Simson - Aventura Waterways K

1) Story Structure: Setting, Plot, rising action, Conflict, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution
2) Types of Conflict: Internal/External
 Character vs Character
 Characters vs Self
 Character vs Society
 Character vs Nature
3) Compare/Contrast: Ex: Compare and Contrast the Greasers with the Socs. How are they
different? Alike?
4) Fact/ Opinion: Holocaust
5) Grammar: all NOUNS and all VERBS
 Common/ Proper Nouns
 Kinds of Sentences
 Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences
 Possessive Nouns
 Singular/Plural Nouns
 Sentence Fragments
6) Punctuation and Rules of Writing
 Indentation
 Capitalization
 Brainstorming (Cluster, Web)
 Transition words
7) Author’s Purpose: To inform, to persuade, to entertain
8) Gifted Novels: The Outsiders and Boy in the Striped Pajamas
 Conflicts: Ex: In the Outsiders, Ponyboy Curtis faces internal conflicts after the death of
his best friend Johnny. Explain what those conflicts are and how he resolves them?
 Characters Traits ( Curtis Brother, Bob Sheldon, Cherry valance, Bruno and Shmuel)
 Themes: Ex: How does the theme of innocence influence the novel Boy in the Striped
Pajamas? Or Explain how racism plays a role (and major theme) in both novels?
 Symbolism
9) Regular Novels: Tuck Everlasting
10) Regular Lit Text: Scout’s Honor, Helen Keller Story, Matthew Henson, All Summer in a Day
11) Reading Strategies: Inference, Evaluating, Predicting, Connecting
12) Expository/ Persuasive Writing
13) **** STORY PACKETS! (REVIEW: Notes, Vocabulary and Critical Thinking Questions)