performance assessment lp1: functions, roles, and skills of managers

LEARNING PLAN 1: Functions, Roles and Skills Performed by Managers
COURSE: Principles of Management
CLASS SESSION: First Session, Tues, Oct 26, 2010 5:30-8:30 pm
Analyze the job of managers in organizations.
1. Identify the four functions of management: planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
2. Identify the three levels of managers: top level, middle level, and front line managers.
3. Identify the tasks performed by the three levels of managers in each function of
4. Identify the roles used to perform the tasks by the three levels of managers in each function
of management: interpersonal roles, informational roles and decisional roles
5. Identify the skills used to perform the tasks by the three levels of managers in each function
of management: technical skills, interpersonal skills, and decision-making skills.
When class is done today, make sure you put your “passport” in the
suitcase with your name on it!!
Assignment(s) for next class session:
1. Read Chapter 2: pg 44-55; pg. 67-74.
2. Complete the “Objective Case: Microsoft”-pg 29-31 and send to instructor via email.
Performance Assessment Task 1-“Analyzing the Job of Managers in Organizations” (see below)
“Plan B”If your site is not receiving video, but it is receiving audio, please do the following until video is
restored or until your instructor tells you otherwise:
1. Work individually or with a partner to complete the handout that was provided in the suitcase.
It is from pgs 27-28 in the textbook. When complete, put your name in the upper right corner of
the handout and put the handout along with any attached papers (attach with stapler) back into
the suitcase which will be returned by the site facilitator to your instructor.
2. When you have finished, let the instructor know and await further instructions.
If your site is receiving video but not audio, call the instructor at 715-570-1429. She will give you
further instructions.
If your site is receiving neither video nor audio, call the instructor at 715-570-1429. She will give
you further instructions.
For next session, in addition to your textbook, make sure you bring:
 A small prop or hat or other item that might be used by a character in a skit about the History of
Management. You should have read about those characters in Appendix A of the textbook. One
or two props is enough.
 Make sure you have the Performance Assessment for this session completed (see below).
 Make sure you have the assignments completed (in red above).
Directions: Please fill in the columns of the chart below using managers from a real or fictitious
business. First, fill in the title for each position. Then complete the rest of the chart. (Do not write
where the “X” appears). When you’ve completed the chart, use it as a guide to write a typed, 2
page (minimum) paper, double spaced, which details the tasks, roles and skills of each position. I
am looking for clear, well written descriptions.
Here is an example of what would be written in your paper for the position of “Kitchen Manager”
in a fictitious restaurant:
“The Kitchen Manager is a First-Line Management position.
Function: Planning
Task: Planning menus for special events.
In this task the manager uses the interpersonal role when they represent the restaurant when
meeting with clients, the informational role when seeking information to determine the client’s
needs and wants in menu items, and the decisional role when deciding the special menu items for
the special event.
The skills required to perform this task are technical skills that provide the manager with the
knowledge to recommend and describe potential menu items, human and communication skills to
be personable with clients and communicate menu options, and conceptual and decision making
skills to decide which menu items to present that will match the desires of the clients.”
Please email the paper to me no later than Sunday, Oct 31st. This assessment is worth 60 points.
Task Performed:
Task Performed:
Task Performed:
Role and Skill
used to perform
that task:
Role and Skill
used to perform
that task:
Role and Skill
used to perform
that task:
Task Performed:
Task Performed:
Task Performed:
Role and Skill
used to perform
that task:
Role and Skill
used to perform
that task:
Role and Skill
used to perform
that task:
Task Performed:
Task Performed:
Task Performed:
Role and Skill
used to perform
that task:
Role and Skill
used to perform
that task:
Role and Skill
used to perform
that task:
CONTROLLING Task Performed:
Task Performed:
Task Performed:
Role and Skill
used to perform
that task:
Role and Skill
used to perform
that task:
Role and Skill
used to perform
that task: