Shay/Wright Lab Low Oxygen Tissue Culture Chambers (copyright unprotected—please circulate) • Cheap, provides an easy way to devote part of an incubator to low oxygen conditions. Modular, meaning there is no cross-contamination between culture infections in the incubator, and if the CO2 in the incubators fails, the cells in the gas-tight low oxygen chambers are fine. • Chambers are Nalgene One Liter (32 Oz) polymethylpentene Straight-Side Wide-Mouth Jars stood on their heads with two holes drilled in the “bottoms” (which are now the tops). The holes (1/2 inch, drilled with a home drill-press using a flat ½” wood drill bit) get sealed with silicone rubber stoppers. The lid from a 10 cm petri dish serves to create a flat surface on which TC plates or flasks rest. • Put in the flasks, screw the container closed, flush for 2 minutes at 2 psi with a tri-gas mix (e.g., 2% oxygen, 7% CO2, 91% nitrogen), then plug the holes with the silicone stoppers. • Note that a T25 contains 75 ml gas space and a 10 cm dish contains 100 ml of gas space. The one liter jar actually contains 1.2 L of gas space. A stack of four 10 cm dishes thus contains 1/3 the total gas space, so that even if all of the exterior volume initially contains 2% oxygen, after it equilibrates the oxygen will be (0.4L*21% + 0.8L*2%/1.2L = ) 8% oxygen final. Thus you shouldn’t put in too many dishes, or should re-gas it after an hour to drive the oxygen lower if you really need it very low (tissue O2 is 1%-6%). The reason for using 7% rather than 5% CO2 is to compensate for the lack of CO2 inside the dishes to begin with. • Test the system by gassing and then just putting it on a bench for a week. If they leak, the CO2 will leak out and the medium will turn alkaline. Nalgene 2117-1000 polymethylpentene 1 liter Wide-Mouth Jar 10 cm petri dish cover inverted on top of “bump” on undersurface of lid Two ½ inch diameter holes drilled in top Threads coated with silicone vacuum grease so the lid screws shut easily and forms gas-tight seal Size “15D” silicone rubber stoppers (15mm diameter at big end) Bubble tubing connected to low oxygen tank Gauge to step down delivery pressure to 2 psi We use 2% Oxygen, 7% CO2, 91% nitrogen Of the different configurations we have tried (see below), the Nalgene 1L containers are by far the most gas-tight. The others work for 24-well plates or 15 cm dishes, but they leak and need to be regassed twice/week.