Freak the Mighty #2

Name: ____________________________________________Date: _________________Period: ___________
Freak the Mighty Vocabulary Practice #2
Directions: Spell the vocabulary word correctly. Write “CORRECT” if the word is already spelled correctly.
1. ignoirant
6. rage
2. entensieve
7. rubbessh
3. interviention _________________________
8. sake
4. prodigee
9. skuttle
10. sobrikee
5. propulsion _________________________
Directions: Label the vocabulary word by writing it in its correct part of speech category.
Vocab. Word
11. Propulsion
12. Scuttle
13. Rubbish
14. Sobriquet
15. Prodigy
16. Sake
17. Intervention
Directions: Use the following word in a sentence, taking care to use it as the part of speech identified.
18. Intensive (ADJECTIVE) ________________________________________________________________
19. Rage (NOUN)
20. Ignorant (ADJECTIVE) ________________________________________________________________
Directions: Matching. Match the vocabulary word with the correct definition.
21. _____ignorant
A. Lacking general education or basic knowledge.
22. _____intensive
B. 1. A propelling force. 2. The act of propelling.
23. _____intervention
C. Characterized by a high degree, force, or emphasis.
24. _____prodigy
D. The act of mediating or confronting a problem
25. _____propulsion
E. An unusually talented or intelligent child.
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Freak the Mighty #2
1. An unusually talented or intelligent child.
4. A reason for wanting something done.
6. A propelling force.
8. Characterized by a high degree, force, or emphasis.
9. Lacking general education or basic knowledge.
2. The act of mediating or confronting a problem
3. A feeling of intense anger.
4. A nickname (often a shortened version of a person's given name).
5. Worthless material that is discarded.
7. To move about or proceed hurriedly.