Leader : A person who has people follow him willingly. P1 Leader is not alone P2 Leader is not a pusher nor a chaser P3 Leader bear fruits (Changed lives) P4 Fisher of men 得人如得魚 P5 P6 Who was the person that changed your life and you are willing to follow him/her instruction without any hesitation ? please think about this person and his/her unique characters. Character : Engraved trait of behavior and attitude based on noble principle . 人格,氣質 ? P7 Common character : Honest, trustworthy, sincere Good role model Caring Committed Good listener Held people accountable Treat people with respect Encourage people Positive and enthusiastic Appreciate and value people P8 Saint Francis of Assisi is said to have exhorted his followers to “preach the Gospel at all time, but only use words if necessary” Leaders lead by act not by talk. We communicate with people not by words but by our behavior and our attitude. It’s revelation of our life. Love is what love does. P9 Humility is a great starting point 85% of the general public see themselves as above average 100% think they are in the top half on their ability to get along with others, 60% rate them top 10% and 25% rate them top 1%. 70% think they are in the best 25% about their leadership ability, only 2% rate them below average. 60% male rate them in top 25% about their athletic capability and only 6% think they are below average. How many of you have a great boss as a leader ? You are lucky if you have one good boss (as a leader) in your whole career. Please humble yourself and learn to be a good leader and put It into practice. “Leader is like eagle, they don’t flock, you find it one at a time” P10 Leader is not a manager Manager manages task, project, organization, or a system, etc Leader leads people. P11 Definition of leadership Leadership : The skill of influencing people to enthusiastically work with their talents to the goals identified as being for the common good. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) It’s a skill (can be learned and can betrained) It’s an influential power (not authority) It makes people fully utilize their talents It encourage people to get enthusiastic (cheer leading) It get people aligned to the common vision/goal P12 Prerequisites of a leader (1) Clear vision for the group to identify with. (2) Understand that people is the only resource we have. (3) Win people’s trust. (4) Win people’s respect. (5) Touch people’s heart and get the resonance. P13 Vision Vision : God’s given mental picture of the future. It has to be tangible, people can identify with and be enthusiastic about it and be proud of it . Bible “where there Is no vision, people perish “ Human being have natural desire to excel and to accomplish as well as to be involved with a great success for noble goal. P14 People 人盡其才,物盡其用,貨暢其流 Design and produce Discover and transform natural resource Marketing And sales P15 People 各人要照所得的恩賜彼此服事、作 神百般恩賜的好管家. Leader makes sure the code of conduct and culture as well as value system of the group put the team above individual. Leader finds individual’s talent and let it shine as part of the puzzle of big picture. Leader makes sure the group succeed and fail together as a team. There will be no individual’s success at price of team’s failure. Team work usually lead to success. P16 Trust Always be sincere, always walk the talk, always keep your promise. Apologize if you make mistake. (leader is not perfect either) It’s all about credibility and integrity. Perform out of simple principle not out of personal gain or applause from others. Sincerity and honesty : No pretense and no deception Integrity : 操守。 Rigid adherence to high moral standard. Credibility : Capability of winning confidence. P17 Respect Be the first to face challenge during tough time Be the last to relax and celebrate Take responsibility and make tough decision. (never stand on the fence) Take the blame (There is risk with pioneering decision, and things can go wrong) Give the credit to the right people. Be selfless (meeting the need of others) and always put the team first Reduce the ego(自我形象,自我意識) and self pride (自我驕傲,自我的尊嚴,面子) to the minimal. Willing to sacrifice P18 Heart You and Me Physical Body receive, store , and analyze the information from outside world as well as inside the body Express yourself and communicate to “yourself” as well as others Actions to accomplish your will P19 You and Me Heart Physical Body Soul , Yourself receive, store , and analyze Mind the information from outside world Emotion as well as inside the body Will “Personality” Express yourself and communicate to yourself as well as others P20 Heart You and Me You and Me Law of physics Physical Body Soul , Yourself Physical Body Soul , Yourself receive, store , and analyze Mind the information from outside world Emotion as well as inside the body receive, store , and analyze Mind the information from outside world Emotion as well as inside the body Will “Personality” Express yourself and communicate Will “Personality ” Express yourself and communicate to yourself as well as others to yourself as well as others 理智與個性 P21 Heart You and Me You and Me Law of physics Physical Body Soul , Yourself Physical Body Soul , Yourself receive, store , and analyze Mind the information from outside world Emotion as well as inside the body receive, store , and analyze Mind the information from outside world Emotion as well as inside the body Will “Personality” Express yourself and communicate Will “Personality ” Express yourself and communicate to yourself as well as others to yourself as well as others Law of human relationship P22 Heart You and Me You and Me Law of physics Physical Body Soul , Yourself receive, store , and analyze Mind the information from outside world Emotion as well as inside the body spirit Will “Personality ” Express yourself and communicate to yourself as well as others Heart 良心 道德 公義 永恒 信心 熱心 Physical Body Soul , Yourself receive, store , and analyze Mind the information from outside world Emotion as well as inside the body spirit Will “Personality” Express yourself and communicate to yourself as well as others Law of human relationship P23 Analogy Human being Computer human brain PC/Pentium Automotive car soul programmer teenage driver spirit manager parents police It takes all three levels of entity to make it work P24 GOD Heart You and Me You and Me Law of physics Physical Body Soul , Yourself receive, store , and analyze Mind the information from outside world Emotion as well as inside the body Physical Body Soul , Yourself Law of spirit spirit spirit Will Will “Personality ” Express yourself and communicate to yourself as well as others receive, store , and analyze Mind the information from outside world Emotion as well as inside the body “Personality” Express yourself and communicate to yourself as well as others Law of human relationship Law of spirit overrules law of physics and law of society 25 Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverb 4:23 The spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing John 6: 63 Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow It is the heart that perceives God not reason. 26 Heart – win people’s heart by serving 你們中間誰為大、誰就要作你們的用人。凡自高的必降為卑、 自卑的必升為高。 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled; and whosoever shall humble himself shall be exalted Matthew 23-11,12 Anyone wanting to be a leader among you must first be the servant, If you choose to lead, you must serve. Jesus is the greatest leader ever. Time itself is named before and after him. There are 2 billion followers of Jesus after 2 thousand years. It stared with 12 people of very humble background. The country with the largest population of Jesus’ followers is the strongest one on earth. Great leader creates great result on great legacy. P27 Heart : 僕心領袖,servant leadership Old and new hierarchy , authority to serve Employee and worker CEO supervisor Vice president Middle level manager Middle level manager Vice president supervisor Employee and worker CEO P28 Heart What motivate you to serve while you have the authority to rule and command ? You have to LOVE your people. It’s a command for Christian and it’s a spiritual law for Non-Christian. Above all, it works. Global competition is forcing management value human resource a lot more. Traditional management by fear is not Good enough P29 Love : C.S.Lewis : Love does not mean an emotion, it is not a state of the feeling but of the will which we have naturally about ourselves , and must learn to have about other people. Jesus : Love your neighbor like you love yourself. Bible : Love is the fulfilling of the law. (愛成全律法) Bible : Love must be sincere. Margret Anderson : In real love you want the other person’s good, In romantic love (feeling) you want the other person. 愛是行爲的表現,理智的抉摘,永恒的堅持,而不是情感的宣洩 Vince Lombardi : I don’t have to like my associates, but as a man I love them. P30 Love Love comes from spiritual power and that’s why spiritual fruit is all about love. Love is patient (self control during adversity and conflict) love is kind(attention, appreciation and encouragement). It does not envy, it does not boast(humble). It is not rude(well mannered behavior out of true faith). , it is not selfseeking (selfless), it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs (forgiving) . Love does delight in evil but rejoices with the truth (honest, tough love, holding people accountable). It always protect, always trusts, always hopes, always persevere (commitment) . Love is the core of character. (engraved trait of behavior based on high moral standard) adversity does not build character…it reveals it." P31 Southwest Airline, an airline built on LUV. -most successful airline in the world Quote : In labors of love , everyday is a payday. Love, fun and efficiency Family relationship Spiritual growth P32 Summary Leadership is based on character (人格與氣質) Character is based on love Love is based on will and commitment Will and commitment is driven by spiritual power Spiritual power is based on faith in higher purpose Personality is part of nature Character and love is a skill that can be built Everyone can be a good leader It starts with a journey of faith and determination to follow the spiritual law and your conscience. The world will be a lot better if we have a lot more good leaders in every line of life. P33 Mission To create superior analog/mixed-signal core competency for total solution so that TI is the superior leader in wireless market. Vision To be the most respected and the most prestigious analog/mixed-signal technology development group in the world that shapes the future. Value Team Spirit Trust, caring, integrity Entrepreneurshi Proactive, risk taking, result-oriented, p customer-centered, IT’s our business Innovation Create superior technology with superior methodology for superior business success Quality Life Work, personal family life, faith spiritual maturity Management philosophy Management Philosophy (1) Manager is the servant, customer is the boss. Every employee makes decision (2) Complete open door from bottom up, complete alignment from topdown (3) We are a family. Be friendly, caring and considerate. No cuss no fuss (4) Zero politics, totally honest and straightforward. Business is business (5) Work smart before work hard. Never get burned out (6) To be the best in the world on everything we do (7) No mediocrity will be tolerated. Drive for excellence. It’s never good enough (8) Be gentle physically to each other and be tough mentally to the challenge we face. Ming… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … TAKE ME WITH YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ming, I just heard the news and I felt a loss knowing you are leaving. You have impacted many lives but I am not sure many TIers have been impacted any more than mine. I am honored and privileged to have known you. If it wasn't for you doing what so few would have done I would not have been here at TI today. I know God sent you into my life as I am certain he is calling you to help others. If you ever need my help I am here for you. May your life continue being blessed with love and success. Thank you, Words fail me upon hearing this. Of course I wish you the very best. You might be interested to know that you more than anyone else influenced my management style. I have never seen anyone manage with more tolerance for diversity in individuals (not just race, but work styles) than you, and I believe that usually allows a person's best to come forth. And there are not many weeks that go by that I don't ask myself, "How would Ming handle this situation?". I will miss you. Ming, Thanks for letting me know about your next step in life. I’m sure where ever you go, and what ever you do, you’ll have a positive influence on your surroundings, and be able to spread the love of God. May He richly bless you. Don't think, for a minute, that I don't realize the critical role you played in my recent success in Wireless. Not only did you provide the vision XXX needed to advance, but you also followed through on your commitments to give us the resources and latitude necessary to make it happen. Its also a lesson I'll never forget. Thanks for everything Good luck Ming, congratulations on that well deserved graduation. It was always wonderful being in class with you and I learned a lot about what it means to be a leader-servant from your example and the importance of "get job done". Without your support and counsel, my TI career would have been much less fun and much less successful. I have many memories from our working together. I recall you and I arguing with each other in front of I remember the sensitivity and care with which you handled xxxxx when he began to report to you and became ill. Without your support for XXX and methodology standardization, these ideas would Keh-Shu about reuse back in the XXXX days. not have been accepted and adopted. And most of all, if you hadn't seen and personally supported the potential of MSP India, there is no way the group would have been able to develop and achieve so much. I will always remember your answer to my question about what's the difference between bureaucracy and discipline: "Bureaucracy is bad; discipline is good." It's one of my all time favorite quotes because of it's simplicity and wisdom. I appreciate the advance notice. You've proven again that you're both a man of your word and The Word. What I didn't see was the date and location of your retirement get-together. Please let me know the details! In friendship, Ming I remember the first presentation I attended for you back in 1995 to the mixed signal team. I was impressed. It was What a journey!, becoming a half billion dollar operation, and msp design was the star of the show... Ming was the father of that team, yet it was there that you said something that I still remember until today.. You said: if you are a Manager, it is a responsibility, you ARE the "servant" of that team, you take care of them, you make them succesful.... This is resonating in me till today.. What I also admired about you, is that you always kept your faith ahead of you, you did not loose focus on what is important... May God guide you always to what is best.. My best wishes... We will stay in contact... I am in India this week, had I known, I would have come to shake your hand and wished you well before I left.. Regards Ming, Though I have heard something about this, it is still a big surprise. I haven’t seen a leader so positive, so generous, so humble … I have learnt a lot from you with a deeper understanding of meaning of life. Though I don’t have any religion, I do believe those great principles in Christian and Buddhism. I don’t think this world is fair, I do believe those nice people will have the final peace and happiness. Wish to have more discussion with you regarding this wonderful world and mankind. Wish you the best! Ming, I have enjoyed being in MSP and still remember the presentations you gave us on leadership and your great support to MSP India organization It did create very good leaders and great technical people Thanks for all the encouragement, motivation.. Wishing you good luck and thanks again for all the support Ming, It has been an honor and a pleasure working under your direction. You have made a huge difference in TI and were a key reason why TI exploded in the handset business in the analog domain in the 1990’s. You have one of those rare talents to bring the best on technical people and you are also one of the reasons why I am still in TI. Have a very enjoyable retirement! I will wait for the dust to settle a bit and invite you for lunch later this year. Regards, In fact, I learnt a lot from you on how to treat people fairly and most importantly treat them with respect. There are several reasons I am still with TI after many years but the most important reason was actually what you did. In 2000 I had taken over managing the applications team for the speech products group - this was shut down in 2001. Janet Yung, my direct report - was one of the people that was affected by the RIF in April. She passed away suddenly, later that year because of cancer. We decided to collect funds for her funeral in August of that year and I had no one to turn to get her life insurance re-instated so the parents could afford the expense. I turned to you for help – and you helped us a great deal by pushing through some of the red-tape and doing the right thing and also helped us push this in the Chinese community to collect funds. The family had asked me to be a pal – bearer in the funeral. The whole experience was real tough but I suddenly had faith in people like yourself who strive to do the right thing in TI. I will be in debt to you for helping the family in the time of need. You will be missed inside TI, The truth is that there is nothing noble in being superior to somebody else. The only real nobility is in being superior to your former self. - Whitney Young I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. – Henry Thoreau Set your spirit of truth free. P33