Fall 2015 MWF 1:05PM – 1:55PM HU2830 Intro to Speech Communication Instructor: Jessica Lauer E-Mail: jlauer@mtu.edu Office: Walker 331 Office Hours: M/W 2-3PM Overview Required Text This class is designed to explore the major concepts and social expectations of presentational speaking. Many of the class sessions will be devoted to exploring ideas and practicing speaking skills so your participation is crucial. The Art of Public Speaking 12th ed., Stephen E. Lucas Goals Assignments + Evaluation Understand the basis for speech anxieties Recognize elements of speech construction and delivery Identify strategies of audience adaptation and argumentation Develop critical perspectives and multiple approaches to public speaking General Education Goal 5: Second Course in Communication; course assignments will address the rubrics for oral communication Class Policies Attendance: Your attendance is mandatory. If you do miss more than two classes, 10 points for each additional missed day will be deducted from your final score in the class. Introduction Speech (25 points) Pecha Kucha Speech (75 points) Informative Speech (125 points) Invitational Speech (150 points) Chapter Quizzes (5 points each) 3 Self Evaluations (5 points each) 2 Peer Evaluations (10 points each) Class Activities (total of 20 points) Late Work: You will not be permitted to make up any missed in-class activities, presentations, or peer evaluations. Presentations and evaluations will only be re-scheduled in advance if there is a conflict. Missed speeches will automatically receive a failing grade. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be reported to the Dean of Students. You are expected to write your own original speeches for this class, and cite your sources. All speeches will be video recorded. Recording speeches gives the instructor a record of your performance to help to assess your development as a speaker. Video files will be uploaded to Canvas for peer review, and only members of the class will have access to viewing the videos. Intro to Speech Communication 1 Assignment Descriptions Introduction Speech (2 -3 minutes) Tell a story about yourself so others get to know you a little bit better. This assignment asks you to tell one of your favorite stories from your personal history. Pecha Kucha (6:40) Each presentation consists of 20 slides at 20 seconds each, with the slides advancing automatically. Instead of being text intensive, your slides should be image intensive. Informative Speech (10-12 minutes) Teach your classmates about an important aspect of your culture, heritage, or an area of expertise. Conduct audience research and analysis to help prepare the appropriate information, include visual support. (No weapons allowed for this presentation) Invitational Speech Presenter will use “invitational” methods of delivery to present a position statement as a way to facilitate discussion with a small group. Each discussion leader will have 20 – 25 minutes for presenting and discussing. Self Evaluations After each speech you will reflect on your own presentation. Selfevaluations will be done on Canvas: go to Canvas, watch the video of your own speech, and respond to the prompts given by your instructor for each speech. Peer Evaluations (Immediate and Delayed Feedback) One speech days you will be required to assess others student presentations. You will be responsible for offering immediate feedback (in class), and delayed feedback (on Canvas). A sign up sheet for peer feedback will available the first week of class. Intro to Speech Communication 2 Participation Cell phones must be turned to silent during class. Do not text. If you are using you phone during class, you will be marked absent for the day. Be respectful to your classmates as we practice public speaking and listening together. MTU Policies Discrimination and Harassment Academic Integrity Intro to Speech Communication 3