Welcome! Find your student’s desk Please wear the nametag at your student’s desk. It should have HIS OR HER NAME on it. Read the welcome letter he or she left you! Browse through the materials and look around the room. We will begin shortly! Enjoy your night! Miss Siringano East Stroudsburg University Graduate BS in Elementary and Special Education Second year in district First year as a fifth grade teacher Miss Atkinson Masters in Special Education 7th year at Terrill Middle School 7th year in fifth grade Advisor for the Diversity Club 5th Grade in a Nutshell Better prepares students for middle school High expectations Increased responsibility Organization Homework Work accountability What is Co-teaching? Two or more credentialed professionals who coordinate and deliver effective and appropriate instruction, share decision-making, and have an active role in the delivery of lessons. Better student to teacher ratio and more individualized attention. A wider use of instructional techniques to better student learning. Good Habits Great Readers: Writing Writing process Generate, plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish 6 traits of writing Ideas, organization, voice, word choice, fluency, conventions Whole class to model and independently/small groups to reinforce Expository, informational, and narrative Good Habits Great Readers: Reading 7 research-based habits and strategies of good readers See themselves as readers, make sense of text, use what they know, understand how stories work, read to learn, monitor and organize ideas, and think critically about books Shared Reading Guided Reading Literature Circles Words Their Way Everyday Mathematics Motivation and practice through math games Repeated exposures to key ideas Learning by doing Science Curriculum FOSS (Full Option Science System) Variables, Mixtures & Solutions, Food & Nutrition, Landforms Challenging opportunities to practice science and build confidence in both individual and cooperative abilities Social Studies Curriculum History Alive! Five broad themes migration and settlement people, places, and environment culture and cultural diversity global connections power, authority, and governance. Grading Policy 97-100=A+ 87-89=B+ 77-79=C+ 67-69=D+ 93-96=A 83-86=B 73-76=C 63-66=D 90-92=A- 80-82=B- 70-72=C- 60-62=D- <59=E Informal and formal assessments (checklists, observations, curriculum provided tests, quizzes, rubrics, homework, etc.) are all taken into account when evaluating. Homework Policy Evaluated formally and informally Always marked if missing On a report card, missing homework assignments are taken into serious consideration. A missing homework assignment is reported as a “0” until otherwise provided. Student receives half credit if given the following day OOPS! I forgot my homework assignment Terrill Tickets Exceptional Students (academics and behavior) Positive Reinforcement Raffle at the end of the week Caught Caring Promotes class wide kindness Extraordinary thoughtfulness Name displayed behind desk Earns Terrill Tickets Misc. Early dismissal Birthdays Grade blasts Class Website Search my name under teacher pages to access page Currently Under Construction What will be on page Daily homework Educational websites Other additional class information Parent Communication Visit website Email (please Carbon Copy both teachers) Notes (address both teachers) Phone calls Email Miss Siringano- lsiringano@spfk12.org Miss Atkinson- aatkinson@spfk12.org