Promoting Collaborative Learning and Development through Video

Promoting Collaborative Learning and
Development through
Video Enhanced Reflective Practice
Calum Strathie
Family Support Team Manager
Whitfield Family Support Centre
What is the process of Video Enhanced Reflective Practice
and Video Interaction Guidance?
Participants work collaboratively and in
partnership to review a micro-analysis of
successful communication moments on video
Change comes about through : •
Reflecting on the effect of actions/communications
Discussion that can activate people to find their own solutions
Recognition and extension of existing skills
Providing visual examples of success that increases self-confidence
Recognition of strengths and promotion of self-directed learning increase
Satisfying and effective communication
Engaging the recipient as an equal partner in the problem
solving/learning process
The recipient self-modelling their own successful interactions and being
guided to their own solutions rather than being given advice
The guider/supervisor modelling the Contact Principles during feedback
to provide a positive blueprint for interactions and communications
Video Enhanced Reflective Practice and Video Interaction
Guidance enable integrated training and practice across
different disciplines and the simultaneous development of
supervisors, practitioners and families through : • Joint delivery of VIG training (18 – 24 months) to multiagency and multi-discipline staff
• Joint delivery by VERoC, DEPS and SW of short VIG based
courses : • Communication for Management
• Communicating with Children
• Communicating with Parents
• Effective Communication in Supervision
Joint delivery of training to joint staff groups creates a
richness of professionals developing together
VIG enhances reflective practice for workers and promotes
reflection for service users.
VIG participants can see themselves reach their goals
through a stepped approach that gives them the
opportunity to celebrate their successful moments and to
Parents are being supported to become reflective
parents/carers alongside workers in training who are being
supported to become reflective practitioners. Thus
managers, workers and service users are all undertaking
VIG and using exactly the same principles, thereby going
through the same learning process as each other.
Video Enhanced Reflective Practice is very
challenging to all participants
VERP is unique in that it sets training, learning and reflective
practice in the context of the workplace and in our direct
work with service users.
The unique nature of this method is such that it allows for the
simultaneous development of service users and
practitioners as reflective parents and reflective
The common strand is
VIG has something to offer all disciplines as it
addresses the universal areas of communication,
personal and organisational development.
It is also, therefore, an ideal medium for
interdisciplinary working