G9 Reading Schedule - HUSH

HUSH: G9 Reading Schedule
Goal 9: Prosperity and Depression (1919-1939) - The learner will appraise the economic, social, and political changes of
the decades of "The Twenties" and "The Thirties."
 Objectives:
 9.01: Elaborate on the cycle of economic boom and bust in the 1920's and 1930's.
 9.02: Analyze the extent of prosperity for different segments of society during this period.
 9.03: Analyze the significance of social, intellectual, and technological changes of lifestyles in the United
 9.04: Describe challenges to traditional practices in religion, race, and gender.
 9.05: Assess the impact of New Deal reforms in enlarging the role of the federal government in American
9.01 – 9.04
Ch. 21: Roaring Life of the 1920s
Ch. 22: The Great Depression Begins
Ch. 23: The New Deal
Ch. 21-22 Quiz (multiple choice & short answer) 
G9 Test
Assignments: Read the requested chapters in the textbooks & complete the questions.
Chapter 21: The Roaring Life of the 1920s
Chapter Objective
 To understand such issues as Prohibition, the changing role of
women, and the influence of the Harlem Renaissance.
SECTION 1 Changing Ways of Life
1. Explain how urbanization created a new way of life that often clashed
with the values of traditional rural society.
2. Describe the controversy over the role of science and religion in American
education and society in the 1920s.
SECTION 2 The Twenties Woman
1. Explain how the image of the flapper embodied the changing values and
attitudes of young women in the 1920s.
2. Identify the causes and results of the changing roles of women in the
SECTION 3 Education and Popular Culture
1. Describe the popular culture of the 1920s.
2. Explain why the youth-dominated decade came to be called the Roaring
SECTION 4 The Harlem Renaissance
1. Identify the causes and results of the migration of African Americans to
Northern cities in the early 1900s.
2. Describe the prolific African-American artistic activity that became known
as the Harlem Renaissance.
Chapter 22: The Great Depression Begins
Chapter Objective
 To understand the causes and consequences of the Great Depression
and the futility of Hoover's actions to limit the damage.
SECTION 1 The Nation's Sick Economy
1. Summarize the critical problems threatening the American economy in
the late 1920s.
2. Describe the causes of the stock market crash and Great Depression.
3. Explain how the Great Depression affected the economy in the United
States and throughout the world.
SECTION 2 Hardship and Suffering During the Depression
1. Describe how people struggled to survive during the Depression.
2. Explain how the Depression affected men, women, and children.
SECTION 3 Hoover Struggles with the Depression
1. Explain Hoover's initial response to the Depression.
2. Summarize the actions Hoover took to help the economy and the
hardship suffered by Americans.
3. Describe the Bonus Army and Hoover's actions toward it.
Chapter 23: The New Deal
Chapter Objective
 To understand the impetus for FDR's New Deal legislations and the
impact these policies on the American nation.
SECTION 1 A New Deal Fights the Depression
1. Summarize the initial steps Roosevelt took to reform banking and
2. Describe New Deal work programs.
3. Identify critics of FDR's New Deal.
SECTION 2 The Second New Deal Takes Hold
1. Describe the purpose of the Second New Deal.
2. Summarize New Deal programs for farmers.
3. Identify the Second New Deal programs aimed at assisting young people
and professionals.
SECTION 3 The New Deal Affects Many Groups
1. Analyze the effects of the New Deal programs on women.
2. Describe Roosevelt's attitude toward African Americans.
3. Identify the groups that formed the New Deal coalition.
4. Describe the supporter of FDR's New Deal.
SECTION 4 Culture in the 1930s
1. Describe the entertainment provided by motion pictures and radio.
2. Identify some of the artists and writers of the New Deal era.
SECTION 5 The Impact of the New Deal
1. Summarize opinions about the effectiveness of the New Deal.
2. Describe the legacies of the New Deal.