Lab Safety Powerpoint

• Please select 3 different colors of Starburst
• Pink – If you could go to any college where would it be AND
what is your dream job?
• Orange – Tell me something that you are involved in or are
very passionate about
• Red – If you were to give yourself a “Class Superlative” what
would you be? (The Overachiever, The Class Clown, The Star
Athlete, The Artist, etc…) BE CREATIVE!
• Yellow – What are you most looking forward to about being at
River Ridge this year?
Why does a science classroom have
different rules than a math classroom?
Why do you think it is important for
science students to learn and practice
safe behaviors in the classroom?
Everyone is Responsible!
• Safety is our number one priority in the classroom.
• Biology is a laboratory classroom and you will be handling
hazardous chemicals and expensive equipment.
• In order to make this happen, a list of rules are in place, and
are listed in your student safety contract.
• You must have a contract signed by you AND your parents in
order to participate in classroom labs.
• You will also pass a safety quiz (with a score of at least 70%)
in order to participate.
• You must follow safety rules at ALL times!
Continue working on your Lab Safety Cartoon
Lab Safety Quiz Monday
Practice Safety Lab Monday! Bring proper lab attire
Signed Syllabus due Monday
• Be Responsible… No horseplay!
• Follow all instructions.
• Do not touch lab equipment until to you are instructed
to do so.
• Clothing: Closed-toed shoes only. Loose clothing and
long hair should be pulled back.
• During labs – food, drink, and gum are NOT allowed.
• Before leaving the classroom: clean your work area
and equipment, return equipment to storage area, and
wash your hands.
• Do not do any experiments without teacher approval.
• Keep the classroom clean and organized.
• Let me know IMMEDIATELY if there are any accidents or unsafe
conditions in the classroom.
• If you do not understand, ASK for help!
• Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water when
you finish working with chemicals, biological specimens, and
other lab substance.
• Treat everything as though it were hazardous.
Chemical Safety
• Always read a label twice before removing a
chemical from its container.
• Never touch, taste, or smell a chemical without direct instruction from
the teacher.
• Transfer chemicals very carefully!
• Dispose of all chemicals in the appropriate place, as instructed by the
• Handle very carefully!
• Carry with one hand under the base of the microscope, and one hand
on the arm. ALWAYS use both hands.
Eye Protection
- Wear safety goggles when using chemicals, heating devices, or sharp objects.
- Wear safety goggles when using any solution that could splash, or when using
open flame.
Sharp Objects
- Cut away from self and others.
- When carrying objects with sharp edges, walk with points facing down.
Electrical Safety
- Never use electricity around water.
- Do not place cords where they can be tripped over.
- Unplug all equipment before you leave the room.
Animal Safety
• Always treat living animals humanely.
• Only handle live animals with teachers permission.
• Wash hands after handling animals.
• Report bites or scratched to the teacher immediately.
Heating Safety
• Tie back long hair and loose clothing.
• Never leave a flame unattended.
• While a container make look cool, use
gloves or tongs to handle.
• If a chemical splashes in your eye:
- Notify the teacher.
- Wash your eye at the eye wash station for 15 minutes.
• If a chemical spills on your skin:
- Notify the teacher.
- Wash your skin for 15 minutes.
• If glassware breaks:
- Notify teacher.
- Do not pick up broken pieces with bare hands.
• If equipment does not work correctly:
- Stop, turn it off
- Notify the teacher.
• Fire Blanket: located in the back of the classroom in a red bag.
• Fire Extinguisher: Located next to the door.
• Remember: P-A-S-S
• P – Pull the Pin
• A – Aim at the Base of Fire
• S – Squeeze the handle
• S – Sweep the hose back and forth across the fire.
• Remember: STOP, DROP, AND ROLL!!!
• Notify the teacher IMMEDIATELY in the case of a fire.
• Chemical Shower and
Eye Wash Station
• Pull yellow handle for
• Push lever for eye wash
• Notify teacher of
chemicals spilt on floor,
use chemical spill kit to
• Homework: Frayer Model:
Independent and Dependent