Lesson Objectives • By the end of this series of 3 lessons pupils will be able to :All :-Carry out research to Identify the promotional mix used by a selected organisation. Describe the promotional mix used by a selected organisations for a selected product/service Most: Explain how the promotional mix used by a selected organisation enables them to meet their business and marketing objectives Some: describe how alternative promotional methods would enable an organisation meet to it’s objectives Lesson Objectives By the end of today’s lesson you: Some: SHOULD be able to explain how the promotional mix helps businesses market their products successfully Most: CAN explain the elements of the promotional mix and give examples of each one. All: MUST be able to explain what is the promotional mix TASK Working on your own You have 5 minutes To explain what the marketing mix is. Include What is it used for and the elements of the marketing mix What is Promotional Mix? The promotional mix is the ways in which an organisation will promote it’s product or service to meet the organisations overall business objectives. The promotional mix explains how a business will promote it’s products and is an element of the marketing mix Elements of the promotional mix Advertising Public relations Personal selling Direct marketing Sales promotion sponsorship TASK Working in your learning groups find out :what the promotional mix is, what are the elements of the mix – give real life examples of each element what is it used for why is it used. Explain the results of your research to the remainder of the class with a poster. Presenting Your Findings Poster must include:• Definition of promotional mix • Explanation of each of the Elements of promotional mix with an example • The purpose of the promotional mix • Objectives of the promotional mix • How promotional objective help the organization meet it’s business objectives Quality Criteria Game Set Match • On an A4 sheet • Use easy to read font • Written in simple easy to understand language • Use appropriate images to explain text • Required information Promotional Mix- 10 mins Working in your learning groups find the answers to the following: • What is the promotional mix • Who uses it • When is it used • Where is it used • Why is it used • How is it used Methods Book, Learning Partners, internet- Key wordspromotional mix Promotional Mix WhatWhoWhenWhereWhyHow- Recap • What is the promotional mix? • How does it help business meet their overall objectives? • How does it link to a business marketing objectives? • How is the marketing mix influenced by the promotional mix ?