in physics and cosmology

Generative order of life and its evolution

Generative order in the society

Knowledge and Matter

Knowledge, attention and creative intelligence

Brain and artificial intelligence

Creative intelligence, the time and timeless order

Locks of creativity in life: society and culture

Individual, social and cosmic dimension of the human being

Answers from East and West to the conditioning of knowledge

Creativity in science, art and religion

A new order of creativity

2. Meta-Philosophy quantum

Truth inhabits in the depths

Scientific truths and religious truths

Between Plato and Democritus

Science and what is beautiful

Science limits

The unity of mind

The Self who is god

The quantum-mystical vision

The cosmic feeling

Science and religion

In the mind of the eternal spirit

The universe composed of pure thought

The mystery of being

The union of the rational and the mystical

Behind the veil of physics

Mental matter

Defense of the mystique from the quantum

3. The spirit in the atom

Mysteries of quantum physics

Origins of quantum theory

Waves or particles??

Bell's Theorem and action at a distance

Aspect's experiment and Einstein separability

Nature of reality, interconnectivity and nonlocality

Determinism or indeterminism

The paradox of the measure

The paradox of Schrödinger's cat

Mind over matter

The interpretation of multiple universes statistical interpretation

The quantum potential

The truth of the uncertain

Alain Aspect

John Bell

John Wheeler

Rudolf Peierls

David Deutsch

John Taylor

David Bohm

Basil Hiley

4. Beyond quantum theory

The spin of the particles

The tunneling effect

Virtuality and particle nonlocality

Conversion of bodies into light

New back to the Aspect's experiment

Higher multidimensional reality

Solutions to unsolved enigmas

The universe as a multidimensional hologram

Connections to the mind

The wave length of life

morphogenetic fields

Campos M of inanimate objects

social Implications

Where is consciousness?

Consciousness as software

The soul and its biochemical basis

The dance of interacting parts

The origin of language

The brain as a symbiotic colony

What is life?

The self-organizing universe

New visit to the Schrödinger's cat

The universe on / off

Traveling in the image-information

The self-consciousness of dancing

God and quantum test

5. The Universe: from philosophy to quantum

The space in philosophy and physics

The time in philosophy and physics

The Creation

The axis of history: mind and matter

The mystery as the essence of reality

6. The Holographic Paradigm

New perspective of the reality

What is holography? primary reality

Pribram's Paradox

The physical, mental, neural, philosophical theoretical implications

Analytical change and holographic resonance

Consciousness and Field Ethics

Philosophy of the folding-unfolding universe

Holonomy and bootstrap

Uncertainty and neurophysiological holographic model

Holonomic knowledge

Physics, mysticism and holography

Implicate order and psychology

The mind and quantum mechanics

The holographic brain

The eastern reconciled with physics

7. Between time and eternity

The questioned time

God and man

How to look at the world?

From simple to the complexity

The existential message of entropy

Questions of quantum

The birth of time

Time and Eternity

8. Prigogine's thinking

The beauty of chaos

An irreversible path toward equilibrium

Degradation <> construction

Matter and the Big Bang

Nature is historical

Potentialities of matter

dissipative structures

Forgetfulness of the initial conditions

Attractors and bifurcations

Beyond Einstein

The passing of time

Irreversibility is not illusion

The Butterfly Effect

Chaos does not justify inaction

Universalizability of the irreversible

Emergence of the randomness

Causes and effects

Rethinking the Scientific Revolution

The end of the certainties

The not-written-future

In the frontiers of knowledge

Human-nature dialogue

Determinism and Freedom

Continuous inventiveness of the universe

The eruption of a new reason

God as limit

The illusion of absolute dominion

Time, eternity and posterity

Non-predetermined biological evolution

Apology of the complexity

Principles of self-eco-organization

Reinterpret and expand the Marxist view

Coherency and coexistence

A constructor time

The consistency trap

The irrational as rationalizable

The radical transformation of science

History and causality

The surprise of the random

The intelligence of the complexity

9. Physics as an adventure of the thought

Genesis and ascension of mechanical point of view

The great mystery


The problem of the motion

Heat: substance?

The philosophical background

Kinetic Theory of matter

Declination of the mechanical interpretation of physics

The electric and magnetic fluids

The speed of light

The light as substance

The enigma of color

What is a wave?

Wave theory of light

Field and Relativity

Field and Ether

Field Theory

Time, distance, relativity

The space-time continuum

General Relativity

Field and matter

Quanta of matter, electricity and light

Continuity and discontinuity

Matter waves and waves of probability

Physics and Reality

10. Causality and randomness

Causality and randomness in the natural law

Association and causal connection

Univocal and multivocal relations and causal laws

Contingency, randomly and statistical law

Theory of the probabilities

Laws of nature

Causality and randomness in classical physics

Philosophy of mechanicism

The undulatory theory of light

Field Theory

Relationship between microscopic and macroscopic levels

Qualitative and quantitative changes

Randomness, statistics and probability law in physics indeterministic mechanism

Origin of quantum theory

Uncertainty Principle

Renunciation to the causality and continuity

Complementarity principle

Sub-quantum mechanical level

New interpretation of the quantum theory and mechanicist philosophy

Most general conception of natural law

Beyond the mechanism

Qualitative Infinitude of nature

Randomness and necessary causal interconnections

Process of transformation

Indefinite and variant modes of existence

Reversibility versus irreversibility of the laws of nature

Absolute Truth versus relative truth

11. The Everything and the implicit order

Fragmentation and totality

Western and Eastern way of contemplating the totality

An experiment with language and thought

The reality and knowledge considered as a process

Thinking and Intelligence

The thing and thought, what is thought and the unthought

Hidden variables in quantum theory

Limitations to the determinism involved in quantum theory.

Quantum indeterminism and irreducible disorder

Bohr and indivisibility of material processes

quantum fluctuations

Principle of indetermination

New order in the field of physics

Order size and structure

Implicate order and explicate order

The undivided totality: lens and hologram


The folding-unfolding universe and the consciousness

Quantum theory as evidence of a multidimensional implicate order

Life and force of necessity in its entirety

Matter, consciousness and common foundation

12. The unbridled universe: from the Big Bang to the final catastrophe

Discovering the universe

The original fire

The order from chaos

A star called Helios

Life in the Universe

The inevitable catastrophe

Destination of the stars

Black holes and super-holes

Technology and survival

The dying universe

Endless Worlds

Second Year

1. Physics of Uncertainty

Particles, entropy and enigmas

Deep Embarrasing: freedom

Knowledge and happiness

The abandonment of the deterministic old system

The ineffable: language and its lack of applicability of the Real

Spiritual experience and scientific expertise

A paradoxical interpretation of physics: quantum logic Free thinking

2. The Crucial Point: Science, Society and nascent culture

The Newtonian world machine

Crisis and transformation

The paradigm of direction

The influence of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm

Mechanistic view of life

Biomedical model and Newtonian psychology

The impasse of the economy

The hidden face of development

The new vision of reality

The new physics

Integral vision of life

Integrity and health

Travel beyond time and space

The transition to the solar age

3. The roots of life: genes, cells and evolution

Simplicity as a sign of the truth









4. Belong to the Universe

The new science to the encounter of spirituality

The objectives and methods of science and theology

Paradigms in science and theology

Christian paradigm

Current change of paradigm

Criteria for the thinking with the new paradigm in science and theology

The change of the parts to the whole

The change from the structure to the process

The change from objective science to epistemic science

The change from the construction to the network as a metaphor of knowledge

The change from the truth to approximate descriptions

Social Implications of thought based on the new paradigm in science and theology

5. Systemic Perspective of Life

The new paradigm of Deep Ecology

Emergence of the Systemic thinking

From parts to whole

Systems theory

The logic of the mind

Models of self-organization

Mathematics of complexity

Nature of life

A new synthesis

dissipative structures


The deployment of the life

The birth of a world


ecological literacy

Returning to Bateson

6. Autopoiesis: the organization of the alive (H. Maturana and F. Varela)

Machines and living systems (autopoietic)

Teleonomy as dispensable concept

Absence of purpose


Materializations of the autopoiesis

Descriptive and causal notions

Molecular Materialization

Diversity of the autopoiesis

Subordination to the condition of unity

Plasticity of ontogeny

Reproduction: complication of unity

Evolution as a historical network

Autopoietic systems of a higher order

Biological, epistemological and gnoseological implications

The nervous system as system: neuron, organization change, architecture and referential states

Learning as a phenomenon

Time as a dimension

7. Implications of the Gaian New Biology

Cultural implications

Biology and the path of knowledge

Metaphor and the world of mental process (G. Bateson)

Making the road by walking (F. Varela)

Everything says an observer (H. Maturana)

A model for planetary and cellular dynamics (J. Lovelock)

Early life: microbes (L. Margulis)

Uncommon finality (H. Atlan)

Ecological-economic order (J. Todd)

Transition zones (H. Henderson)

Gaia and politics of life (W. I. Thompson)

8. Evolution

Theory of descent


Synthetic theory of evolution

History of Life on Earth

Cultural evolution

9. Synchronicity

Is the world a sense?

Filthy Tricks of the unconscious

Archetype? Memory or form?

Psychoid, biology and Unus Mundus

Omnipresence of the unconscious and the universe

Acausality and inseparability in cosmology and in physics

Synchronicity and creative order

The irrational in the plot of the rational and of the acausality in the causality

Principle of absolute information (absolute knowledge) of the world-one

Prereflexive to post-reflective synchronicity

-Linear-causal evolution of the universe in permanent acausal connection with its absolute information

Archetype as binding reality of physis-soma-psyche

Synchronicity and brain function

Evolution as continuous-synchronistic

Plato versus Aristotle


Synchronicity and evolution

Relativity spacetime dimension

10. Neuro cosmology

Discover the brain - universe

Beyond the barriers of the mind

Art and metaphors: methods of inquiry

The three principles of neuro cosmology

Metaphors of stellar and nervous systems

The brain in evolution in the context of the evolving cosmos

Cosmovision: the encyclopedic imagination

The brain-reactors

The cerebral merger (intuition) and fission cerebral (reason)

The bioespejo

From the metaphorical to the literal

The deepest excavation: morpho process

The neuro cosmologists

The Cerebralness

Assembling of thoughts

Embodying the fact in fiction

11. The magical loom: the human brain and the computer

Crossing the threshold of life

Beginnings of intelligence

Thinking in the dark: the olfactive brain

Coming into the light: the visual brain

Brains and computers

Circuits in the brain

A guiding hand

The final step

Brain old and new

The successor of our brain

The thinking computer

End and beginning

12. Symmetry and asymmetry against the theory of reversal of time mirrors

Straight-land and Flat-land

Solid-land magic

Art and music, poetry and numbers

Galaxies, suns and planets

Plants and animals

Asymmetry in animals

The human body

The left minority

Crystals, molecules, carbon living molecules

The origin of life and of asymmetry

The fourth dimension

The problem of Ozma

The surprise of Mach parity antiparticles

The parity violation neutrinos

The end of the temporal invariance

The arrows of time entropy

Worlds, people and chrono-retrograde particles

Third Year

1. Eastern metaphors of the eternal

Interpreting the oriental myth

East and West

Submission of Indra

The birth of Brahman

Me and you

The myth of the lights

Sacrifice always ardent

The Vedas

The face of glory

The jiva journey

The mystical tradition in India

Raja Yoga: the serpent of the chakras

The Yoga of the body, mind and heart

The circle of sorrow: birth and rebirth, the horror

The soul of the world: destruction and creation

The Maya

The subject in oriental myth: The mask and the actor

Instruments of the eternal

The imagery of yoga

Voyage to the the Sun Portal

The Tibetan Book of the Dead

Creativity in Eastern myth

Avatars of light: Indian art

Light and Darkness: The Art of East Asia

Ships to the distant coast

Jainism: the path of renunciation

Hinduism: search and leakage of dharma

Impersonal Divinity

Dharma and sat

The stages of life

Buddhism: flower of the world

Life of the Buddha

The tiger in the depths: The Buddha's crying child

2. The quantum structure of the Real

The total theory of reality

Shadows and dark spots

Resolution of metaphysical problems

Criteria of reality

Virtual Reality

Universality and limits of mathematical calculation

Transcendence of life

Quantum computers mathematical nature

The quantum concept of time

Travel in time

The Buddhist Way to the quantum

End of the Universe

3. Hindu philosophy: Vedanta and Yoga

The theory of Brahman

The forces Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva

Karma and Dharma Mechanisms

Avidya theory

Structure of the unconscious

Ego and the problem of identity

Self (self)

The Atman

The cosmic drama and Lila

The conception of Maya

The liberation

Sexuality: shakti-kundalini



Parallels with the philosophy of Schopenhauer

4. The Tao of Quantum Reality

Complete Guide to the Laws of the Cosmos

Roots of quantum science

Mathematical Configuration of the truth

The Real and Plato

The mysteries of the good, the true and the beautiful

Pythagoras and Euclid

Magic numbers and complex

Logarithms, powers and roots

Infinitesimal calculus with real and complex numbers

Surfaces, applications and hypercomplex numbers

Decomposition and hiperfunciones multiple dimensions

Groups of symmetry

Fiber bundles and connections

Stairs of the infinite

Spacetime: from classical physics to quantum relativism complex geometry

Force fields: Maxwell and Einstein quantum particle

Holistic nature and quantum spin

Interlaced quantum world

Electron and antiparticles

Particle Physics

Quantum Field Theory

Big Bang and thermodynamics

Philosophical theories of the originating universe

The paradox of measure: ontology of quantum mechanics

Gravity and quantum state

Supersymmetry, supra dimensionality and strings

M Theory and Holography

The path of Einstein

Radical perspectives for the future of physics

The Road to Reality

5. The spirit of science

From experimentation to experience

Cosmology and physics

The new physics and the scientific reality of our times

The cosmos, matter, life and the consciousness

The cosmic program: self-organizing principles of matter and energy

Biology, Gaia and Psychology

The current environment and Gaian perspective

The biology of being, a natural history of consciousness

Evolutionary habits of the mind, of the behavior and of the form

Beyond ego: Transpersonal dimensions of psychology

The mystery of the human psyche

The heart of the healing

The vision of non-duality in world religions

6. Hawking and the Mind of God

The phenomenon Hawking

A brief history of physics

The world of quanta

The universe determined

The revolution of relativity

The four forces of nature

The impulse toward unification

The Missing Link black Holes

The singular nature of gravity

The failure of the big bang

Eliminating the infinities

Time and space

The hypothesis without frontiers

Theories of Everything

Hawking in perspective

The mind of God

7. Physics of the Future

History of String Theory

The unending revolution

The world as beauty and geometry

Unification and superunification

Quantum gravity

Orthodox physics problems and the solution of the anthropism

Beyond string theory: the world as a surprise

Future Relativism

Quantum Experience in human life

Science and Mysticism

The science of the future

8. Patanjali and Yoga

Samkhya and Yoga

Creator nescience

Universal pain

Soteriological function of knowledge

The Self

Substance and structures

Teleological character of the creation

Spirit <> Nature

Meaning of liberation

Structure of psychic experience

The subconscious


Yoga Postures

Breath control and retraction of the senses



Samadhi with and without support

Reintegration and Freedom

Asceticism, immortality and liberation

Philosophy of India

Yoga <> Buddhism

9. Far Eastern sapiential doctrines

Sophy and Philosophy

Dialogues of Master Kong


Originating Buddhism

10. Analysis of the I Ching or Book of Changes

11. Mysticism and Modern Physics

Consciousness / Reality and the relationship observer / participant

Indeterminacy and the myth of causality

Catastrophe of the infinite regress of Neumann

Copenhagen collapse

Consciousness as hidden variable

Cosmologies of self-reference

Participant Principle

The structure of matter and its relationship to consciousness

The Garden of footpaths that are branched and multiple worlds Holographic model of consciousness

Interconnection of the brain

Quantum principle

Causality and teleology

Fields of life and human biocomputer

Cognitive Spaces of multidimensional projection

Bootstrap theory

The Structurer of reality

Fields within fields

The structure of the spacetime

Superspace and curvature of space

Quantum Foam and geometrodynamics

Passages in the fabric of space-time

Particles as ripples in the nothingness

Quantum Interconnection

Chromosomatic code of the space

Superhologram of reality

Essence vs. Existence

Beyond space-time and the light cone

The active future and the passive past

Tachyons and particles faster than light

The no-time and retrocausality: Positrons and trip back in time

Hyperspace and hypertime

Tantra and quantum theory

Superspace and akasa

Nothingness and bindu

Magnetic field lines and shiva

Topology of the space: miniholes, folds, interconnection omni-subjectivity and the world as consciousness

Structural and functional entities

Transaction and participation in reality

Matter / space / time as a cosmic brain

Beyond the signifiers

12. Physics and Consciousness

The quantum enigma

Einstein and ghostly connection

The paradox in the Newtonian view

The atom as probability

Pillars of the Copenhagen interpretation

Uncertainty and complementarity

The Real World: interconnectivity and multiverse

The mystery of consciousness in quantum


Fourth Year

1. God and the New Physics

Science and religion in a changing world


Did God create the universe?

Why does the universe exist?

What is life?

Holism against Reductionism

Mind and Soul

The Ego

The quantum factor

The time

Free will and determinism

Fundamental structure of matter

Project or accident?

Black holes and cosmic chaos


The end of the universe

Is the universe a gift?

The nature from the perspective of physical

2. The Mantra of quantum: the world is an illusion

Soluble matter

Birth of the new physics

Theory of the essential

Quantum paradoxes

Nonexistence of the world

Non-local hidden variables

Interpretations of quantum reality

Oriental Philosophy, Parapsychology and Quantum

3. The frontier of the infinite: from the black holes to the far reaches of the universe

The Cosmic Connection

The measurement of infinity

The crisis of space and time

Towards the edge of infinity

Black holes and cosmic censorship

The exposed naked singularity

Facing the unknown

The creation of the universe

Beyond the Universe

4. Super Strength

The universe in development

The new physics and plummeting of the common sense

Reality and the quantum

Symmetry and Beauty

The Four Forces

The world of subatomic particles

The taming of the infinity

The great trinity

A hint of the super strength?

We live in eleven dimensions?

cosmic Fossils

What caused the big bang?

The unity of the universe

The cosmic plan

5. The Accidental Universe

Fundamental ingredients of nature

Each scale structure

Natural forces

Quantum theory and relativity

Subnuclear structure: a study of fundamental particles

Brief history of the universe

The role of the constants in physical theory *

A fragile equilibrium

Neutrinos, cores, stars and galaxies cosmic coincidences dynamic cosmic

Cooperation without communication

Entropy of the universe cosmic repulsion

Anthropic principle and its implications for biology

Weak and strong anthropic principles

Theory of multiple universes

6. Other Worlds: Space and Quantum Universe

God does not play dice

Things are not always what they seem

The subatomic chaos

The strange worlds of quantum


The nature of the reality

Mind, matter and multiple worlds

The anthropic principle

Is the universe an accident?

the supertime

7. String Theory: the tissue of spacetime

The cosmic stage

Pathways to quantum reality

Space as a human abstraction

Relativity and the absolute

The entwined quantum universe

Temporal illusions: fluency and direction

The quantum time

Symmetry and evolution of the cosmos

Energy, Vacuum and unification

Deconstructing the big bang cosmological inflation

Tissue of spacetime according to string theory

The Membrane universe : M Theory

Experimentation, imagination and reality

Travel through space and time

8. Cosmic Dawn: origins of matter and life

The great panorama

Particles: random order?

Galaxies: hierarchy of structures

The stars: forges of elements

Planets: habitats for life

Life: energy plus matters

Culture: from the intelligence to technology

The future: rest or progress?

A whole new era

9. The moment of creation: from the Big Bang to the Current Universe

The Big Bang

The ages of the universe

Problems of the theory of the Big Bang

Elementary particles and quarks

The fundamental forces

The first modern unification

The grand unification

The disintegration of the proton

The creation time


Solving the problems of the Big Bang

The search for fossil particles

Beyond the time of Planck

The destiny of the Universe

10. Genesis: the origins of man and the universe

The Origin of the Universe

The origin of galaxies

Origin of the Solar System

Origin of the Earth

Origin of the Life

Origin of the Species

Origins of the diversity human origins

Destination of life: Anthropics and Gaia

Age and end of the universe: growth and limits

11. Patterns and standards in Nature

Space and size

basic designs

Turbulence and flow stress

Spirals, sinuous forms and explosions

Branching Models


Bubbles and soap bubbles

Grouping and fragmentation

12. The destiny of the Universe


Stationary Universe Theory

The future of humanity

Expanding universe

final collapse

Relativism and Quantum

Spacetime and elemental energy

quantum gravity

Uniqueness of the Universe

Black Holes

multiple universes

Travel in time and wormholes

Membrane universes


posthuman civilization
