Apply For Membership(for the Site)

Becoming A Member
To become involved with ourselves as
to diminish stereotypes of black women
only being concerned with dressing,
and gossiping; and to break down racial
within all communities .
To organize and execute fundraisers and special projects for the
benefit of others; to design venues that'll incorporate the
participation of the less fortunate; to have fun while assisting
others; to promote ourselves as accomplished- respected, and
A Recognition of the Struggles and Agony our Ancestors
Endured; yet Strength and Appreciation has Evolved!
Black & Blue!
To Unite African American Women who are EDUCATED; HAVE CAREERS;
THEIR CHOSEN become Role Models and Mentors in
Please write your name and
contact info on backside of app.
Page 1
Membership Application
What is your strength?
Where’d your strength come from?
What is your Mission in Life?
If you had a chance to re-live life- would you, why/why not?
Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 20 years?
Black Radiance
Uniting Professional Sistaz!
Celebrating The Achievements Of Local African American Women!
Please write your name and
contact info on backside of app.
Page 2
Membership Application
What are your hobbies?
What are your career goals?
What’s your greatest accomplishment?
Define yourself with one word:
Is it easy or hard for you to be vulnerable- and why?
Black Radiance
Uniting Professional Sistaz!
Celebrating The Achievements Of Local African American Women!
Black Radiance
Your Notes……
*Call To Order/Roll Call
*Opening Prayer
*Welcome Visitors
*Old Business
*Chairwoman’s Notes
*New Business
(event s updates)
*Open Forum
• Monthly Discussions
(make copies and bring to each meeting)
Officers and Members
Article I: Purpose and Mission
The goal of Black Radiance is to promote local African American females who are excelling
in their chosen careers- to become role models to younger generations- esp in our own
black community. To develop fundraising events and special projects to assist with
organizations relating to the youth population, elderly social services, health resources,
and any other charitable, educational or sociological group in need of assistance. We’ve
come together as a group to feed off of each other’s experiences, knowledge, wisdom
and intuition. Our Mission is to become involved with ourselves as women, and to
diminish stereotypes of African American women being concerned with dressing, partying
and gossiping. We strive to become mentors for leadership, confidence, intelligence and
elegance. We seek others to empower ourselves as well as empower others. We’re a
group of phenomenal women wanting to uplift the less fortunate, enhance each other’s
talents, and promote the drive for success. As a member of Black Radiance, you are
responsible for representing our beliefs and visions.
Official Name of Club:
“Black Radiance- a Woman’s Group.
Our Slogan: “Uniting Professional Sistaz!”.
Our Purpose: “Celebrating the Achievements of Local African American Women”.
Our Colors: Blue & Black; “In Recognition of the Struggle and In-humane Punishment our
Ancestors Endured- yet, WE RISE!”
Article II: Policies & Procedures- Members
Admission: applying
for membership requires you to submit a completed
application within one week of receipt. President of the club will respond to your
application within one month of submission. You may be asked to interview(face-toface) before acceptance- if such case arises, you’ll be notified one week in advance
of interview date. Interview process will be conducted by President and/or Vice
President- on ocassion, perhaps, active members as well. Membership is open to
adults without regard to race, disability, religion or national origin, however, it is to
the discretion of the Board Of Directors whether a member is a potential asset to the
overall goal of the club.
Attendance: as a member, you are expected to attend all meetings held on the
third Saturday of every month. No more than four absences will be accepted without a
legitimate excuse. Dismissal from the club will be determined by majority vote- being
highly influenced by President and Vice President- after careful discussions and
consideration. A member who is dismissed can re-apply one year after dismissal date.
Members are expected to attend and participate in at least 3 major fundraising or
special project event within one calendar year. Monthly meeting locations, time, and
day can be changed at the discretion of officers, however, announcements of any
changes will be made in a timely manner either by phone or electronically. Special
meetings may be called at the discretion of the officers, however notice will be given in
a timely manner by phone or electronically. (Guests are welcomed to attend monthly
meetings as long as President’s informed in a timely manner).
Dues: Members are required and expected to pay their monthly dues of $10
(quarterly and annual payments are accepted). If you miss more than 3 months of
payments, you’ll be asked to meet with President and/or V.President to discuss issue in
detail- confidentiality will be adhered to in all instances. Deferments or dismissal may
become the result of non-payment of monthly dues- will be determined after careful
discussion and consideration by President and Vice President.
Participation: As a member, feel free to express your ideas, suggestions,
concerns to any of the officers or group members. All ideas will be considered and
discussed without any biased opinions- to the best of our abilities. Each issue will be
dealt with on a case-by-case basis, and can result in group ruling by members, officers or
President only. Our goal is to have open forums, without getting argumentative and
disrespectful. We understand that individuality is of the utmost importance to you, and
we view this in high regards- however, with same due respect, once a decision is made
against your wishes, assume same respect to your fellow members and accept and move
Elections: if you become interested in holding an office title, you’ll be asked to
complete a “special” application; submit to President, and officers will decide if a majority
rule election is in the best interest of the vacancy being filled- or officers may choose to
decide amongst themselves. Either way, you will be kept in the loop as the particular
situation evolves.
Meeting Agenda: each member will be supplied with a general monthly agenda so
to enable you to prep for each meeting- members are encouraged to share ideas and
information thereby motivating their fellow members. Topics discussed will relate to at
least one aspect of the monthly agenda, however, on some occasion an officer will add to,
or omit information at their discretion.
Denial of Acceptance(or Dismissal)): when an applicant is not accepted as
a member of the club, applicant, instead, may be invited to become an “associate”
member- by joining a specially formed committee for example. Therefore allowing
applicant to become affiliated with some aspect of club activities. If an applicant is
dismissed from any and all affiliation of the club, applicant may re-instate an
application of re-admission one year after termination notification. The request will be
reviewed and considered by Board Of Directors, and decision will be made aware to
applicant within 30 days of reapplying.
Article III: Duties Of Officers
President: The affairs, development, mission, purpose and goals of the club, as a
whole, will be overseen by the President/Founder: Sandi M. Williams. No decisions will
be made without informing President, nor without President’s input. Final decisions will
be influenced, and sometime determined, by President. All officers are responsible to
the President. All plans for promoting the goals and accomplishments of the club will be
supervised by President. Responsibilities of this office is to conduct, oversee, and
develop activities, meetings, events, etc. President is expected to preside at all club
meetings, insuring business is conducted in a manner that is consistent with the club’s
Vice President: The Vice President will assume all duties of the President in the
President’s absence. The V.P. is expected to assist the President at meetings, events, etc.
Vice President, on occasion, may be asked to oversee special assignments, events,
meetings, etc. Vice President may also be required to record minutes at meetings where
secretary is unable to attend. V.President may be asked to oversee special event planning
activities, member selection, member recruitment, monthly meetings, etc. V.President will
be responsible for representation as the President’s right-hand, and should share in beliefs
and commit to the overall goal of the club. (Vice President is responsible to the President).
Secretary: This title requires you to accurately record minutes at each meeting, and
for maintaining club property records and important documents. Secretary is responsible
for distributing minutes to officers and members within one week of meeting date. The
Secretary will keep an updated list of members and officers- updating when necessary;
same applies to the club’s bylaws. The Secretary will be asked to send announcements
confirming attendance of meetings, change of meeting location, time, etc; and is expected
to make sure all relevant documents are distributed to member and officers at each
monthly meeting. The Secretary is responsible for making sure renewal membership forms
are distributed yearly to all members including officers. The Secretary is responsible for
arranging back-up if unable to attend a particular meeting, event, etc.
Treasurer: This title commits you to sole responsibility in keeping records of all money
transactions. President (and sometime V.Pres.) will be available to share in certain
responsibilities, and will oversee transactions on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.
Treasurer is responsible for collecting dues at the end of each monthly meeting, or at special
allotted times requested by members. The Treasurer is responsible to keep record of all
financial transactions and reports including receipts, tax related docs, statements,
disbursements, and record of member payments, etc. Club’s bank accounts will be
supervised by the Treasurer, and overseen by President. Treasurer is required to make
available balance reports to the President on a month, quarterly or annual basis. Monies for
club projects and activities will be deposited and/or disbursed by Treasurer only. Any excess
funds required must be approved by President.
Events Coordinator:
responsibilities can include: to speak on behalf of club’s
Board & and active members. Responsibilities include ensuring that public
announcements are made in the most appropriate fashion, and through the most
appropriate channels to maximize the impact of club’s mission, goals and objectives.
You’ll serve as club’s icon and be expected to conduct yourself in a professional,
knowledgeable and elegant manner. You’ll be expected to make public appearances and
announcements, sometime accompanied by President and/or V.President.
Board Of Directors Responsibilities:
All officers are expected to consider issues, complaints, suggestions without biased opinions or
reactions. Officers are expected to learn from each other, and strive to keep the goal of the club
in mind at all times, especially when making decisions that could possibly affect the connection
and bond formed within the group. When such decision making issues surface, always ask
yourself: “will outcome benefit the club in a way that will bring it closer to reaching its overall
All officers are expected to attend all monthly meetings and special events, etc. No more than 3
“unexcused” absences, within one calendar year, will be accepted. Termination of title will be
result of first offense, then discussions and decisions will be made regarding termination of
membership. (inform President as early as possible in advance if a situation arises that prevents
you from attending any meeting or special event).
Article IV: Special Committees:
(created and supervised by President and/or V.President). The following
committees are considered essential to the effective operation of the club. An
elected official may chair each standing committee.
Fundraising Committee: shall help initiate and develop ideas and events
for the sole purpose of raising money for club expenses and/or charitable
Activity Committee: shall help initiate and develop ideas and events related
to recreational activities for the club and/or organizations.
Caring Committee: will be responsible to develop and distribute sympathy
acknowledgements at time of tragic event such as death of club member and/or
club member’s family (or sometime person or persons affiliated with the club).
Hospitality Committee: responsible for coordinating refreshments at club
meetings and/or events; making sure preparations, distribution and clean-up is
maintained and carried out; records the inventory of supplies and arranges
replacement for what’s necessary.
Publicity Committee: responsible for assisting in promoting the club’s
goals, mission, etc to public and/or private sectors. On occasion, committee
members will be asked to make media appearances which may entail voice on
radio commercials/announcements; tv appearances; or written
communication. Publicity Committee will be supervised by club’s
Spokeswoman(and sometime Chair).
Website/Calendar Editor: Chair will supervise all material added,
deleted, maintained on club’s website. Same applies to other electronic media
sources related to club activities/business, such as: Facebook; club’s online
group’s website(; Myspace; etc.
Newsletter Committee/Editor: (TBD at a later date, 10.23.09).
Black Radiance Bylaws may be amended by Chair and/or Board of Directors at their
discretion. If such arises, club members will be made aware in a timely manner.
Revisions to bylaws will be read aloud at club meetings, written copy will be
adjusted and distributed to members.
Upon termination of club’s existence, Board Of Directors will unite to decide how
net funds will be distributed. And will decide how announcement of said
dissolution will be made public.
We, the duly elected and acting officers of Black Radiance certify that within these
bylaws discrimination, and forgoing civil rights will be upheld to the best of our
abilities; and has adopted these bylaws to protect and maintain the goals of Black
Radiance Social Club.
Active Members/Officers:
Sandi M. Williams: Founder/President
Dainae Prejean: V. President
Lisa Frank: Secretary
Elizabeth Richard: Treasurer
Brenda Broussard: Events Coordinator
Crystal Anderson: Member
(as of Jan. 2011)