More Notes on Word Mrs. Macias Computer Science Class Summer 2008 Spelling and Grammar Check Red wavy underline = not in Word’s dictionary Either a proper name or misspelled Green wavy underline = incorrect grammatically For example… Open up Word, and type in the following: My kifs love to go to the the stove… To see Word’s suggestions, right click the word that is flagged (underlined with the wavy line.) Right click on the words, then go to SPELLING, or view the suggested correct spelling. Oops, it looks like I meant to write: My kids love to go to the stove? “Kifs” really was “kids” and “the” was in there twice… I’m pretty sure “stove” was really “store.” Why didn’t Word flag stove? Obviously my kids wouldn’t like going to the “stove” unless I had dinner ready… The red flag means it’s not in the dictionary. “Stove” is in its dictionary, but isn’t appropriate for my sentence. BE CAREFUL!! If your document/sentence doesn’t have a red flag, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s perfect. You will still need to proofread to make sure your message is conveyed accurately… BEST PRACTICE: Try to get your projects/letters completed with time to review. Once you think it’s perfect, take a short break, then come back to review it. Sometimes you stare at it too long in one sitting and won’t see the mistakes. DON’T PROCRASTINATE! Formatting Marks: • Formatting marks are nonprinting characters that Word displays on the screen, but isn’t visible in the hard copy (printed version.) • It may be helpful to view where in the document you pressed the ENTER key and SPACEBAR, and applied other formatting. To Display Formatting Marks: • Click on the HOME tab or hit CTRL/HOME • Click the Show/Hide ¶ (Paragraph) Button in the Paragraph Group • As you type you will see the formatting marks. For example, a raised dot shows where in the document you pressed the space bar. In Word, type the following: Play Ball! Sign-ups for early Spring baseball camps will be on February 26 and 27 at the Green Diamond Center. Indoor facility with batting cages Speed and conditioning training Pitching, hitting, and fielding practice Call Mike at 555-2241 for more information. Notice how the formatting marks show up as you type. If you made any typing errors, Word should help you out by flagging them. Make sure you proofread your document, every time… Let’s change the format of our text to look more like a flyer to post at the local park. Go to the Home tab. Click on the different Styles to see how it changes our text. Move the mouse pointer to the left of the first line until it changes to a right-pointing block arrow. Then click the mouse to select the entire line. ANOTHER WAY: If insertion point at the beginning of your line, press SHIFT+DOWN ARROW CENTER the title. Change the FONT to COPPERPLATE GOTHIC BOLD Change the FONT SIZE to 48 Select the text: Indoor facility with batting cages Speed and conditioning training Pitching, hitting, and fielding practice Go to HOME tab. Select BULLETS. Change the bullets to circles. In the HOME tab: Change the theme fonts to Module font set. Change the theme colors to Solstice color scheme. Select the first line. •Bold it. •Center it. •Change color to red. Underline: “Indoor facility.” Italics: “Call Mike at 555-2241 for more information.” INSERT A BASEBALL PICTURE BEFORE BULLETED TEXT. The FORMAT tab pops up and you can change your picture based on the group: Adjust, Picture Styles, Arrange, Size.