Structures Skeletal system is the bony framework of the body 206 bones in an adult Functions ◦ Support of the body and shape & structure ◦ Protection of the vital organs ◦ Movement & anchorage of the muscles (levers for muscular action) ⚫Tendons – attach muscle to bone ⚫Ligaments – attach bone to bone ◦ Mineral storage – calcium and phosphorus ◦ Blood cell formation - hematopoiesis Collagen – a chief organic constituent (protein) Inorganic calcium salts (Vit D is essential for the absorption of minerals, i.e. calcium) Cells ◦ Osteoblasts-bone building, bone-repairing cells in the periosteum ◦ Osteocytes-mature bone cells within the bone matrix ◦ Osteoclast-causes the reabsorption of bone Periosteum ◦ A dense, fibrous membrane covering bone ◦ Contains blood vessels ◦ Essential for bone cell survival and bone formation Grow in length at the epiphyseal line Grow in width by the addition of bone to the surface Controlled by the anterior pituitary (growth hormone) ◦ Dwarfism-hypofunction ◦ Gigantism-hyperfunction ◦ Acromegaly-hyperfunction after puberty; enlarges bones of the hands, feet, and face Epiphyseal plate ◦ Growth plate, found towards ends of bones Diaphysis ◦ The long shaft, major part of the bone Condyle ◦ A rounded, knuckle-like prominence usually at a point of articulation Foramen ◦ Opening in bone through which blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments pass Tubercles ◦ A small, rounded process Bone marrow ◦ Red marrow ⚫hematopoietic tissue ⚫Forms red blood cells, platelets, some white blood cells, destroys old RBCs and some foreign materials ◦ Yellow marrow ⚫Fat storage Pg 39 Axial ◦ Central bones along your center axis ◦ Protects the major organs of the nervous, respiratory, and circulatory systems Appendicular ◦ Appendages ◦ Extremities ◦ Protects the organs of digestion, excretion, and reproduction Skull ◦ Cranium-major bones ⚫Frontal ⚫Parietal-Right & Left ⚫Temporal-Right & Left ⚫Occipital ◦ Fontanelles-fusion of the cranial bones is not complete at birth so babies have a “soft spot” ◦ Facial Thoracic ◦ Ribs ◦ Sternum Spinal column-26 bones separated by intervertebral disks to cushion ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Cervical-7, smallest vertebrae Thoracic-12, progressively increase in size Lumbar-5, largest and strongest Sacral-five fused bones with the pelvis Coccyx-3-4 fused bones, tailbone, slightly movable to assist in childbirth Sternum ◦ Manubrium-top part ◦ Body ◦ Xiphoid process-end tip Ribs Shoulder girdle ◦ Clavicles (2)-the collarbones ◦ Scapulas (2)-the shoulder blades Upper extremities ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Humerus-upper arm Radius-thumb side of forearm Ulna-little finger side of forearm Carpals (8)-wrist bones Metacarpals (5)-hand bones Phalanges (14)-finger bones Pelvic Girdle ◦ Os coxae (2)-contains the acetabulum (hip socket) ⚫Ilium ⚫Ischium ⚫Pubis ◦ Sacrum Lower Extremities ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Femur-thigh bone Patella-kneecap Tibia-shin bone Fibula-lateral bone of the lower leg Tarsals (7)-ankle bones ⚫Talus ⚫calcaneus ◦ Metatarsals (5)-foot bones ◦ Phalanges (14)-toe bones Synarthrotic-immovable joints ◦ Sutures in skull ◦ Pg 39 amphiarthrotic-flexible, but not movable ◦ Symphysis pubis ◦ Pg 46 Diarthrotic-freely movable ◦ Synovial-movable joints of the body Ligaments-band of fibrous connective tissue that connects one bone to another Bursa-a fibrous sac that contains synovial fluid Synovial fluid-a lubricant to make smooth movement of the joint possible