Savannah Witt Technofied Lesson Personal Fitness Lesson Plan Essential Question: What important factors influence your personal fitness? How can you implement these factors into your daily life? Learning Targets: I can make healthy life decision for eating and working out. I tracked my activity and eating, along with journaling to discover how my eating and working out patterns impact my life. I can use technology in order to further my knowledge of a healthy lifestyle. I know what healthy foods are. Age: 5th Grade Health Enhancement OPI Content Standard: Standard 1: Students have a basic knowledge and understanding of concepts that promote comprehensive health. o Benchmark 1: describe relationships between personal health behaviors and individual well- being. Standard 5: Students demonstrate the ability to use critical thinking and decision making to enhance health. o o o o o Benchmark 2: identify problem-solving processes specific to health-related issues. Benchmark 3: access valid health information and resources. Benchmark 4: explain how basic health information and resources are used in setting goals and decision-making. Benchmark 5: set personal health goals and record progress toward achievement. Benchmark 6: predict results of positive health decisions. Lesson Introduction: Physical activity, fitness profiles, nutritional guidelines, and fitness principles are key points in creating a personal fitness plan. The goal of your personal fitness plan is to set short and long-term fitness goals based on your strengths and weaknesses. Fitness is an important aspect of your daily life that will continue to be important throughout your life. By creating a personal fitness plan you will be able to have an understanding of what it takes to be physically and emotionally fit. Video they record or find of a good exercise to do/activity. Video of making a healthy recipe or Assignment: Personal fitness plan must fit a plan for two-week period. Students will record their physical activity and food on their Super Tracker account. This will be under my teacher group account. After the end of the two weeks they have to journal an Teaching Procedures: (With estimated times) 1. Students must start an account in our class’s group account 2. Set five goals for the two weeks. 3. You must record daily with calories and activities. This includes not only the calories but also recording the types of food: grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and protein. 4. Every day you must also do a journal entry for that day. This must consist of 200 or more words. 5. At the end of the two weeks. You must write up an analysis of how the process was for you in the online journal. This must include what you learned about a healthy lifestyle, nutrients facts, and a comparison of a food from the food-a-pedia. You must discuss your goals and if they were accomplished. Resources for students: Super Tracker Personal Fitness Plan Rubric Criteria Category Attractive and Organization Content Accuracy ContentAccuracy Sources 4 There are no grammatical mistakes in the fitness plan. 3 There are no grammatical mistakes in the fitness plan even after feedback from an adult. 2 There are 1-2 grammatical mistakes in the fitness plan even after feedback from an adult. 1 There are several grammatical mistakes in the fitness plan even after feedback from an adult. The fitness plan The fitness plan The fitness plan The fitness has all the has the has wellplans information information organized formatting and well-organized well-organized information organization of and all the and all the with a majority material are details and details and of the details confusing to information information and the reader. filled out filled out. information. completely with great care. All facts in the 99-90% of the 89-80% of the Fewer than fitness plan are facts in the facts in the 80% of the accurate fitness plan are fitness plan are facts in the accurate. accurate. fitness plan are accurate. Careful and Careful and Careful and Sources are not accurate accurate accurate documented records are records are records are accurately or kept to kept to kept to are not kept on document the document the document the many facts and source of 95source 94-85% source of 84graphics. 100% of the of the facts and 75% of the facts and graphics in the facts and graphics in the fitness plan. graphics in the fitness plan. fitness plan.