Introduction to business (final exam) CH.2 Ethics and Social Responsibility Business …Make profit + Business Ethics – the use of application Ethics …Study of what is right or wrong Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) =Activities that give back to customers ,make a lot of money from people and them give back Ex. -Foundation -Environmental Progress Consumerism :The right to ….. -To safety Ex. Some caution message -To be informed Ex. Ingredients of the product -To choose : Right to select the goods or services that they want -To be heard : Can give feedback / complain -To consumer education : Right to study , To know their rights -To service : Right to be provided services/response to their wants and problem. CH.3 Business in Global Setting Export Trade Import - Absolute Advantage: activity to produce better or more than other country (Compare two country) - Comparative Advantage: We look within each country (Compare goods) BOT = Export Value – Import Value Positive Value(Trade Surplus) , Negative Value(Trade Deflicit) Benefit of Internal Trade -Price Drop = Make product lower price -Make choice = Local people make more choice(Increase productivity -Use of resources = Can make more -Jobs = Business open in Thailand and people have more jobs Trade Restriction = Government Policy set to limit the International trade -National Security = Don’t know what they are doing -Citizen life -New/Weak Industry :To product local producer which government support -Domestic Job -Retalite Types of restriction Tariff(Import fee) Non-tariff-Import Quota -Emparge -Foreign Exchange Control -Currency Devoluation Method of entering International Business -Export -Trade Company -Licensing: The product make in local market but use International Band -Strategic Alliances : 2 or more than work together introduce only new products /services to customer -Joint Ventures : When 2 or more together upon another business -Totally owned facilitates : Direct Investment , Start up business in another country -Multinational company : product sold around the world Chapter4 : Choosing a form of business ownership There are 3 forms of business owner 1.Sole proprietorship (1 owner) Advantages - It is easy to start and end - Feel proud (pride of ownership) - Get full profit - Be your own boss Disadvantages - Unlimited liability (Responsibility for all the debts) - Lack of continuity - Lack of money - Limited management skills 2. Partnership (two or more persons) Type of partner 1. General partner : who assume full or share responsibility for operating business. 2. Limited partner : contributes capital to a business but has no responsibility or liability for loss Advantages - Easy of start-up - Availability of capital and credit - Combined business skills and knowledge - Retention of profit Disadvantages - Unlimited liability - Management disagreements - Lack of continuity (one partner die, it is hard to continuity) - Frozen investment (for limited partner) 3.Corporation - separates ownership and control - ownership : stockholders - control : Board of director Hierarchy of corporate structure Stockholders (owner) Hire Board of directors Elect Officers Appoints Advantages - Limited liability - Easy of raising capital - Easy of transfer of ownership - Perpetual life - Special life management Disadvantages - Difficulty and expense of formation - Government regulation and increased paperwork - Conflict within the corporation - Double tazation Employee - Lack of secrecy Chapter 5 Accounting PART I Users of accounting -Management and Employees : Use to help on company’s management. -Lenders and Suppliers : Use to looking for cash flow and etc. -Stockholders and Investors : Use as the information on making future investment’s decision. -Government Agencies : Use for checking on Tax. Type of Accounting -Managerial Accounting : To provides information for managers and employees in the organization to make decisions about a firm’s financing, investing, marketing, and operating activities. -Financial Accounting : generates financial statements and reports for people outside an organization. Accounting Reports : Accounting (Financial) Reports [ Balance Sheet Income Statement Balance Sheet ]. -Balance sheet : A summary of the dollar amounts of a firm’s assets, liabilities, and owners’ equity. -Accounting Equation : Assets = Liabilities + Equity -Assets : money and other valuables that belonging to the business. -Current Assets : Asset that can quickly converted to money that will be used in one year or less. -Fixed or Non-current Assets : Asset that can converted to money and will be used more than one year or less. -Liabilities : Debts of the business -Current Liability : Debts that will be paid in one year or less. -Long-term or Non-current Liability : Debts that need not be paid at least one year. -Equity : Amount of fund (money) invested by owners. -Income Statement : A summary of a firm’s revenues and expenses during a specified period. -COGS: Consider only direct cost or cost directly related to production process. -Operating Expenses: cost related to selling and operating activities. -Interest Expenses: Consider cost of debts or liabilities. -Total Revenue – Total cost = Net Profit -Statement of cash flow : A report of the cash generated and used by looking at three components. -Operating activities : cash that use to provide goods and services how much cash is paid to produce and generated from selling a company's products. -Investing activities : cash that use on purchase and sale of land, equipment, and other assets and investments. -Financing activities : cash receive from issuing stock, cash that paid for dividends and others. PART II Evaluating firm’s financial performance by using financial ratios. Financial Ratio: A tool to standardize, measure and evaluate firm’s financial performance. By considering with two type of analysis - Trend Analysis : compare with the past. - Cross-sectional Analysis : compare with other company in the same period of time. Aspects of using financial performance on evaluating the firm. Liquidity Measurement (Ex. : Current Ratio Total current asset/Total liabillity) Profitability Indicator (Ex. : Net Profit Margin Net profit/Net sales) Operating Performance (Ex. : Total Asset Turnover Net sales/Total asset ) Debt Management (Ex. : Debt to Equity Ratio Total liability/Total equity) Chapter 6 Understanding the management process Management: using the business resource in oder to get what organization want Basic management functions Planning : involve 2 things What do you want , how to get it -Vision: what do you want in long future -Mission: what you doing to day -Strategic Planning: How can you reach the goal? -Goal: 10 years -Objective: 1 year -Strategy: action now Organizing : finding all the resource we need Leading/Motivating : in order to convince to work -Autocratic: don’t care what member think’ just follow the orders. -Participative: every involve in decision making, but the leader need to make final decision -Detegative: lender give all power to member Controlling : follow the plan, something that unexpected how can we control it in order to understand ourselves we need to know SWAT analysis SWOT Analysis Strength Opportunities Helpful Weakness -internal able to control, effect business only Threats -External unable to control, affect us and competitions Harmful