Review of BUSA3322 Mary M. Whiteside Methodologies Two sample tests Analysis of variance Chi square tests Simple regression Multiple regression Time series analysis SPC in quality and productivity management Decision analysis Two sample tests Tests for equal means with independent samples (Z and t) Test for equal means with related (paired) samples (t) Quantitative variable Test for equal proportions (z) Quantitative variable Categorical, 0 -1 variable Test for equal variances (F) Quantitative variable Tests for equal means and confidence intervals with independent samples Z - Variances known t n1 + n2 - 2 - Variances unknown but assumed equal t Satterthwaite - Variances unknown and not assumed equal Test for equal means with related samples t n-1 Test for equal proportions Z with n*p > 5 and n*(1-p) > 5 Test for equal variances F with n1 -1 and n2 -1 degrees of freedom Excel options for means tests Formula for equal proportions test Page 454 Exercise 13.73, a Data analysis plus for proportions Excel for equal variances test Excel for Analysis of Variance Data analysis plus for Fisher’s LSD, Tukey-Kramer, and Bonferroni multiple comparisons Chi Squared test of a contingency table For independence Pages 558 - 559 Exercises 16.22, 16.24 Data analysis plus for Chi squared tests Excel for regression Data analysis plus for confidence and prediction intervals Time series analysis Analyze charts of data, moving averages and trend lines for components of variation Compute and use seasonal index numbers To seasonally adjust data To put seasonality in a forecast Decision analysis Construct payoff tables Construct opportunity cost tables Make maximax decisions Make maximin decisions Make minimax decisions Make expected payoff decisions Make expected opportunity cost decisions Compute EVPI SPC in quality and productivity management Identify philosophies of TQM, Deming and Six Sigma Compute control limits for the X-bar chart, page 784 Compute control limits for the S chart with data analysis plus Compute control limits for the p chart, page 797 Understanding concepts of statistical inference Randomness Significance Rejecting a null hypothesis Failing to reject a null hypothesis Importance Correlation Causation Variability Time series SPC