AP Mid Term Notes Cards Ascending tracts send messages

AP Mid Term Notes Cards
1. Ascending tracts send messages to_______________, while descending tracts send messages to_______.
2. Substance that crosses the synapse from terminal ends of one neuron to the dendrites of
3. The Central Nervous System consists of______________ & ____________ ________
4. The section of the brain that is responsible for smooth coordinated movements is?
5. The midbrain consists of 3 structures, name the correct order from the spinal cord.
6. Sensory neurons are also called_______________
7. Motor neurons are also called__________________
8. Another name for connecting neurons is___________
9. The vital centers are located in the_____
10. The outermost of the meninges is the__________
11. Cerebrospinal fluid is found between the____________________ &_____________________
12. This type of glia cell produces myelin for cells in the brain___________
13. This type of glia cell turns into a microbe-eating cell in inflamed brain tissue_____________
14. This type of tissue allows for rapid communication between various parts of the body
15. This type of tissue covers the body and lines many of the parts of the body.
16. This type of tissue specializes in movement of the body.
17. Blood is an example of this type of tissue
18. This tissue has few cells embedded in the intercellular matrix.
19. These two types of tissue have the greatest ability to repair themselves.
20. Hematopoiesis occurs in which area of bone (specifically)
21. The ends of the long bone are called________while the shaft is called _____________
22. Needlelike threads of spongy bone are called________________
23. What structure allows nutrients to reach osteocytes in the Haversian system
24. Chondrocytes are__________cells
25. Bone resorbing cells are_________________
26. Bone building cells are________________
27. Sutures are an example of this type of joint
28. Joint that uses cartilage to connect bones______
29. Joints that permit the widest range of movement.
30. Number of bones in the vertebral column
31. Process that is attached to scapula and provides a “space” for the head of humerus
32. Explain the major steps in the repair of a fracture
33. Describe the fissured , greenstick, and comminuted fractures.
34. The protein _________ has arms that “pulls” against the protein________ in muscle contraction
35. Neurotransmitter responsible for the release of calcium in muscle contraction
36. What is the minimal stimulus required to elicit a muscular contraction
37. Know the order of organization from filaments to whole muscle
38. Know the function of the transverse tubules
39. Know the function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
40. Explain the major events of muscle contraction and relaxation
41. What causes oxygen debt(explain in detail)
AP Mid Term Notes Cards
Know the difference between the prime mover, agonist, synergists, and antagonist in movement.
Which layer of the skin is responsible for tanning the skin
Which layer of the skin is avascular
Which layer of the skin contains Pacinian corpuscle and Messiniers corpuscle
List all the layers of the skin from deep to superficial.
Know differences of the 5 stratum layers of the epidermis
The muscle in skin that causes hair to stand erect. What is the function of this reaction.
Older cells of the skin harden in a process called__________
Know the 2 types of sudiferous glands. Where are they located (specific regions)
The origin and insertion for the transverse abdominis
The origin and insertion for the internal obliques
The origin and insertion for the gastrocnemius
The origin and insertion for deltoid
The origin and insertion of the pectoralis major
The origin and insertion for the trapezius
Location of major muscles, ie. Sartorius –thigh, etc.