Y4/5 CURRICULUM MAP 2015-16 YEAR GROUP Y4/5 Theme topic Stunning start Autumn1 Autumn 2 Where in the world..? Above and Beyond Spring 1 If you go down to the woods today Class room theme woodland /fairy tale Science; Animals & humans Describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans Identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions Construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey. Arrival of Edward Tulane Hot air Balloon Geography; Locate the world’s countries, with focus on North and South America and countries of particular interest to pupils. Understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of the human and physical geography of a region or area within North or South America. Visitor Other NC subjects and NC references Science; Comapre and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases Observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in C History; understand historical concepts such as continuity and change, To learn about changes in living memory. To identify similarities and difference between way of life in different periods. History; Space race and Moon Landing Use evidence to ask questions and find answers about the past. Use more than one source of historical enquiry to gain a more accurate understanding. Describe different accounts of a historical event. Suggest causes and consequences of some of the main events and changes in history. Geography; human geography, including: settlements, land use, economic activity including trade links and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water supplies. Key skills development Art & Design Use experiences, other subjects across the curriculum and ideas as inspiration for artwork. PE Dance: Plan, perform and repeat sequences. Refine movements into sequences. Move in a clear, fluent and expressive manner. Computing E Safety Developmental Logic Music Art & Design Develop and share ideas in a sketchbook and in finished products. Art & Design Use experiences, other subjects across the curriculum and ideas as inspiration for artwork. PE Dance: Plan, perform and repeat sequences. Create movements that convey a definite idea. Change speed and levels within a performance. Computing Understanding Technology PE Gym: Stretching, curling and arching Key subject driver and NC references Science; Look at the movement of the Earth and the Moon. Explain night and day. Music Computing Digital Literacy Handling Data Music Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Wonders of the World Bombs, Blitz & Blackout Bedrock Trip to a museum Classroom becomes an air raid shelter History; local history study. A study of a theme in British history. Mysterious visitor been to the classroom over holiday History; Changes in Britain from the stone age to the Iron age. Geography; human geography, including: settlements, land use, economic activity including trade links and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water supplies. Science Describe the changes as humans develop to old age Science Compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties Art & Design Develop and share ideas in a sketchbook and in finished products. Art & Design Improve mastery of techniques. Art & Design Learn about the great artists, architects and designers in history. PE Gym: Symmetry Dance: Electricity PE Games: Invasion games Gym:Pathways PE Athletics/Games: Striking and fielding games Gym: Rolling Computing Programming Computing Consolidation Geography; Ask and answer questions about the human and physical characteristics of places. Use atlases maps, globes and digital/computer mapping to describe and locate features. Describe key aspects of human geography, including settlements and land use. Use a range of resources to identify key physical and human features of a location. Science; Identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature Look at the effect of gravity and drag forces. Look at transference of forces in gears, pulleys, levers and springs. Look at appliances, circuits, lamps, switches, insulators and conductors. Look at circuits, the effect of the voltage in cells and the resistance and conductivity of materials. Look at the movement of the Earth and the Moon. Explain day and night Computing Algorithms Music Music Music Festivals Music Express Around the World & Singing Spanish Music Express Exploring sound and structure RE To understand beliefs and teachings Harvest Festival RE To understand practices and lifestyles Christmas Maths/Eng Links- outcomes Genres Biography Information or Explanation Text Key Texts and resources to support Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Enterprise opportunity Come Dine with Me One Giant Leap: The Story of Neil Armstrong Cosmic Disco A range of information texts on Space Christmas Card Sale Being Welcoming Being Friends Being Kind Setting Targets Cocoa & Cookies Fair trade Reindeers Community Event Fabulous finish with Parental involvement Homework Visits & visitors RE To understand how beliefs are conveyed Chinese New Year; Music Express Exploring Performance and Composition – write a rap. RE To understand values and reflect 6th-23rd March Holi Festival Indian Festival of colour Lent & Easter Maths Essential Objectives To know and use numbers To add and subtract To multiply and divide To use fractions To understand the properties of shapes To describe position, direction and movement To use measures To use statistics To use algebra Adventure Story Poetry Oasis Ethos Life skills & citizenship SMSC Music Express Environment & Sounds Visit to space museum Allotment Visit RE To understand beliefs and teachings Local Food Festival 23-25th May Music Express Building & Food & Drink RE To understand practices and lifestyles June 18th Ramadan-July 17th Eid-Ul-Fitr Writing Essential Objectives To write with purpose To use imaginative description To organise writing appropriately To use paragraphs To use sentences appropriately To present neatly To spell correctly To punctuate accurately To analyse writing To present writing Fairy Tales Instructions Into the Forest a range of other fairy tales. Myths Instructions The Adventures of Odysseus Wolf Brother Selling of puppets and gingerbread Easter egg raffle for Church on the Corner Food Bank Egg Appeal. Oasis Ethos & Values running throughout themes I am Unique Team Work Aspirations Respecting Differences Keep Learning Lantern Parade Rocket Race Visit British Railway Museum? Music Express Ancient Worlds & In the Past Easter Bonnet Parade & World Book Day Tableau Non-Chronological Report Mystery and suspense story Letters Write persuasively Stay where you are and then leave The Pebble in My Pocket Festival of Food Challenge Links with local chef, plan, source and host a dinner party. What to do if feeling sad/angry Being Patient Saying Sorry Festival of Food Community Shared Meal Including Everyone Likes & Dislikes Change Mighty Zulu Nation Medieval Banquet Local woodland Walk Visit to Bolsover Castle