Lesson 29 Patterns of Intergroup Relations

Lesson 29 Patterns of Intergroup Relations
I. Discrimination v. Prejudice
a. Discrimination: the denial of equal treatment to
individuals based upon their group membership.
(Blacks during the Jim Crow Laws)
b. Prejudice: an unsupported generalization of a
category of people. (White Men Can’t Jump)
c. Types of Discrimination:
i. Legal Discrimination: unequal treatment upheld
by the law. (Nazi Anti-Semitism, Apartheid, Jim
Crow Laws)
ii. Institutionalized Discrimination: Discrimination
is an outgrowth of the structure of Society. (the
grouping of people based upon what group they
belong to, Black Ghettos, Urban schools provide
substandard education…..etc)
d. Types of Prejudice:
i. Stereotype: an oversimplified, exaggerated or
unfavorable generalization about a group of
ii. Self-Fulfilling prophecy: a prediction that results
in behavior that makes a prediction come true.
iii. Racism: the belief that one’s own race is
naturally superior to all other races.
II. Sources of Discrimination and Prejudice
a. Sociological Explanations: accepted norms of society
and the process through which these norms are
b. Psychological Explanations:
i. People are prejudiced because they have a type of
personality. Conformist
ii. Frustration and anger: placing blame on
innocent group because of the failings of another
group, this is called Scapegoating. (Nazis and
c. Economic Explanations: when jobs are scarce, a
minority group will feel unwelcome due to the conflict
III. Patterns of Minority Group Treatment
a. Cultural Pluralism: policy in which each group within
a society is allowed to keep its unique cultural
identity. (Switzerland)
b. Assimilation: the blending of culturally distinct
groups into a single group with a common culture and
c. Legal Protection: Minority rights protected by law.
Civil Rights Act of 1964.
d. Segregation: policies that physically separate a
minority group from the dominant group.
i. De jure segregation: segregation based on laws
ii. De facto segregation: segregation based upon
informal norms.
e. Subjugation: the maintaining of control over a group
through force. Slavery
f. Population Transfer: transfer of minority population
to a new territory.
g. Extermination or Genocide