Marine Biology MB20

Marine Biology
Prof. Nancy Black
Lecture: Tu & Th 6:00 – 7:25 pm
Lab: Tu 7:40 – 9:40 pm
Required books/materials:
 Marine Biology, 9th edition, Peter
Castro and Michael E. Huber.
McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2013.
(recent older editions are OK)
 Gloves for dissections.
Field Trips:
 North Shore – Stony Brook Harbor
 South Shore – Cupsogue Beach ($5)
1000 points total:
Lecture = 60%
3 lecture midterm exams (200 points each)
drop lowest midterm exam grade = 400 points
cumulative final exam = 200 points
Lab = 40%
midterm quiz = 50 pts
practical final exam = 100 pts
10 lab assignments X 15 pts each (drop lowest
lab) = 135 pts
2 field trips X 50 pts each = 100 pts
overall attendance / participation = 15 pts
Printing Powerpoint Slides
2-3 per vertical page
(3 gives lines for notes)
4 per horizontal page
write in margins
Marine Biology
The study of the organisms
that live in the sea
Tools of Marine Biology –
Scientific Method
 Observe, describe
 Coral reef
Tools of Marine Biology –
Scientific Method
 Observe, describe
 Stony corals
 Animal polyps have
algae cells inside
Tools of Marine Biology –
Scientific Method
 Observe, describe
 Corals once green and
brown are now white
 Water temperatures
were 30°C (86°F) or
more for several weeks
Tools of Marine Biology –
Scientific Method
 Ask questions
 Why did the corals turn
 Did the warm temperatures
cause the problem? Pollution?
Salinity changes? UV?
 Is it permanent or will the
coral recover?
Tools of Marine Biology –
Scientific Method
 Choose one question to
address, then create a hypothesis
 The prolonged warm water
temperatures caused the
AFP/Queensland University/File/Ove Hoegh-Guidberg
Tools of Marine Biology –
Scientific Method
 Conduct a controlled experiment
to test the hypothesis
 Collect some identical
 Place some in normal
temperature water and
others in warmer water
Tools of Marine Biology –
Scientific Method
 Experiment results, statistics
 Corals in lab held in the
warmer water “bleached”
after several weeks while
those in the control water
did not
Tools of Marine Biology –
Scientific Method
 If confirmed, then more tests of
the hypothesis
 Experiment must be repeatable
 Test other species,
temperatures, time frames
 If not, then test an alternative
Tools of Marine Biology –
Scientific Method
 Theory
 After the hypothesis has passed
extensive testing and is accepted as
true, it may be considered a theory
 Explanation supported by evidence
 Beware of misuse (scientific theory
is not a guess, that’s a hypothesis)
Tools of Marine Biology –
Scientific Method