Soil pH and buffer pH methodology: water and SMP/Sikora buffer reaction time with soil and a laboratory survey 1. Soil pH and SMP Buffer pH methodologies a. Time for SMP buffer to set in soil-water slurry b. Conditions on LabFit for soil pH and Sikora buffer pH 2. Laboratory survey on pH and lime recommendations prepared for SERA-6 conference June 4-5, 2007 F.J. Sikora University of Kentucky Variations in methods for determining 1:1 soil:water pH Stirring (or mixing) time after adding water Standing time before determining pH Stirring during/before pH measurement Reference pub Quantity of soil SPAC, Inc. 4.25 cm3, 5 g, or 10 cm3 Stir for 5 sec 10 min stir during pH measurement Southern 10 cm3 Mix for 5 sec 30 min stir soil suspension by swirling the cup slightly just prior to reading pH Northeastern Scoop 5 cm3 or weigh 5 g Stir vigorously for 15 sec 30 min place electrodes in the slurry, swirl carefully and read pH immediately North Central 4.25 cm3 (5 g scoop) Stir vigorously for 5 sec 10 min place electrodes in the slurry, swirl carefully and read pH immediately Western 5 0.1 g Stir thoroughly for 5 sec 15 min place electrodes in the slurry, swirl carefully and read pH immediately Variations in SMP methods for determining buffer pH Volume of buffer added to soil pH slurry and shaking time Oscillations/min Standing time before determining pH Reference pub Quantity of soil SPAC, Inc. 4.25 cm3 or 5 g 10 mL buffer, shake for 10 min (or 15 min) >180 30 min (or 15 min) Northeastern Scoop 5 cm3 or weigh 5 g 10 mL buffer, shake for 10 min (or 15 min) 250 30 min (or 15 min) North Central 4.25 cm3 (5 g scoop) 10 mL buffer, shake for 10 min (or 15 min) 250 30 min (or 15 min) Western 5 0.1 g 10 mL buffer, stir every 5 minutes for 20 min Southern 20 min excerpt from Mclean, Eckert, Reddy, and Trierweiler. 1978. An improved SMP soil lime requirement method incorporating double-buffer and quick-test features. SSSAJ 42:311-316. 1975 North Central publication on soil test methods. Table in the current North Central region publication on soil test methods. SMP Buffer pH Lexington Quality Control Sample 4108 SMP buffer 7.0 Sikora buffer 6.9 +3s 6.8 Buffer pH +2s 6.7 mean 6.6 6.5 -2s -3s 6.4 6.3 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 Days after Jan 1, 2005 LEXINGTON LAB PRINCETON LAB buf buf LabFit method with Sikora buffer Method for adding water to soil stirring time for buffer in soil time buffer set in soil prior to measurement Each sample stirred with stir rod and let set for 30 min. 0.33 min. ±0.11 37 min. ±4 1.5 hrs for 3 trays (n=120) Soil pH Buffer pH instrument LabFit pH, Buffer SikoraKY buffer pH, new instr water pH, new instr instrument LabFit Soil pH, 10 y = 0.9613x + 0.1576 R2 = 0.9763 9 8 7 6 5 5,10 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 y = 1.0486x - 0.4033 R2 = 0.9607 7.5 7 6.5 6 5,10 5.5 10 5 5 Soil pH, median waterNAPT pH, old way 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 SMP Buffer pH,pH, NAPT SMP buffer old waymedian 1:1 line regression line 8 Soil pH Each sample stirred with stir rod for 5 sec and let set for 30 min. Tray swirled for 5 sec. and let set for 30 min. 10 y = 0.9613x + 0.1576 R2 = 0.9763 9 instrument LabFit Soil pH, water pH, new instr water pH, new instr instrument LabFit Soil pH, 10 8 7 6 5 5,10 4 y = 0.8927x + 0.6065 R2 = 0.9647 9 8 7 6 5,10 tray swilred 5 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 Soil pH, NAPT water pH, old median way 5 6 7 8 Soil pH, NAPT water pH, old median way 1:1 line regression line 9 10 A Mid-Atlantic Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Work Group survey on methods for soil pH, buffer pH and lime recommendations Objectives are to assess: 1. variation in lab methods being used. 2. effect of method variation on intra- and interlaboratory error. 3. variation in how lime recommendations are made. 2006019 2006009 2005019 2005009 2004119 2004109 2003119 2003109 2002119 2002109 _01119 _01109 _00119 _00109 99119 99109 98123 98113 Soil pH MAD values in the NAPT program 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 2006019 2006009 2005019 2005009 2004119 2004109 2003119 2003109 2002119 2002109 _01119 _01109 _00119 _00109 99119 99109 98123 98113 SMP Buffer pH MAD values in the NAPT program 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 extra slides 3.5 y = -0.837 x + 7.00 Coefficient of Variation (%) 3.0 2 r = 0.658 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 y = -0.803x + 6.347 R2 = 0.691 0.5 0.0 5 5.5 6 6.5 SMP buffer pH 7 7.5 8 3.5 y = -0.1749x + 2.6093 R2 = 0.1805 Coefficient of Variation (%) 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 4 5 6 7 water pH 8 9 10 Variations in methods for Mehlich III extractable nutrients Reference pub Quantity of soil Volume of Mehlich III Mixing time and method SPAC, Inc. 5 cm3 50 mL 5 min on reciprocating shaker Southern 2.5 cm3 25 mL 5 min on reciprocating shaker Northeastern Scoop 2.5 cm3 or 2.5 g (references orig. method on 10:1 ratio based on vol.) 25 mL 5 min on reciprocating shaker at 200 epm North Central 1.7 cm3 (2 g scoop) 20 mL 5 min on shaker at 200 or more epm between 24 to 27oC Western 2 0.05 g 20 mL 5 min on reciprocating shaker