Willington Grade: - Trimester: Language Arts Curriculum Pacing Guide 3/23/2016 GRADE 7 Unit One Unit Two Unit Three Unit Four Unit Five Unit Six Unit Seven Sept.-Oct. (4-6 weeks) Oct.-Nov. (4-6 weeks) Nov.-Dec. (4-6 weeks) January-February (4-6 weeks) February-March (4-6 weeks) March –April (4-6 weeks) May-June (4-6 weeks) Theme Short stories Realistic Fiction Non-Fiction Informational reading Poetry Science Fiction Historical Fiction Drama Purpose 1. To comprehend the elements of short story. 2. To comprehend others’ values and clarify the readers’ values. 4.Discussing/writing real life connections 5. Utilizing evidence to support a conclusion/ prediction 6. Text extension. 7. Classroom rules and routines. 8.Reader’s journalcreative & persuasive writing 10. SEM-R ongoing 1.Character-dynamic vs static character 2.Understanding conflict 3.Summarizing/main idea 4.To understand point of view 6.To understand elements of adventure/text structure 7. To recognize author’s style and craft 8.To organize and write an argument essay. 9.To discuss and respond with real life connections. 10. SEM-R ongoing 1.To read for information and make informed decisions. 2.To utilize text featuresheadings, maps, pictures, tables, charts-to comprehend written material. 3.To become an independent reader and learner. 4.To develop fluency 5.To write an argument essay based on a current event 5.SEM-R ongoing 6.To differentiate between fact-opinion 1.To recognize and utilize elements of poetry 2.To analyze author’s purpose/values 3. To interpret and express feelings through poetry 4. To analyze elements of fiction. 4. To enhance comprehension and personal connections through book chats. 5. SEM-R ongoing 1.To recognize the elements of historical fiction 2.To see how fiction is based on real-life events 3.To develop understanding of causeeffect. 4.To develop reader-text connections 5.To develop understanding of prejudice, its origins and impact. 6. To enhance one’s knowledge of real people and events through history 7.Final book project – favorite SSR book (summary and personal response) 8. SEM- ongoing 1.To become familiar with elements of drama 2.To analyze causes and effects of one’s life choices. 3.To clarify one’s values 4.To make text-self connections 6.To enhance one’s speaking and listening skills 7.To develop out-loud reading fluency 8.SEM-R ongoing Short stories: --“All Summer in a Day” --“Wine on the Desert” --“Harrison Bergeron” --“Amigo Brothers” --“Seventh Grade” --“Raymond’s Run” --“The No-Guitar Blues” --“Charles” --The Outsiders-S.E. Hinton --Writer’s Choice: Grammar and Composition (textbook) --Elements of Literature, --Informational text --Articles --Reading to perform a task --Newspapers --Speeches --Biographical selections --Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson --The Diary of Anne Frank (play) Major Works 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. --Poems --Selections from Elements of Literature To make connections between fictional and real-life societies To understand characters’ motives and decisionmaking SEM-R ongoing To recognize imagery in fiction To improve close reading skills --The Giver by Lois Lowry Willington Grade: - Trimester: Language Arts Curriculum Pacing Guide 3/23/2016 --“A Retrieved Reformation” Essential Questions What rules and routines should be followed for success in the classroom? How does discussion of and writing about the text increase comprehension ? Why is it important to know how to read and write? What are the elements of a short story and how do they help make meaning of what we read? How does a character develop through conflict? How are external and internal conflicts related? How is fiction organized to tell a story well? How is purpose, audience, tone and form in writing related? What active reading strategies work best while reading? What information is needed to make informed decisions? What are the features of informational text? What strategies can be utilized when a reader does not understand text? Why is it important to listen to the opinions of others? How do readers and writers use poetic devices to express and comprehe nd ideas, feeling and images. What effective strategies can a reader use to better understan d text? What makes science fiction believable ? Does science fiction bring us to a greater understan ding of what could be or make us fear the unknown? Is there a recurring conflict present in the science fiction genre? How can I utilize the text elements to effectively comprehend the material? What effective strategies can I use when I don’t understand text? How is drama different from other forms of fiction? How does culture influence drama? How do you use literary analysis to analyze a play? How does reading about historical events help us to better understand our world today? How does an author bring a character to life? What active reading strategies are used to understand text? How can we reduce prejudice in our world? How are our lives similar or different from people from other background? Willington Grade: - Trimester: Language Arts Curriculum Pacing Guide 3/23/2016 Formative Assessments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Quiz on short story elements (2 weeks into unit) Test on short story elements “Wine on the Desert: RACE response: Is Tony innocent or guilty? Space colonies descriptive paragraph Grammar exercises Writing warm ups 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Writing summaries Main idea – supporting details Vocabulary -context clues, synonyms, antonyms Journalstalking to text Making predictions with supportive details Grammar exercises Writing warm ups 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Main ideasupporting details Note taking Summarizing Argument writing Debates Grammar exercises Writing warm-ups 1.Poetic terms quiz 2.Journal writingpre-writing, practice writing figurative language, sense description, sound techniques 3.Writing a limerick, haiku, free verse, 4.Writing prompt 5. T-BEAR responses 6. Grammar exercises 7. Writing warm ups 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Chapter analyses Creating an ending to The Giver Close-reading articles about utopian societies Writing warmups Grammar exercises 1.Summarizing 2.Text-self connections 3. Persuasive paragraphs 4. Identification of historical references 5.comprehension quizzes 6. vocabulary 7. T-BEAR responses 8. Grammar exercises 9 Writing warm ups 1.Summarizing 2.Text-self connections 3. Argument paragraphs 4.Journal responses 5. T-BEAR responses 6. Grammar exercises 7. Writing warm ups Willington Grade: - Trimester: Language Arts Curriculum Pacing Guide 3/23/2016 Baseline/ Summative Assessments 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. Reading Focus Narrative writing: Create an ending for “All Summer in a Day” T-BEAR responses 2. 3. T-BEAR responses Essay – Ponyboy as a dynamic (not static) character Grammar quizzes Grammar quizzes: Capitalization and commas Short story test Activating prior knowledge Questioning Summarizing Personal connection Visualizing Making inferences Elements of a short story Summarizing VocabularyContext clues Literary elements 1. Quiz – summarizing an articledetermining main idea T-BEAR responses Letter to the editor Quiz – differentiating between a fact and opinion Grammar quizzes 2. 3. 4. 5. Elements of fiction – dynamic vs static character Character traits Responses – open ended Making inferences Author’s craft Lit. devicesflashback, foreshadowin g, point of view Use of components of text to aid comprehensionheadlines, graphs, charts, pictures, data Active reading strategies Reading for information Text-self connections Elements of nonfiction texts Vocabulary – context clues, synonyms, 1. 1.Poetry portfolio—writing different types of poems 2.Quiz – poetic terms 3. Quiz – analyzing a poem 4. Poetry test T-BEAR responses 5. Grammar quizzes Use of figurative language. Use of sound techniques Reading fluency Poetry terms Writing workshops Literary elements 2. 3. 4. T-BEAR responses Grammar quizzes Argument essay T-BEAR responses Making valid arguments Close reading Fiction vs. nonfiction Literary elements 1. Performance task: Project – Student Choice 2. Writing: persuasion – book recommendation 3. T-BEAR response 4. Grammar quizzes Text-self connections Reading and listening Drawing conclusions Summarizing Literary elements Elements of drama 1. Writing – essay – prejudice 2.fractured fairy tales 3.T-BEAR responses 4. Grammar quizzes Elements of historical fiction Theme Fact vs Opinion Cause-effect Use of active reading strategies Personal connections Literature circles and discussions Literary elements Willington Grade: - Trimester: Language Arts Curriculum Pacing Guide 3/23/2016 Writing Focus Fluency, organization, elaboration Use of graphic organizer to write a summary The writing process Writing a story resolution Creative writing – point of view, sensory images, active action verbs, details Predictions with supportive details Summarizing Vocabulary – context cluessynonymsantonyms Literary analysis Using evidence from the novel to support ideas Grammar, including: quotation marks, homophon es, clauses antonyms, analogies CMT-Standard SSR book project – theme Note taking Summary Informative writing Specific vs general supports Revising for fluency, organization, elaboration Editing: punctuation, spelling, capitalization Letter to editor based on editorial/news story. Grammar (ongoing) Figurative language (similes, metaphors, irony, hyperbole, personification) Sensory images Grammar (ongoing) Argument writing Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing Narrative writing Grammar (ongoing) Text supports Greek word parts Grammar (ongoing) Argument writing Fractured fairy tales (short story structure) Favorite book project (summary and personal response) Grammar (ongoing) Willington Grade: - Trimester: Language Arts Curriculum Pacing Guide 3/23/2016 Product/Perfor mance task Short story unit test Literary analysis essay on characters in The Outsiders Writing a letter to the editor Informative research paper on current event Poetry portfolio Poetry analysis comparing/cont rasting 2 poems Argument essay on theme in The Giver Project presentation – written, oral, or visual – present to class Argument essay: What can we do to minimize prejudice in our community or world? Literature circles presentations Fractured fairy tales – read to other classes and our own