7th grade Back to School

Bienvenue à la classe de
Welcome to French class!
Madame Emanuel
I have been at Terrill for 19 years
I am dual certified to teach French and
I graduated from Douglass College in ????
I have a B.A. in French and Spanish
I have two Masters degrees in Education
and Technology
At Terrill
I teach 5th through 8th grade French
I am co-advisor of the PALS club
What will students be learning?
Ordering food at a café
Being to able to say what they like and
don’t like to do
Talk about leisure activities that
students do during and after school
Talk about where they are and what they
do there
What will students be learning?
Being able to conduct an interview
using all French question words
Talk about describing people, using
physical and personality traits
Describing their room and house,
using color, size, objects, location
How do students learn?
Communicative (lots of talking, en
Cooperative learning (partners and group
Mini projects (theme based)
Technology (Power Point, Wordle, Podcasts,
Skype, Pages, iMovie, Comic Life,
Listening (tapes and movies of native
Writing (answering questions, short essays,
pen pal letters, dictée)
Games….jeopardy, battleship, tic tac toe
and family feud to name a few.
Props….you name it, we have it!
How do I grade?
Everything is based on a point system
Categories are broken down into:
tests, quizzes, projects, homework
and class participation
The more challenging the work, the
higher the point value
Check ‘devoir’ board every day
Check my website: Teacher Pages on
the Terrill website, posted every day
Only time they can reinforce their
Late or missing assignments can be
made up for half credit
Learning is oral based so very important
To encourage participation, students have
participation sheets that get stamped when
they contribute during certain times in class.
Students love getting ‘stamped’ and this
adds to their participation grade.
Activities such as conducting surveys, playing
out skits and singing songs make learning
interesting and fun!
Peer Tutoring
If needed, French honor students from the
High School will come one day a week to
help with homework and studying for a quiz
or test.
I have had this program for three
years…very successful!
They are all my former French students
from Terrill….very proud! :-)
National French Week
To celebrate, Bonjour Montclair, a café in
Montclair will set up a crepe stand and
show students how to make crepes and of
course eat one!!
Miam! Miam! (Yum! Yum!)
This is our eighth year with Bonjour
Date: Tuesday, Nov. 3rd
Something New!!
We will be corresponding with a
middle school in Montpellier, France.
Students will make a global
connection with these students
Children in both countries extremely
excited to make new friends!!
If you or someone you know has
worked and/or lived in France, I
would love for them to come and
share their experiences with my
E-mail and let me know when you or
they can come to visit!
Questions or Concerns?
Phone…908-322-5215. Leave message on
my voicemail.
Please check school website for
assignments, study links, class news, and
FAQ’s. Click on Terrill Middle School, then
look for my name under teacher pages.
This PowerPoint presentation will be posted
on my teacher pages site.
Merci Beaucoup!
I look forward to a
wonderful and
productive year with all
of your children.