Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. The nervous system › Is the primary coordinating and controlling system of the body › Uses electrochemical impulses to fulfill its functions General functions include 1. Detect internal and external changes 2. Analysis of information 3. Organization of information 4. Initiation of appropriate action Anatomical divisions › Central nervous system (CNS) Brain and spinal cord Body’s neural control center › Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Located outside the nervous system Consists of nerves and sensory receptors Receptors Effectors Functional divisions › Sensory division Carries impulses from sensory receptors to the CNS › Motor division Carry impulses from CNS to effectors Motor division has two divisions Somatic nervous system Voluntary control of skeletal muscle Autonomic nervous system Involuntary control of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands Neurons › Specialized to transmit neural impulses › Structural and functional units of nervous system › Though they vary in size and shape, neurons have many common features Structure of a neuron › Cell body Possesses the nucleus and organelles › Dendrites Numerous, short, highly branched Extend from cell body Primary sites for receiving impulses Carry impulses toward cell body and axon › Axon Long, thin process Ends in axon terminals with synaptic knobs Carry impulses away from cell body or dendrites Some have a myelin sheath Insulates axons Increases speed of impulse transmission Nodes of Ranvier Functional classification of neurons › Sensory (afferent) neurons Carry impulses from peripheral body parts to the CNS Detect homeostatic changes directly or via sensory receptors Ganglia in the PNS house sensory neuron cell bodies Functional classification of neurons › Interneurons Located entirely in CNS and associate with other neurons Process and interpret impulses from CNS Activate motor neurons Functional classification of neurons › Motor (efferent) neurons Carry impulses from CNS to effectors to produce an action Cell bodies and dendrites are in CNS Axon is located in nerves of PNS Neuroglia › Support and protect neurons › More numerous then neurons › Schwann cells (PNS cells) Form myelin sheath by wrapping plasma membrane around axon Forms a neurolemma as outer layer of myelin sheath Schwann cell nucleus and cytoplasm Essential for axon regeneration › Oligodendrocytes (CNS cells) Form myelin sheath around CNS axons Do not form neurolemma Axon regeneration is not possible › Astrocytes (CNS cells) Bind neurons to blood vessels Regulate exchange of materials between blood and neurons Provide structural support Stimulate neuronal growth Influence synaptic transmission › Microglial cells (CNS cells) Engulf and digest cellular debris and bacteria › Ependymal cells (CNS cells) Line cavities in brain and spinal cord Neurons have two unique functional characteristics › Irritability Ability to respond to a stimulus by forming an impulse › Conductivity Ability to transmit an impulse along a neuron to another cell Resting potential › Membrane is polarized due to an unequal distribution of electrical charges on each side of the plasma membrane › Excess of positively charged ions outside Na+ outside › Excess of negatively charge ions on the inside of the neuron membrane K+, PO4-3, and SO4-2 inside Impulse Formation › Neurons have an all-or-none response › Threshold stimulus is needed to activate a neuron › All impulses are alike › When activated by a stimulus Na+ permeability increases Na+ diffuse into the neuron Causes positive and negative ions to be equally abundant on both sides of the membrane Membrane is depolarized: this is the nerve impulse or action potential Repolarization › After depolarization, K+ diffuses outward to reestablish the resting potential › Na+ is then pumped out and K+ is pumped in to reestablished resting-state ion distribution Impulse Conduction › Depolarization at one point triggers depolarization in adjacent portions, etc. › Forms a wave of depolarization sweeping along the neuron › More rapid in myelinated neurons than unmyelinated neurons Impulses only form in membrane exposed at nodes of Ranvier Please note that due to differing operating systems, some animations will not appear until the presentation is viewed in Presentation Mode (Slide Show view). You may see blank slides in the “Normal” or “Slide Sorter” views. All animations will appear after viewing in Presentation Mode and playing each animation. Most animations will require the latest version of the Flash Player, which is available at Synaptic Transmission › Synapse Junction of an axon with another neuron or an effector cell › Synapse structure Synaptic knob of presynaptic neuron Postsynaptic structure (neuron or effector) Synaptic cleft › Steps of synaptic transmission Arrival of an impulse causes synaptic knob to release a neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft Neurotransmitters bind to receptors on postsynaptic neuron’s plasma membrane A response is triggered in the postsynaptic neuron Stimulates impulse formation Inhibits impulse formation Please note that due to differing operating systems, some animations will not appear until the presentation is viewed in Presentation Mode (Slide Show view). You may see blank slides in the “Normal” or “Slide Sorter” views. All animations will appear after viewing in Presentation Mode and playing each animation. Most animations will require the latest version of the Flash Player, which is available at › Signal transmission across a synapse is only in one direction Only the synaptic knob can release neurotransmitters › Neurotransmitters are quickly removed Prevents continuous stimulation of postsynaptic neuron or effector “Resets” the synapse Neurotransmitters › Enable communication between neurons and neurons with other cells › One neuron releases only 1 or 2 types of neurotransmitters › Two basic types of neurotransmitters Excitatory neurotransmitters Inhibitory neurotransmitters › Excitatory neurotransmitters Cause impulse formation in postsynaptic neuron and activate other cells Examples: acetylcholine, norepinephrine › Inhibitory neurotransmitters Inhibit the formation of impulses in postsynaptic cells and function of other target cells Examples: dopamine, endorphins Bones › Cranial bones › Vertebrae Meninges: three fibrous membranes › Pia mater Thin, innermost layer Adheres to CNS structure surfaces Contain blood vessels to nourish brain and spinal cord › Arachnoid mater Middle layer Thin, web-like, avascular Does not penetrate smaller depressions like the pia Subarachnoid space Filled with cerebrospinal fluid › Dura mater Tough, outermost layer Attached to cranial bones Forms protective tube in vertebral canal Epidural space Contains about 100 billion neurons Four major components: cerebrum, cerebellum, diencephalon, brain stem Largest portion of the brain Performs higher brain functions › Sensations › Voluntary actions › Reasoning › Planning › Problem solving Structure › Left and right cerebral hemispheres Separated by longitudinal fissure Connected by corpus callosum › Surface shows numerous gyri (folds) with sulci (shallow grooves) between them › Cerebral cortex Outer surface of gray matter Neuronal cell bodies and unmyelinated fibers › White matter lies beneath the cortex Myelinated fibers that transmit impulses Between hemispheres Between cerebral cortex and lower brain areas Several gray matter masses are deep in the white matter › Cerebral hemisphere is divided into 4 lobes Frontal lobe- conscious muscle movement, higher mental functions Parietal lobe- sensation Temporal lobe- hearing and smell Occipital lobe- vision Insula- taste Functions › Interpretation of sensory impulses › Controlling voluntary motor responses › Intellectual processes › Will › Personality traits › Three type of functional areas Sensory areas Motor areas Association areas › Sensory areas Receive impulses from sensory receptors Interprets impulses as sensations Sensory areas receive information from opposite sides of the body Due to cross over of ascending sensory fibers › Motor areas Located in frontal lobe Primary motor area- controls skeletal muscles Premotor area- planning, learning, and judging Broca’s area- speech Frontal eye field area- voluntary eye movements Left side of the cerebrum controls skeletal muscles on the right side of the body Due to cross over of descending motor fibers › Association areas Interrelate sensory inputs and motor inputs Role in interrelationships of sensations, memory, will, and coordination of motor responses General interpretative areainterpretation of complex sensory experiences and thought processes. Hemisphere Specialization › Each hemisphere performs basic functions Receiving sensory output Initiating voluntary motor output › Some functions are only performed by one hemisphere Left hemisphere Analytical and verbal skills Right hemisphere Musical, artistic, spatial awareness, imagination, and insight Lies between the brain stem and midbrain Consists of two major areas › Thalamus › Hypothalamus Thalamus › Receives all incoming sensory impulses (except smell) before relaying them to the cerebral cortex › Provides a general, nonspecific awareness of sensations Interpretation is carried out by the cerebral cortex Hypothalamus › Communicates with thalamus, cerebrum, and other brain regions › Major control center for autonomic nervous system › Connecting link between brain and endocrine system Controls the pituitary gland › Primary function is maintain homeostasis by regulating Body temperature Mineral and water balance Appetite and digestive processes Heart rate and blood pressure Sleep and wakefulness Emotions of fear and rage Secretion of hormones by pituitary gland Complex of deep nuclei of cerebrum › Associated with the thalamus and diencephalon Involved in: › Memory › Emotions › Emotional behaviors Malfunctions can result in mood disorders Stalk-like portion connecting higher brain centers with the spinal cord Contains nuclei surrounded by white matter Consists of › Midbrain › Pons › Medulla oblongata Midbrain › Maintains consciousness › Reflex center for visual and auditory stimuli Controls head, eye, and body movements Pons › Between midbrain and medulla oblongata › Aids in controlling the rate and depth of breathing Medulla oblongata › Most inferior portion of the brain that connects to the spinal cord › Contains the respiratory control center Regulate depth and rate of breathing Reflexes like coughing and breathing › Contains the cardiac control center Regulate rate of heart contractions › Contains the vasomotor center Regulates blood pressure and blood flow Controls and coordinates the interaction of skeletal muscles Controls posture, balance, and muscle coordination Damage results in loss of equilibrium, muscle coordination, and muscle tone Brain contains four interconnecting ventricles › Cavities lined by ependymal cells Filled with cerebrospinal fluid › Produced by choroid plexuses in the ventricles Flow of cerebrospinal fluid › Lateral ventricles to third ventricle to fourth ventricle to central canal or subarachnoid space › Cerebrospinal fluid is reabsorbed in dural sinus within dura mater Secretion and absorption of CSF is at equal rates to keep a constant hydrostatic pressure Descends from medulla oblongata through foramen magnum Passes through vertebral canal to level of 2nd lumbar vertebra › Only spinal nerves occupy lower levels of vertebral canal Functions › Transmit impulses to and from brain Ascending (sensory) tracts Descending (motor) tracts › Reflex center for spinal reflexes Consists of cranial and spinal nerves that connect to parts of the body Nerves are neuronal processes bundled together by connective tissue There are three types of nerves › Motor nerves › Sensory nerves › Mixed nerves Nerves can contain fibers from both somatic and autonomic nervous systems Cranial Nerves › Twelve pairs of nerves › Arise from brain and connect with structures of head and neck › Most are mixed nerves, though some are primarily sensory or primary motor Spinal Nerves › 31 pairs › Pair one emerges between atlas and occipital bone › Remainder emerge through intervertebral foramina Nerves are identified by the spinal region from which they branch and are numbered in sequence › 8 pairs of cervical nerves › 12 pairs of thoracic nerves › 5 pairs of lumbar nerves › 5 pairs of sacral nerves › 1 pair of coccygeal nerves Spinal cord terminates at L2 › Descending from this point are proximal portions of spinal nerves › Cauda equina Spinal nerves form from two roots from the spinal cord › Ventral root Motor axons › Dorsal root Sensory axons Dorsal root ganglion Spinal Plexuses › Spinal nerves divide into parts after emerging from the vertebral column Anterior branch Posterior branch Visceral branch › A plexus is a made of merged anterior branches from several nerves Gives rise to nerves that supply specific body parts › Cervical plexus Formed by first four cervical nerves Nerves from it service muscles and skin of neck, head, and shoulders › Brachial plexus Formed by last four cervical nerves and first thoracic nerve Nerves from it service skin and muscles of arms and shoulders › Lumbar plexus Formed by last thoracic nerve and first four lumbar nerves Nerves from it supply skin and muscles of lower trunk, genitalia, and part of thighs › Sacral plexus Last two lumbar nerves and first four sacral nerves Nerves from it service skin and muscles of buttocks and legs Reflexes › Rapid, involuntary, and predictable responses to internal and external stimuli › Maintain homeostasis and increase chances for survival › Reflex pathways are called reflex arcs › Two types of reflexes Autonomic reflexes Act on smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands Maintain homeostasis and body functions at unconscious level Somatic reflexes Act on skeletal muscle Conscious awareness of these reflexes exists Consists of parts of central and peripheral nervous systems Functions involuntarily without conscious control Purpose is to maintain homeostasis in response to changes in internal conditions › Effects cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands › Uses involuntary reflexes › ANS is subdivided into Sympathetic division “Fight or flight” Prepares body for stress, energy-expending, and emergencies Parasympathetic Division “Rest and digest” Active during relaxation and digestion Autonomic Neurotransmitters › Divisions differ in the neurotransmitters used at synapses All preganglionic neurons use acetylcholine Parasympathetic postganglionic use acetylcholine Sympathetic postganglionic use norepinephrine Disorders are characterized as › Inflammatory disorders › Non-inflammatory disorders Meningitis › Bacterial, fungal, or viral infection of the meninges › If the brain is involved, it is called encephalitis Neuritis › Inflammation of nerve or nerves › Caused by infection, compression, or trauma › Severe to moderate pain Sciatica › Neuritis involving the sciatic nerve › Pain can be severe with radiating pain down thigh and leg Shingles › Caused by reactivation of the chickenpox virus that has been dormant in the nerve root › Painful blisters form at sensory nerve endings Alzheimer’s disease › Characterized by progressive loss of memory, disorientation, and mood swings › Exhibit loss of cholinergic neurons in brain › Also have reduced ability to secrete acetylcholine Neurons waste away or die, and can no longer send messages to muscles. This eventually leads to muscle weakening, twitching, and an inability to move the arms, legs, and body. The condition slowly gets worse. When the muscles in the chest area stop working, it becomes hard or impossible to breathe. Cerebral palsy › Partial paralysis and possible mental retardation › Caused by prenatal brain damage, German measles, delivery brain trauma Cerebrovascular accidents › Strokes › Disorders of brain blood vessels › Caused by blood clots, aneurysms, or hemorrhage › Cause severe brain damage Comas › Patient is unconscious and cannot be aroused › Alteration of reticular formation function may be a cause Concussion › Caused by severe jarring of brain due to blow to the head › Can be accompanied by unconsciousness, amnesia, and confusion Dyslexia › Person reverses letters or syllables in words or words within sentences › Due to malfunctioning language center Epilepsy › Can be hereditary or triggered by injuries, infections, or tumors › Two types of epilepsy Grand mal epilepsy Convulsive seizures Petit mal epilepsy Momentary loss of reality without convulsion or unconsciousness Fainting › Loss of consciousness due to sudden reduction in brain blood supply › Physical or psychological causes Headaches › Various causes Most due to dilation of blood vessels within the meninges Some are caused by tension in head and neck muscles › Migraine headaches Visual or digestive side effects Causes include stress, allergies, or fatigue › Sinus headaches Cause may be inflammation that increases pressure within the sinuses Mental illnesses › Neuroses Mild maladjustments to life situations Produce anxiety and interfere with normal behavior › Psychoses Severe mental disorders Cause delusions, hallucinations, or withdrawal from reality Multiple sclerosis › Progressive degeneration of myelin sheath around CNS processes › Also have development of scleroses › Effect is a short-circuiting of neural pathways, which impairs motor function Neuralgia › Pain arising from a nerve regardless of cause of pain Paralysis › Permanent loss of motor control over body parts › Common cause is injury to CNS Parkinson’s disease › Insufficient dopamine production by basal nuclei in cerebrum › Causes tremors and impairs skeletal muscle contraction