
A Separate Peace
Formal Essay
1. A Separate Peace focuses on the relationship between Finny and Gene. The story reveals
outward expressions and undercurrents of this relationship. The boys are different in so many
ways (rules, spontaneity, sports, academics, beliefs, jealousy, backgrounds), and yet they are
drawn together in a special bond. After reading the novel, would you classify the relationship
between Finny and Gene as friendship? Support your reasoning with specific examples from
the story as you create your definition of friendship...
2. An alienated individual is one who feels separated from an individual, a group, or a society.
Choose Gene, Phineas, or Leper in A Separate Peace. Write an essay that includes a discussion
of the factors contributing to this character’s feelings of alienation. You should spend one
paragraph each discussing the character’s development in terms of the following three
categories: a. his own character, makeup, b. how others treat him, and c. conditions in general.
Please remember to focus on the following items:
 Your introduction should be 5-8 sentences long. It should begin with general information
to provide a background to the thesis and move to more and more specific information,
ending with a thesis statement.
 You thesis statement should be as specific as possible. It must explain why your
argument is important
 You must have 3 body paragraphs. Each paragraph should have at least one quote, which
you analyze
 Your quotations should not be “dropped” into the essay; instead you must first set them
up and then analyze them.
 Your conclusion should be 4-8 sentences long. It should pull together your information
and provide the reader with memorable closure