Lesson 6 Lesson 6 #1 Word accolade Part of Speech noun Definition Sentence a) Great praise b) An award a) The drama coach gave the cast accolades for their performances. b) The Nobel Prize is an accolade given for work that benefits humanity. Lesson 6 #2 Word adulation Part of Speech Noun Definition Sentence Adoration; excessive Known for her style, praise or flattery charm, and ability to speak many languages, Jacqueline Kennedy received worldwide adulation. Lesson 6 #3 Word anathema Part of Speech noun Definition Sentence Something or someone that is greatly hated and avoided. Slavery is anathema to most modern people. Lesson 6 #4 Word commend Part of Speech Verb Definition Sentence To give approval or praise The governor commended the students for their assistance during the recent flood. Lesson 6 #5 Word critique Part of Speech a) Noun b) verb Definition Sentence a) A detailed review; an evaluation b) To review, discuss, or evaluate a) The students wrote a critique of the new school lunches. b) After I watch a movie, I usually like to critique it with my friends. Lesson 6 #6 Word eulogy Part of Speech Noun Definition Sentence A tribute; spoken or written praise, often given in honor of a person who has died Mr. Solaway delivered the eulogy at his father’s funeral. Lesson 6 #7 Word homage Part of Speech Noun Definition Sentence Publicly expressed honor or respect In her inauguration speech, the new mayor paid homage to the former mayor for his many achievements in office. Lesson 6 #8 Word laudable Part of Speech Adjective Definition Sentence Worthy of praise and Volunteering at an honor or respect animal shelter is a laudable activity. Lesson 6 #9 Word quibble Part of Speech a) Verb b) noun Definition Sentence a) To criticize, argue, or raise objections over something unimportant b) An unimportant complaint a) The rest of the team waited impatiently as the two players quibbled about who’d lost the ball. b) Everyone ignored Tom’s quibble about doctors who don’t say “please” or “thank you” when they are performing openheart surgery. Lesson 6 #10 Word reproach Part of Speech Verb Definition Sentence To criticize or express disapproval Whitney’s boss reproached her for showing up an hour late three days in a row.