Course Description - Loudoun County Public Schools

Riverside High School
Teacher Contact Information:
Ms. Kirsten Poland
(703) 554-8900
Course Description:
This course follows the course outline for Advanced Placement Computer Science, is an elective
beyond the Algebra II level and is designed to introduce the student to the use of interpreted and
compiled programming languages. In AP Computer Science, students use the Java programming
language concentrating on the AP Java subset.
AP Computer Science Exam:
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016 8:00 am
Recommended Supplies:
 Three ring binder with dividers
 Loose Leaf Paper
 Pencil
We will use remind to allow parents and students to sign up for text alerts about our class while
maintain confidentiality. To sign up:
AP Computer Science text @704f0125e to 81010
 Java Software Solutions for AP Computer Science – Lewis, Loftus, Cocking
 Blue Pelican Java – Charles E. Cook
 Barons’s AP Computer Science A – Roselyn Teukolsky
With a positive attitude, hard work, and determination, you will be successful in this class! I
encourage you to work together and collaborate when permitted; however, all work submitted for a
grade must be your own original work. I strictly follow the honor code written out in your
handbook. Cheating will result in penalties.
Grades in our class will be calculated with 90% of the grade determined by summative
assessments and 10% of the grade determined by formative assessments. For our purposes,
summative assessments include all formally graded assignments, including programs/labs, tests,
quizzes, and projects. Formative assessments include homework and in-class activities. Scoring
within these categories will be calculated using the simplest formula possible: (Points
Earned)/(Points Possible) x 100%. We have adopted this grading policy in an effort to streamline
student self-evaluation and to place equal emphasis on each component of the student’s grade.
Trust and Computer Ethics:
All students are expected to abide by the computer and network policies of Riverside High School
and Loudoun County. Students may only access the Java environment and programs. Any
student needing to use another application or the web must obtain permission to do so before
accessing them.
Honor Code:
Assignments that have been copied from another student or plagiarized will not be accepted.
Repeated violations will be referred to administration. It is understood that sometimes help is
required from others; when this is the case the following rules apply:
 No other student is permitted to touch your keyboard or mouse.
 The “helper” is permitted to go to the computer of the “helpee” only. (In other words, the
person who is doing the helping is to go to the computer of the person being helped, not
the other way around).
 It is not the job of the “helper” to simply provide the answers for the “helpee”. It is the
job of the “helper” to help the “helpee” discover the answer.
 If you are ever in doubt as to whether something is considered cheating or not, please
Class Policies:
All Riverside rules and policies apply in this class. Please note that there is NO EATING OR
DRINKING IN 1211! Students may have food allergies and use the same equipment in the
preceding or following class. Headphones and music devices are not permitted.
Classroom Website
The website has sections for general information, assignments, links, chapter materials (including
downloadable notes), HW hints, and test reviews. I suggest you take a few minutes and look at
the resources offered on the website. Parents can sign in using guest access and the enrollment
key provided during class. If you need the enrollment key, please email Ms. Poland. The URL for
the site is:
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
How do you grade tests and quizzes?
I award partial credit for tests and quizzes so you should attempt all the problems and show your
work. Solutions must be neat, organized, thorough, and easy for me to follow in order to earn
partial credit.
I was absent yesterday, what do I do?
Any time you are absent, it is your responsibility to check Vision for any assignments that were
given or due. Any handouts given during class will also be placed in the folders in the front of the
classroom. It is important to check with a fellow student or contact me regarding what you missed
before the next class.
If you are absent the day of a test or quiz, you will receive a makeup version that you will need
make up in your study hall. Every effort should be made to make up your tests and quizzes within
1 week.
What is my grade in this class?
For all grade reports, please login to StudentVUE. This will reflect your most current grade in my
class. If you have any questions, please speak to me before or after school, and not during class.
I need to go to the _____. What do I do?
There is a hall pass and sign-out sheet by the door. You may use this pass to visit the restroom
after checking with me. Only one person may be absent from the room at any given time. No one
may leave the room during the first 20 minutes of class.
We have read the above syllabus and we understand the expectations and policies for AP
Computer Science at RHS. We understand that success in this course demands consistent effort
both during and after school hours. We also understand this success can only be achieved through
diligence in attending class, completing assignments and making up work in a timely manner, and
obtaining teacher/peer assistance when needed.
Student Name (Please Print)_________________________________________________________
Student Signature __________________________________________ Date ___________________
Parent Signature ___________________________________________ Date ___________________
Student Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Nickname: ____________________________________________Grade:________Block:______
E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________________
What was the math class did you take last year? What was your final grade?
What kind of programming experience do you have, if any?
School Sports / Activities you’re involved with at or outside Riverside:
Do you have a job? If so, where do you work?
What is a fun fact about you that will help me get to know you better?
What is your goal for this class?
How can I help you be successful in this class? (Ex: How do you learn best?)
Any medical conditions I should know about? Any questions or concerns for me?